Thursday, August 17, 2023

Promising Candidate for President of Argentina

Edit: sorry for the foul language, but this is likely the first right-wing candidate I’ve ever seen speak the language of people fed up with the Multi-Culti. I’m certain Argies are fed up. 

It’s a hint as to why Bergoglio has never travelled to his home country!

Javier Milei is /our guy/.





  1. Wow!
    He sure shut that bitch interviewer up.
    Interesting developments in the Argentine.

    Thanks for posting this.

  2. Stanislaw DjwooskovaAugust 18, 2023 at 12:21 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I am guessing the inhabitants of the Jewish Quarter in B.A. are taking notice.

  4. Despite the amazing Shellacking he gave this hapless model posing as a journalist, he’s a Rothbardian who doesn’t seem to have a problem with legalizing hard drugs and sex trafficking of minors. He’s not really electable.

  5. Why are you posting this when you still haven’t posted a tribute to the late great Paul Ruebens?

  6. Stanislaw DjwooskovaAugust 18, 2023 at 8:17 PM

    Tucker is very defensive about his dictator idols.

    Pancho the populist is just a carbon copy of Bonker T and the Brazil Nut who would legalize voter fraud, armed insurrection in their cause and public lying on an Olympian scale. Anything to get power and anything to cling to it indefinitely.

    Their pals Eastern Europe are not far removed either.

  7. "But Milei also has targeted Pope Francis, whom he considered to be a “communist.” Milei identifies as a Catholic, but he said many times that he has been accompanied by a rabbi, is studying Judaism, and that conversion is not out of the question." (Crux now, Aug 18)

    Pancho thinking of becoming a Hebrew? Big no no here.

  8. He could be playing the yids to keep them off of his back.
    Not a good strategy.
    The beanie boys will still eat you up and spit you out.

  9. "The beanie boys will still eat you up and spit you out."

    Thanks for sharing your personal experience, Nemo 8:56 AM
    Mazel Tov.

  10. Gaybrielle seems obsessed with tradition. I’ll bet he parades around his 30 million £ rectory in a bireta and stylish Gemelli lace surplice.
