Monday, August 14, 2023

AfD Politician Brutally Beaten by “Southerners” in Augusburg

Andreas Jurca was on his way home from a barbecue on Friday night (11th and 12th August) when he was attacked and beaten by a group of unidentified men.  For the AfD politician, it is clear that his party affiliation was the reason for the attack.

Augsburg – The AfD politician Andreas Jurca (35) is the President of his parliamentary group in the Augsburg city council and President of the Augsburg district association and a candidate for the state elections in Bavaria.  On the night of Saturday (August 12) he was on his way home with a party colleague from a barbecue for campaign workers when he said he was approached by a group of unknown men.  "You're the one from the AfD posters" the strangers are said to have addressed him when he suddenly got a slap in the face.

Jurca fell to the ground and was kicked in the head.  In the meantime he is said to have fainted.  He was badly bruised, mostly on his face, and injured his ankle and required hospital treatment.  Media close to the party distribute video recordings showing Andreas Jurca with serious injuries and a badly swollen face.  Jurca says the group were southerners, but he doesn't mean Italians or Spaniards.  The severely short-sighted man cannot say how many people were involved in the attack.  He lost his glasses in the attack and it was very dark.  His companion also fell to the ground.

The press office of the AfD parliamentary group in the Bavarian state parliament has published a statement, according to which the attack is a direct consequence of the constant agitation against their party, which is "constantly insulted by the established parties as right-wing extremist and anti-democratic".

The Swabian North police are aware of the incident and initial investigations are underway.  An official press release is expected on Monday (August 14) that will explain the course of events in more detail.  A police report from Augsburg had previously been shared on social networks, which involved a violent confrontation without a political background in a pub in Augsburg.  A connection to the attack on the AfD politician was mistakenly drawn.



  1. Please keep us up on this story.
    This (or any other similar News story) never gets into the News here in the U.S. .

  2. Maybe the 'southerners' are just a pack of nasty tempered Tyroleans.
