Thursday, August 24, 2023

New Lockdown Coming UP! There’s a New Covid Variant in Town


Covid-19 Variant Could Cause Infections in Anyone Idiotic Enough to Get the Death Vaxx

Deja vu all over again!   Sue them!

We can be certain that Mark Shea, in addition to being up to date on his boosters, is locked away in his shithole with his mask back on.


  1. Pastoral Letter from Bishop Strickland, August 2023


    Texas Bishop Strickland accuses Pope Francis of undermining Catholic faith:

    For his self-referential theatrics and de facto break from Communion with the Pope, there has been an Apostolic Visitation of Strickland’s diocese.

    Texas Bishop Strickland accuses Pope Francis of undermining Catholic faith

    It would not be surprising at all if Tex is soon looking for a day job.

  2. Why are you picking on Shea? He’s been good on COVID

  3. "Why are you picking on Shea? He’s been good on COVID."
    It's convenient to belt someone over the head and play the blame game. It saves thinking and taking personal responsibility.

  4. Shea has been wrong about everything concerning COVID, and probably Monkey-pox too.
    He'll probably be duped by the alien invasion next Spring.

  5. Shea was only following the pope, every bishop except Vigano & Tucker of Texas, and the medical experts. You were listening to quacks when you dissed him.

  6. Shea, pope, bishops, Fauci, Biden: Catholic
    Tranced: Protestant

  7. So glad you included the 'Tranced' Can't leave them our can we, Bosco?

  8. Bart:

    Tancred was motivated by a spirit of disobedience, OKA: protestantism.
    Put your mask on, no one is interested in hearing what you have to say.

  9. Gayrbrielle is projecting his disobedience to God’s laws on the people who fear God.
