Saturday, August 19, 2023

Laicized and Heretical Bishop Hubbard Dies

 Edit: with several accusations of sex abuse against him, the evil Howard J. Hubbard has gone to his reward. He was 84 years old and left office at 75. Some will remember his pernicious and frequent mention by Catholic blogs for years as he worked hard to destroy Albany’s Catholic Church.

He never admitted to abusing children, although there are at least two credible cases, one involving a man who killed himself. 

Hubbard is in the Magic Circle USA clique of bad bishops who have worked to undermine and destroy the Catholic Church. While Hubbard was laicized under Francis’s regime, he is very much after the style of other NewChurch operatives and Sankt Gallen conspirators who protected and covered up for predators for decades.

Hubbard attempted to marry a woman subsequent to being laicized but the Vatican refused to release him from his priestly vows.

Pewsitters got to pay this evil man’s pension.

Cardinal Dolan had received 1,700 pages documenting Hubbard evil conduct.

Some shepherd, more of a wolf, although an obese Suzie from the Parish Council will defend him.



  1. He had the humility of Jesus and suffered almost as much for his flock. An example for shepherds of all denominations who is surely enjoying a well earned reward.

    1. I’m not a theologian but calling Christ humble seems problematic and Hubble was anything but.

  2. Is this cite linked to Church Militants? You should disclose that.

    1. No, but they like to rip off the sight.

  3. Church Militants? What’s that?

  4. The zealous enforcer of orthodoxy and orthopraxis, Benedict XVI, failed to move on Hubbard and McCarrick. And who could ever forget the Great Pole. He was on leave morally and pastorally in the exposed clerical child abuse of the past sixty years or so.

    It was the much-maligned Francis who sorted out the mess by getting rid of walking scandals like McCarrick etc. He hasn't stopped at these disasters either.

  5. Benedict did in fact move on bad clergy like McCarrick. Uncle Ted was rehabilitated by Bergoglio and entrusted with his Ostpolitik.
    Bergoglio only moved against Mccarrick after the press attention and obviousness of it all.

  6. "Uncle Ted was rehabilitated by Bergoglio and entrusted with his Ostpolitik."

    Both are simply gratuitous assertions without evidence. Show the reader some legally safe, credible proof, Nemo 5:26 PM.


  7. "Place my yoke on you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest for your souls ,,," - Jesus Christ (Matthew 11:29)

    You were saying, Anon 6:29?

  8. Restriction were put on McCarrick in 2010.

  9. Mother Hubbard, humble?

    Eeeehrm. … that’s funny!

  10. Another Bonker T supporter!

  11. "Restriction were put on McCarrick in 2010."
    There were no consequences when McCarrick ignored the bans. He probably knew where both JPII, Benedict and the Roman Curia had buried the bodies.

  12. Prove it, Gaybrielle.

  13. He married a woman a few weeks ago. Was the marriage consummated? Inquiring minds want to know. HA! Did he marry a chick with a d**k?

    I knew that Mother Hubbard was into chicks all along. Just look at him. Does that not scream "stud" or what?

    That altar boy molestation thing was just a ruse to throw everyone off of the scent.

    We might as well laugh at the whole pathetic thing and thank God that it's ended.

  14. "J.V. said...
    He married a woman a few weeks ago. Was the marriage consummated? Inquiring minds want to know. HA! Did he marry a chick with a d**k?

    I knew that Mother Hubbard was into chicks all along. Just look at him. Does that not scream "stud" or what?"

    Get out of the gutter, dirty mind, filthy mouth.

  15. Oh, dear.
    Listen to the Nannyscold.

    Did I offend your virginal ears?

    From now on I will be as pure as Hubbard was.

  16. Like Gaybriel Marcel, Hubbard was into women as well as boys.

  17. "Like Gaybriel Marcel, Hubbard was into women as well as boys." Takes one to know one.
    Thanks for sharing the details of your 'athleticism', Nemo 8:55 PM

  18. Thanks for sharing details of your tedium, Gaybrielle.

  19. "No, but they like to rip off the sight."
    Thanks for the valuable observation, Ces, but it's still a little hard to decipher. What are you on, Ces?

  20. Gaybrielle 909pm, not everyone is talking to you.

  21. "...not everyone is talking to you." Nemo 8:26 PM is either talking to a phantom or to him/her/itself.
    Get help before delusionality gets the better of you.

  22. Don’t you do anything useful, Gaybrielle?

  23. Why do you say hubbard was laicized when his request for laicization was denied?

    11.21.22 "Albany bishop asking to be laicized isn’t barred from publicly celebrating sacraments, as he claims"

    8.1.23 Denied laicization, retired Albany, N.Y., bishop marries in civil ceremony

  24. "Why do you say hubbard was laicized when his request for laicization was denied?"

    You should know by now that truth doesn't sell newspapers. Tucker and his hero, Bonker T, think truth is an option.
