Friday, June 24, 2022

NEVER let the professional Catholics forget.


Ivanmijeime said...

Wiegel is a schmuck.

James said...

Weigel is such a.........Weigel.

Anonymous said...

Of course, no one is perfect I was not happy with Trump backing Dr Oz.
But considering that all candidates back the "Constitution", Trump oftentimes is a lesser evil.
Weigel believes in Vatican II, specifically, religious liberty which is a sin. The Church traditionally teaches Evil and Falsity have no Rights. We don't have a "Right" to make a mistake. Mistakes can only be tolerated, out of Charity.

Anonymous said...

Guys like Weigel and this broad next to him are great examples of thought leaders on "The Right" that were never serious. They liked feeling morally superior and losing every cultural battle with class and grace. Trump did more than any GOP politician in forty years to get Roe overturned. I'm sure Weigel would have been perfectly ok with a Hillary Presidency and a growing Pro-Life Movement that got bigger and bigger every year--and would continue to lose every cultural battle with class and grace. For the life of me, I cannot remember who remarked that the March for Life was little more than a combination of right-wing virtue signaling coupled with a class reunion for graduates of Catholic high schools/colleges.

Wendi said...

Why do they keep trotting out this blowhard?

Samuel Lewis said...

Before he went off the deep end, it was said that Mark Shea was the David Rodham Gergen of American Catholicism. Weigel has taken up the mantle.

Jeremiah Alphonsus on Youtube said...

Has a single one of these never-Trump neocon cretins apologized?

Aqua said...

Some people just always get the wrong answer. Sadly, that's how it is for Weigel - always on the opposite side from correct.

He's figured out a way to get paid for being wrong, so at least he has survival skills.

Dad29 said...

It will not surprise anyone to learn that Weigel also hates the Latin Mass. Learned that at a fund-raising dinner about 40 years ago (he spoke) and have had little use for him ever since.

Anonymous said...

To be kind? George Weigel et al give wings and meaning to the term "Professional Catholic" In short, his brand of Catholicism is of a poorly disguised modernist with all the "flexibility" as required.

Anonymous said...

Weigel said this in March 2016, when GOP had plenty of opportunity to pick a Cruz or Rand Paul, who would have been less likely to have become president warp speed. It simply wasn't a question of Hilary or Trump at that point.

breathnach said...

Empty suit Weigel is an armchair warrior who loves Forever wars. Weigel hasn’t the slightest intention of ever bringing the battle to the anti Catholic, culture of death Left.

Anonymous said...

who is having sex with these pro-aborts???

Fr. VF said...

In 2016, an archbishop sneers at those who perceive a difference between Trump and Hillary. The average 2016 carton of milk has aged better than this.

Hal said...

Chaput is a tragic neo-con. The elections of both Trump and Francis struck them with a hard blow.

Other bishops like Nighty-nite Tobin practically told people to vote for Sleepy Joe.

Jeremiah Alphonsus on Youtube said...

It was clear by that March 2016 that neither Cruz nor Paul had a chance.

Anonymous said...

Not lisping Rubio either.

Austin Thompson said...

Can you verify that Timothy Gordon got fired for distributing marijuana to highschoolers?

Austin Thompson said...

Can you verify that Timothy Gordon got fired for distributing marijuana to highschoolers?

Anonymous said...

We heard you the first time.
Now, go away.

Mary Eastwood said...

who are you??

rohrbachs said...

Maybe we need to get on the Rand Paul bandwagon early this time then. He's got a human life amendment where trump has rape exceptions that he had wanted to molest GOP platform with btw.

Stop Voris said...

Rand Paul is all blather, tickles my ears, but it's still blather. He wouldn't accomplish anything near what Trump did. AND, as a doctor, he's more dangerous than Trump by advocating the jab for most.

Anonymous said...

"Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) challenges HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra on the Biden administration's vaccine mandates and says the science is against them when it comes to naturally acquired immunity for those who have already had COVID-19 infections. "The science is against you on this. The science is clear. Naturally-acquired immunity is as good as a vaccine," Paul says. And he points to an Israeli study that he says shows people who have been vaccinated against COVID are more likely to get infected again than people who had COVID before and recovered but who did not get vaccinated. "This isn't an argument against the vaccine, but it's an argument for letting people make a decision who already have immunity," he says. "

Mike said...

Cardinal Dolan himself said, on his own Sirius Radio Show, === that Planned Parenthood provides many wonderful services, such as Free Breast Exams! Why are we holding a nominal Protestant and erstwhile playboy to a higher standard than our own princes of the Church???

Jeremiah Alphonsus said...

Dolan is no prince of the Church. Just as actual popes must be actually Catholic, so must actual cardinals be actually Catholic. If there’s anything both Francis and Dolan have made crystal clear, it’s that they’re not actual Catholics. Thus they’re complete impostors. Theirs is the Novus Ordo Antichurch, not the actual Catholic Church.

It takes no juridical authority whatsoever to see this reality. One need not be a coroner to recognize a dead body.

Anonymous said...

I know the motives behind those who have him talk, but Why does anyone listen to Weigel?

Jeremiah Alphonsus on Youtube said...

People listen to Weigel because he seems smart and they’re unaware of his toxicity. A common story.

Sam said...

I see that Egg McMuffin is running again as a spoiler in Utah. I remember a lot of self rituous Catholics supporting him for POTUS in 2016 when it wās obvįouś he was bęing promoted by Hillary.