Monday, October 10, 2022

Happy Columbus Day




  2. Frank, the twelve year old brain fart ululating the accomplishment of a clapped out European colonizer is very isn't doing the cause much good.
    Get help.

  3. You aren't worthy of cleaning out the latrine of a man like Columbus you filthy gook pigsh-t. ngookyen.

  4. Moterator:

    Remove these racist audio and comment.

  5. The gook started it by his disparaging comment calumniating Columbus. He obviously considers himself vastly superior to a man that did something he could never do, not if he were to live a thousand years. You people ( nguyen & chan) like to dish it out but you don't like taking it. Not everyone will grovel before you boy. If it hadn't been for the French your kind would still be living in barbarism. You ought to thank the "colonizers" for having given you an alphabet to replace the absurd system of writing that retarded your development for so many centuries. An alphabet is a simple easily conceived idea yet your kind never thought of it & persisted in using your ridiculous thousands of characters, glorified picture-writing; what does that say about your pretended superiority boy?

    You would have been much better off if the French had continued ruling you, maybe they could have taught you their civilised Aryan language, this would have greatly assisted your kind's mental development. It certainly sounds better than goo how boo gook jee fow you! Ha ha ha!

  6. "You would have been much better off if the French had continued ruling you, maybe they could have taught you their civilised Aryan language, this would have greatly assisted your kind's mental development. It certainly sounds better than goo how boo gook jee fow you! Ha ha ha!"

    OOooooonnnm we don't like Charlie, do we?

  7. I thought Koreans were gooks, not Vietnamese


  8. People who don’t have any loyalty to the West should be silent, and develop some respect the achievements of the great European peoples that brought them so much.

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  10. Bunch of slanty-eyed b@stards

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