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The Soy is Real |
Edit: we got a note from a reader in Cincinnati about this fruitcake priest of Columbus, Ohio who’s suffering from Covid even after getting the death vaxx multiple times.
Reverend Michael J. Lumpe, from Chaplain, Mother Angeline McCrory Manor and Villas at St. Therese, Columbus, to Pastor, St. Michael Church, Worthington, continuing as Vicar for Senior and Infirm Priests and Diocesan Coordinator of Hospital Ministry, effective July 11, 2023. Source: https://columbuscatholic.org/announcements/13751
Is this a promotion? St. Michael’s looks like an affluent parish. It has to be better than the nursing home.
“Father Lumpe, who is the diocesan former Vicar for Priests, who brazenly posed for a Pro-jab photo a couple of years ago, was sick with Wu Flu eight weeks ago. He is now sick with it AGAIN!
He also hates the real Mass.”
Karma is a female dog 🐩!
Porky 🐷 was wingman to Bishop Brennan. He liked to send young tradition-minded priests “out to the country.” If you crossed the Lavender Mafia, you got put in the nuthouse. Rumors are spreading now that the chancery on Gay Street (not-a-joke) has many jab injured people.
The question everyone one is asking: How many lumps did Lumpy take? I suspect one for each time he got the CCP Flu. 😷
It’s no wonder he got along so well with Bishop Brennan, a bishop who walked all over holy priests to advance his episcopal career.
Keep this shedder away from the elderly.
He looks like Cardinal Marx.
Where is this clown 🤡 now?
I found his Facebook page. Looks like he’s Jesuit trained!
$5 says he’ll get another booster ASAP
Does anyone know his orientation?
“Not that there’s anything wrong with that,” but there is an immunocompromised demographic that is particularly vulnerable.
Our Lord Jesus Christ — the true Physican of Soul and Body — we pray that you receive the repose of the souls of all those who were deceived and coerced into taking the experimental COVID drugs and have now, through no fault of their own, met an untimely and unjust death.
May your mercy also be shown to those who are injured and their carers.
Bring comfort to us, Lord. We ask that You draw close your Church here on Earth, who now navigate a world without those whom we love, because of the poisons that so many of our loves ones were given through deception and coercion.
May we set our sight on You, the only true Healer of the world, who gave Your Body and Blood for our salvation, and may we experience some of that salvation now, as solace, during our time of mourning or sickness.
To all of our loved ones, may eternal rest be granted unto them, O Lord. Let Your perpetual light shine upon them and may their souls — and the souls of all the faithful departed — rest in peace. Amen.
And may those responsible for this mass genocide be stopped now and punished!
All those who got the Covid clot shot knew it was made by dismembering the bodies of living human infants aborted from their mother's womb but because they either didn't care about that or more often they thought it was just grand they chose to be injected.
Is this the prick they used to call "black glove" who brought all the homos into the Josephinium?
You’re probably thinking Cupich but that was years ago. Cupich was tyrannical on the jab in Chicago and wouldn’t allow his priests to refuse it nor write exemptions. I don’t think Brennan ever went that far. Maybe because he knew he was heading back
to NY.
FWIW, It’s Josephinum not Josephinium
I opposed the jab primarily on moral grounds. But, I also thought the disease was overblown and I was skeptical about the claims of the vaccine’s effectiveness. Watching the Dems flip from saying they’d never take Trump’s jab to mandating it was a factor too.
Three years later, when I look back, I conclude that I couldn’t have written a better script for my enemies.
I’m delighted the clergy are being exposed now.
