Monday, August 14, 2023

JUNGE FREIHEIT Migrants in Germany Attack AfD Politician

 AfD state parliament candidate beaten up


 August 14, 2023

[Junge Freiheit] After a barbecue with campaign workers, migrants are said to have beaten the Augsburg AfD chairman to the point of being hospitalized.  Before that, they make sure, the politician says, whether it's really him.

AUGSBURG.  AfD politician Andreas Jurca was badly mistreated.  After he thanked campaign workers at a barbecue for their work in the Bavarian state election campaign, he reported to the Deutschland-Kurier that a group of migrants attacked the father and another party friend on Saturday night.  So far there has been no confirmation from the police.  The investigative authorities have not yet responded to inquiries from JUNGE FREIHEIT.

The President of the Augsburg AfD and its city council faction appeared on the portal in a video interview on Sunday evening.  Jurca is a seventh-place candidate on the AfD state list for the Bavarian state parliament elections.  On the way from the celebration, he encountered a "larger group of southerners," he reported.  "By southerners, I don't mean Spaniards or Italians."

 Perpetrators ask Jurca if he is the AfD candidate

The leader asked him: "Aren't you the Andreas Jurca from the posters?" Then, according to the father of a five-year-old daughter and a six-month-old son, he pretended to hold out his hand.  He was immediately hit by an accomplice - it went "black", as Jurca said.  Words like “shit Nazi” were used.


When the 35-year-old fell to the ground, "they started kicking me."  Jurca not only suffered severe bruises on his face and other minor injuries, the perpetrators said they also broke his ankle.  The severely short-sighted politician also lost his glasses in the attack.  When the perpetrators left him, he wanted to help his fellow party member.

AfD Party friend also attacked

Jurca was disoriented, he said, and according to his own statements, went off despite the badly injured ankle – but in the wrong direction.  Then he found his colleague: "His T-shirt was torn, he also had injuries, but thank God he wasn't as bad as I was." The attack on Jurca had warned him.

Only afterwards did he understand that the attack "had to do with politics".  Due to the shock on the phone, he initially said to the police on the phone, “they beat us for no reason”.  When he thought about it further, it occurred to him: "There must be a connection, if he asks for my name, has it confirmed again, and then the blow hits the nail on the head."

“I wanted to go back to my children”

 His wife and mother then persuaded him, according to Jurca, to "stop by the hospital."  During a CT scan, the doctors found that the bone in the ankle was broken.  Because of his head injuries, the doctors wanted to keep him in the clinic, "but I wanted to go home and also wanted to go back to my children."

Jurca sees the blame for the violence "in the agitation against us, that we are so demonized".  When asked by Deutschland-Kurier interviewer Gabrielle Mailbeck, who is also leader of the AfD-Augsburg parliamentary group, what he would say to those who might say he deserved this attack, Jurca said: "That's exactly why I'm doing politics.  These are the people who want to lead us back into tyranny.  There is no political edict for violence.  If we live in a democracy, then we have to be able to put up with the fact that other people have different opinions.”

 A new state parliament will be elected in Bavaria on October 8th.  According to polls, the AfD is about the same as the Greens and Free Voters in second place. Just last week, Antifa in Hesse called for violence against AfD politicians.  There will be elections on the same day.  (fh)



  1. On the way from the celebration, he encountered a "larger group of southerners," he reported. "By southerners, I don't mean Spaniards or Italians."

    Quite possibly Maltese.

  2. I suspect farther south than Malta.

  3. Leave it to Gaybrielle to be unconcerned about the effects of migrant violence.


  4. German fake right party lead by fake sspxer who controlled purse strings

  5. "Prejudice is a great time saver. You can form opinions without having to get the facts."

    (E.B. White - 20th century American children's writer)

  6. AfD is also very pro-Israel. That doesn’t stop the anti-semitism charges .
