Monday, December 6, 2021

Major setbacks for Sleepy Joe


Tancred said...

The “cure” is worse than the disease!

Mike Slater said...

Try selling that line to relatives of the millions dead and of those whose health has been permanently damaged by COVID 19.
You should be promoting vaccination and not aiding and abetting the nay sayers.

Anonymous said...


Tancred said...

Gaybrielle, you’ve lived with a compromised immune system for years. People who die from covid are usually killed by other factors besides. I’ve lost relatives to Chinese Bat AIDS and I’m not an emotional gaybot who regurgitates easily falsifiable factoids from the globohomo.

Mike Slater said...

You're like the relatives of that denialist Daystar evangelical grifter Marcus Lamb who was killed by COVID 19 despite consuming Titanic loads of horse dewormers.
You had COVID and it damn near killed you, Tancred, so swallow your spit and promote Vaccination.

Tancred said...

One Crankcase Gaybrielle coreligionist, does not an epidemic make. People die all the time, no need to shut down the world economy and usher in global homo domination over it.

People with comorbitities, like being fat, diabetic, gay immonocompromized, can in fact die, how amazing. Just a bad flu season.

Mike Slater said...

You should know that most of the over weight, diabetic, immunocompromised people who contract COVID-19 and die or are often disabled for life are unvaccinated. The overwhelming number of COVID -19 infected patients in hospitals are unvaccinated. The virus is systematically stalking these people, infecting them, flattening them and it won't stop.

The silly little game you and other anti-vaxxers are playing in entertaining and promoting denialism socially irresponsible and morally reprehensible. Think about it. You were given a second chance.

Tancred said...

Oh yes, let the lockdowns continue! Most? That’s debatable, I know all kinds of fat diabetic people who can’t control their intake, and they’re just fine, except for being fat people who don’t have self-control.

Maybe they shouldn’t be fat, out of control eaters and idk, abstain?