Thursday, December 9, 2021

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you...


  1. Follow Borat's advice and throw them all in the well. It works for him.

  2. Gaybrielle's Maniacal MohelDecember 10, 2021 at 7:28 AM

    Gaybrielle alert @ Mustafa Ibn el-Rais

    Gaybrielle: stop being such an over-sensitive crypto-Jew. It's worse than being a faggy Jesuit. Now go cram down some more gefilte fish. Try and lay off the vodka.


  3. "It's worse than being a faggy Jesuit."
    Alas, you have a distinct advantage as usual, Glady.

    1. You do seem pretty partial to James Martin, tbh, Feybrielle.

    2. You do seem pretty partial to James Martin, tbh, Feybrielle.

  4. Gaybrielle's One-on-One Yeshiva InstructorDecember 11, 2021 at 10:29 AM

    Gaybrielle alert @ Tom Kirton

    Posting "I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I" retorts" under multiple aliases is just so Jewish, Gaybrielle Livschitz.

    You can do better than that. Come on, old crypto-Jewess!


  5. I absolutely swear by EMJ. However, I am not so sure about his assessment that Vlad Putin is just a "misunderstood teddy bear" in regard to events in Ukraine. He appears to say that American involvement in Ukraine is stoking a "paranoid response" from Putin.----The Orange Revolution in 2004 would appear to indicate otherwise. Viktor Yanukovich was as much a Russian stooge as is the present Alexandr Lukashenko in Belorus. It was Viktor Yushchenko who was the hero who was subsequently poisoned by the KGB. Hunter Biden was nowhere in sight.

  6. Gladys is rattled to say nothing of tired and emotional.
    Buy yourself another handbag old Thing.

  7. Are you very cross, Gaybrielle?

    Watchout, gay rage!

  8. The stock gratuitous 'gay' tag repost is as shallow as Gladys' thinking, now go get the booster jab.

    1. Stop making fun of gays, you guys and get the gay vaxx!

  9. EMJ seems more and more like a product of Alexander Dugin school of propaganda.
    I could be and hope I'm wrong but EMJ is simply wrong on just a few BUT crucial issues.
    God bless -Andrew