With all due respect you are disparaging a good and holy priest of the Diocese of Columbus. If you think ill of him simply because of getting the Covid vaccine you are overlooking all the good that he has done in leading souls to heaven, preaching the truth, instituting weekly Holy Hours at every parish he has served (including St. Joseph Cathedral that had no weekly Holy Hour for over 30 years!), increasing confession schedules, helping the poor and needy, and celebrating the Mass reverently. I have known Fr. Lumpe for many years and I have never heard him make any disparaging remarks about the EF Mass, in fact he disagrees with the heavy-handedness of Rome in coming down hard on those who celebrate the EF Mass and who attend the EF Mass. His father died early last year (2022), he asked for time away from seminary duties to take care of his elderly mother as his siblings and family all live outside of Ohio; during this time he administers the sacraments at three major hospitals in Columbus, and takes care of the senior residents at the Villas and Mother Angeline where he lives for this year. He is a hard-working, holy priest; he is not gay or part of any Lavender Mafia as some insinuate in this blog. He is a cancer survivor, and believes in the power of the sacraments, especially Anointing of the Sick, and in the real-presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Ask any of the Dominicans at Saint Patrick's about Fr. Lumpe and you will come to know that he is a good and holy priest whose priestly vocation is dedicated for the salvation of souls.
He’s like what is often said of the Holy Roman Empire, except the Holy Roman Empire was Holy, Roman and an Empire.
He’s not holy or good if he’s shilling for baby murdering pharmas.
Anonymouse 4:38
Lumpe is an apparatchik in a diocese that punishes orthodoxy and an all around clerical thug. He shut down the TLM at Sacred Heart and has everyone scratching their heads when he sighs and says: Am I the only straight priest in the diocese? Protesting too much?
Appealing to the Dominicans to make your case might've flown three years ago. But, they got woke during Covid. Masks, jabs, the whole deal. Decades long parishioners who flocked to their "reverent Novus Ordo" have left.
This situation is to the detriment of all.
I saw Brennan offer Mass at St. Patrick’s as his last hurrah prior to leaving for Brooklyn. He was only here to pad his resume.
You should’ve seen the solemnity with which he performed the New Rite of the Hand Sanitizer. It made all the other rubrics of the Mass seem so perfunctory. And, those conservative Dominicans played right along.
While a complete recovery may seem like the best possible outcome, we should at least pray that this porcine bi-sexual thug be given enough time to repent before this or something worse than Kung-Flu takes him.
May that be an inspiration to those he has driven from the Faith.
May the vocations he has ruined be restored.
St. Peter Damian, we seek your prayers and the intercession of the Holy Spirit to deliver us from the scourge of priests like this.
Does this priest pretend to be conservative while being hostile to the TLM, or is he just another Jimmy Martin wannabe?
I thought the bishop of Columbus was pretty friendly to tradition and comes from a family of physicians.
Poetic Justice!
Put him on a ventilator and let Cardinal Burke anoint him in Latin.
Use the blessing for incense.
How do I post pictures?
Every photo I find has this tool bag wearing a mask.
A good tool bag would do that.
Can there be a better example of how $hit floats to the top?
Meanwhile back at the V2 ranch what's happening in the Bishop David O'Connell murder case? Has the LAPD stopped their homicide investigation like the states stopped counting votes on November 3, 2020? C'mon EP any news?
Did O'Connell take the jab?
Yes, he had the shot.
3/16 @6:06 pm:
The details of the murder have already been buried. (Sorry, Jesse Romero, but the real story will never come out ).
The accused will plead guilty and will disappear into the Correctional System.
Only the sketchiest details will be released to the public.
Any updates on her condition?
Unless one’s health prevents taking the COVID-19 vaccine, take the damn vaccine and move on with life like the rest of us. Your not special. Plus, vaccines only work when as many people as possible take a vaccine. I am so sick of all the whining over this. The science is 100% Spot-On, and the statistics could not be more clear, e.g., those up to date with COVID-19 vaccines are very unlikely to be hospitalized, or die, from COVID-19. All you folks had the vaccines required to attend Public School. They didn’t kill you, or adversely affect you, no doubt. All of a sudden we have a portion of the American population who are intentionally choosing to no longer accept science of any kind, but to embrace ignorance. This is absolutely insane. Take the damn COVID-19 vaccines and move on with life like the rest of us.
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