Saturday, September 2, 2023

Christians Attacked by Jews in Occupied Palestine

Edit: Meanwhile, one interviewee insists that this is just a small number of youthful right wingers. The assailants look quite numerous from all age groups.


  1. These right-wing Hebrew wingnuts are sometime known as the 'Gush Emunim' - the Remnant of the Faithful.
    They're similar to the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys here in the US. Criminal jailbait.

  2. Show me where Proud Boys have attacked anyone for sectarian reasons. Gosh, it would be great if they did, but they’re just not that based.

  3. It doesn't t surprise me these 'religious Jews' are attacking Christians. These are Talmudists. The Talmud teaches hatred and Anti-Christian actions, so we shouldn't be surprised by this. BTW, I noticed that this report came from the very Pro-Zionist CBN. These attacks must be happening quite often for them to take notice, otherwise they would keep their mouths shut about it.

  4. I ♥️ Meir Kahane

  5. "I ♥️ Meir Kahane"
    So do most Palestinians and not a few Israelis. Kehane was dealt with quite a few years ago. He has nothing more to say.

  6. Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the Apostles and most of the first three generations of disciples were Jews.

    1. Sadly, so were their persecutors.

    2. Oy veh, boomer take from Gaybrielle!

    3. The depth of your knowledge is astounding

  7. Hey, Yoel !

    Sell that at some other combox.

  8. "Sadly, so were their persecutors."
    Herod was and Idumean.

  9. Yoel Birkat, not so sure about that. Jesus made a clear distinction between some of the Hebrews and others, who he described as having the Devil for their father, were of the synagogue of satan. Also, Scripture describes "jewish" people silenced "for fear of the jews", which makes no sense...unless "the jews" were Edomites??
