Thursday, August 24, 2023

Bishop Strickland Warns of Schism in Upcoming “Synod”

Edit: these things aren’t really meant to solve problems, they’re meant to build consensus, locate opposition and neutralize opposition. 



  1. Yes, commies love groups, mobs, hearings, cities etc. and group dynamics where they can bully less assertive group members into supporting crap they would never support independently, and identify, ridicule and marginalize, and neutralize "resistors". Works like a charm. Most folks will not stand firm against the pressure of the group.

  2. Pastoral Letter from Bishop Strickland, August 2023


    Texas Bishop Strickland accuses Pope Francis of undermining Catholic faith:

    Apostolic Visitation of Strickland’s diocese.
    Texas Bishop Strickland accuses Pope Francis of undermining Catholic faith

    Tex will be joining Vigano in the schisamtics resort. Well done cowboy.

  3. I would have to agree, Joe Carpenter.
    He will be told to get out of town by sundown very soon.
    Maybe he can mosey up to the Taylor Marshall ranch and camp out there.
    Tay-Tay would be tickled pink to give him a bunk.

  4. It seems the same camp writing Vigano's epistles has acquired a new 'bishop' mouthpiece. If opus dei gets its way the church will be orthodox (bishops under the patriarchy of putin (or some other tyrant)) so what is the difference between Francis synod of bishops or opus dei's? It amounts to the same thing: the break up of the church and church authorities under the rule of the devil/worldly interests.

  5. "..If opus dei gets its way the church will be orthodox (bishops under the patriarchy of putin (or some other tyrant)) so what is the difference between Francis synod of bishops or opus dei's?"

    Given that you don't know the difference, it only goes to demonstrate very clearly why people like you are so profoundly confused Get help.

  6. JC - how is francis breaking up the Church different than opus dei breaking up the Church? They are both enemies of God and their neighbor and both work for the devil/material things of this world.

  7. The "roads" scholar can't even spell Tancred!
