Hatred of Speech Laws: 2 Podcasts and a Treatise‘Essentially it is totalitarian . . . in its attempt to close down not just speech, but actually thought. It’s trying to turn off thought at source, so it doesn’t get to the root of the tongue.’
The Internment of ThoughtOnce again, Ireland finds itself functioning as the petri dish of a predatory experiment orchestrated by the motherWEFfers and their puppet masters. The Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill, 2022, now at the final stages prior to enactment, and without other than token parliamentary resistance, is the prototype for a form of thought-control previously associated chiefly with the great tyrannies of the twentieth century. In the past few weeks, largely thanks to the sterling ingenuity of activists like Keith Woods, the Ireland’s latest descent into shame and degradation has come to the notice of international figures, like Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson. But even yet, the message has failed to penetrate the mainstream of public discussion, in Ireland or elsewhere, so that the former free West continues to sleepwalk into the digital dungeon being prepared for it. Two years ago, I wrote of the then threatened legislation: Unless constitutionally overturned, the ‘hate speech laws’ . . . will turn Ireland into a two-tier society of adult-children who cannot be looked crooked at and will have no responsibility for anything, and adults who will require to tiptoe around the adult-children for fear of offending them, to be held responsible for every conceivable remotely slighting meaning of their words or actions. The Bill, therefore, if made into law, will achieve all the things the authorities currently claim are resulting from our ‘racist’ society. It will divide the ‘community’; it will give rise, in the absence of the capacity for verbal exchanges, to violent interaction; it will turn Ireland into a profoundly racist society. There are those who say that this is the intention behind it; that, as a Cultural Marxist instrument, it is designed to foment division and chaos, leading eventually to civil war. If so, it will in time be a resounding success. In recent weeks, as the Bill made its way — with minimal resistance — though the Irish parliament, I have been working in common with other Irish writers and commentators to alert and inform the outside world of what is happening in our country, and to warn them that it is soon to happen to their countries too. Below are links to two of the interviews I’ve conducted in the past week. One is with Patrick Henningsen of the alternative podcast platform, 21st Century Wire; the other was conducted on The Freeman Report with James Freeman, and broadcast on TNT Radio, Australia. We have provided individual links for each of the interviews, so that they can be shared separately as well as in the form of the complete post. Please share the links as widely as possible. Underneath them is a link to a comprehensive analysis of the Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill, 2022, first published here on Substack last October, which includes also links to previous articles I’ve written on the same subject. Please also share however possible. Link to Sunday Wire interview with Patrick Henningsen: https://www.bitchute.com/video/aY7kGkOzk7Qz/ Alternative link for 21st Century Wire podcast: (On this version, the interview starts at 31 minutes) https://21stcenturywire.com/2023/05/07/episode-464-irish-authoritarianism-with-guest-john-waters/ Link to James Freeman Show on TNT: https://tntradiolive.podbean.com/e/john-waters-on-the-freeman-report-with-james-freeman-09-may-2023/ Link to my October Substack 2022 analysis of the Irish version of ‘hate speech’ laws: https://johnwaters.substack.com/p/hate-speech-laws-welcome-to-stasi |
Thank you for posting!
“You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘worthless one' is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.
- Jesus Christ (Mt 5:21-22)
Well said!
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