Thursday, February 24, 2022

Bloody Passover in Ukraine

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Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Putin in 'Orthodox' drag.

Gladstone said...

Jewish ritual murder preceded 1100 A.D., continued well after 1500, and is absolutely rampant in the Jew controlled rat maze that some call modern society.

Regarding the hatred of Russian and Ukrainian Slavs: the Kievan Rus -forerunners of the Russian Empire- destroyed the Turkic Jewish Kingdom of Khazaria in 965 A.D.

Doctrinally speaking, the Synagogue of Satan believes that innocent gentile blood propitiates Lucifer

"By the phrase, 'ye sons of the sorceress,' Isaiah calls attention to the fact that Jewish ritual murder is a black magic rite. It is customary for the rabbi, as he drinks blood, to invoke the presence of Satan, who will then presumably carry out the wishes of the Jews. The drinkers of blood also swear eternal obedience to Satan during the blood rite. Isaiah also calls attention to the fact that here the children are slain "under the cleft of the rocks." This refers to the Jewish ban against burying the slain gentile child, and to hiding the body in the rocks in the hopes that the gentiles will not discover their crime."

Anonymous said...

I am not sure about Brother Nathaniel. It does seem like the ruling class is salivating
at another chance to off working class cultural Christians.


Tancred said...

Sometimes I wonder what Brother Nathaniel is up to.

Anonymous said...

I don't wonder.
The guy is nuts.

Gladstone said...

Brother Nathaniel's content coupled with ROCOR statement above could constitute a blackwash operation.

Tancred said...

Nothing Nathaniel has said would have been controversial in an Orthodox religious before Vatican II.

Anonymous said...

Brother Nathaniel would not be taking flak if he were not over the target!

Anonymous said...

He maybe nuts and right at the same time. I was acquainted with an US Airforce general.
I asked her one time about Eisenhower's Military Industrial complex speech. She talked about colleagues getting jobs in the arms industry after retirement.

She also said Listen to Brother Nathaniel. She was also harassed by the Atheist block in the air force. I think their leader was named Weinstein.

FWIW she also thought Putin is evil. I don't think Christians will have any friends. Not even in the Vatican.
