Monday, August 1, 2022

What is the way forward for the SSPX & SSPX resistance ? A Conversation with John Salza 🥴


  1. Mr. Salza needs to define "Traditionalist". If it means going to a Latin Tridentine Mass, frequenting Opera, and Classical concerts, and understanding different wines, with a refined connesseur taste for the snooty intellectual subtleties of wines, then I'm out. I get that feeling I hang out with the Indult crowds. Sorry, but I don't speak or write "British" and I refuse to watch upholstered or "Victorian Era" shows. The language is today called "American" because there is no more Britain.America owns the Brits. Even their Monarchy is a boring puppet show.
    I'll say this what I have said many times before: it"s not Canon Law that rules. It's the Spirit of the La that applies.Mr Salza's profession deals with satisfying the details of Pharissaic Laws. That's what he undetstands.

    1. Agreed. He’s a gatekeeper for continued Jewish control of society and suppression of the Faith. He’s probably working for the Vatican 2 Church, bought and paid.

  2. They'd be a certainly in the Eurovsion Contest.

  3. For me, Salza's argument sinks immediately simply because he has the premise that Vatican II "clergy" are (1) Catholic and (2) have valid Ordination.

  4. Since Satan is unable to destroy the Papacy, inasmuch as it is of divine institution (cf. Acts 5:38-39) and indefectible (see Mt 16:18; Lk 22:31-32), he installed a series of false popes instead while in actual fact the Chair of St. Peter remains vacant. This “operation of error” (2 Thess 2:10) is now at work while Our Lord’s prophecy, “I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep shall be dispersed” (Mk 14:27), is fulfilled a second time.

    The most popular alternative to Sedevacantism, the position of the so-called “recognize-and-resist” traditionalists, is powerfully refuted not only as being directly contrary to the perennial Catholic magisterium but as overturning the very purpose for which our Blessed Lord established the Catholic Church to begin with.

    The talk is available for free in video format, in audio format, and as a written transcript.

    You can watch the video in the embedded player below or directly on YouTube by clicking on this link.

  5. I don't believe a SINGLE baptised person of goodwill trapped in the Novus Ordo will remain there a moment longer than they ought if they ditched their Protestant preachers and heard sermons by Catholic Priests and Bishops.

    - SGG:
    - MHTS:
    - CMRI 1:
    CMRI 2:

  6. The SSPX is a juggernaut that grows daily.
    There is no need for them to justify their existence.
    They are holding on to (and passing on to their young members) Sacred Tradition as we have always known it.
    The N.O. church has few young members to carry on. Don't believe me? Believe the Stats.
    The SSPX could very well be the future of the Roman Catholic Church in the world.

  7. Why does Mr. Salza leave out his expertise as a Mason and how the SSPX financed and published his book, "False Pope"? Why did Robert take 9 years before leaving Fr. Maciel?

  8. Salsa is just as questionable as Milo.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I’m not surprised that the false church has begun to send out its lackeys, like Mr. Salza

  11. A popular tactic of those who disagree with any individual is to dismiss them
    as controlled opposition which, they think, excuses them of any responsibility for explaining why that person is wrong
