Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Bergoglio: Jesus “Changed” Himself

 (Rome) Yesterday, Sunday, at the Angelus in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis interpreted the Gospel for the 20th Sunday of the year, Cycle A (Mt 15:21-28) according to the Novus Ordo Missae.  The head of the Church came back to a kind of favorite topic: rigidity.  He countered that Jesus had “changed” and did not rigidly stick to his positions.  Here are the relevant passages:

 “The Change of Jesus.  He addressed his sermon to the chosen people;  but then the Holy Spirit drove the Church to the ends of the earth.  But here an anticipation takes place, one could say, so that the universality of God's work is already manifest in the story of the Canaanite woman.  This readiness of Jesus is interesting: in the face of the woman's request, "he anticipates the plans", he becomes even more indulgent and compassionate in the face of her specific case.  God is like this: He is love, and whoever loves does not remain rigid.  Yes, it stays firm, but not rigid.  He does not remain rigid in his own positions, but allows himself to be moved and stirred;  He knows how to change his programs.  Love is creative, and we Christians are called upon to be willing to change if we want to imitate Christ.  How much good it does in our relationships, but also in the life of faith: be meek, really listen, be touched in the name of compassion and the good of others, as Jesus did with the Canaanite woman.  The gentleness to change.  Meek hearts to change.


 For example, starting from Jesus' change: Am I able to change my mind?  Can I be understanding and compassionate, or will I remain rigid in my points of view?  Is there a rigidity in my heart?  What is not strength: rigidity is bad, strength is good.”

 Text/Translation: Giuseppe Nardi

 Image: Vatican.va (Screenshot)

Trans: Tancred vekron@hotmail.Com



  1. Jesus, 'who is', is of course unchanging. He is always perfectly both God and man. That doesn't mean Jesus is 'rigid'. Traditional Catholics are not 'rigid' either, merely constant. Traditional Catholics love having an immutable rather than a mutable church. Jesus doesn't change the law but completes it, and the law is then eternal. Eternal law is good and predictable (we don't worship a capricious or changeable God) because we know what is expected and can live our lives in accord with that, and the law remains the same for each generation.

  2. Thank you, Anon 2:05, well said. The blathering satanic communist usurper doesn't mind sounding like a lying fool, I'll give him that. He's getting pretty old and diseased to be disrespecting God.

  3. Oooh, we do despise Papa Francesco almost as much as we hate Darkies, eh?

  4. Henk, what are "Darkies", and why do you hate them?
