Wednesday, December 22, 2021



  1. Non vaxxed are filling morgues and overwhelming funeral services.

  2. Dumbest thing I've ever seen.

  3. It seems illogical to equate an increase in hospital admissions with the Covid jab. Surely, at this time of year, there would be large numbers of people being hospitalised with infections relating to winter so the fact that wards were almost empty seems to prove that the vaccine was beneficial. It also reminds me of the story of the family stranded on the roof of their house in a flood. Both & helicopter & a boat offered to rescue them but they were adamant that God would save them. They eventually drowned & asked God why he hadn't saved them. His response was to ask who had sent the helicopter & boat. Very like the vaccine. It must be accepted that it is (probably because it can't be proven) responsible for saving more lives than it takes. Trust in God. AMDG

  4. It seems illogical to equate an increase in hospital admissions with the Covid jab. Surely, at this time of year, there would be large numbers of people being hospitalised with infections relating to winter so the fact that wards were almost empty seems to prove that the vaccine was beneficial. It also reminds me of the story of the family stranded on the roof of their house in a flood. Both & helicopter & a boat offered to rescue them but they were adamant that God would save them. They eventually drowned & asked God why he hadn't saved them. His response was to ask who had sent the helicopter & boat. Very like the vaccine. It must be accepted that it is (probably because it can't be proven) responsible for saving more lives than it takes. Trust in God. AMDG

    1. You probably didn’t get the message. The plandemic is BS and the jab is dangerous. God doesn’t give a snake to a child who ask for bread, but apparently the Knights of Malta do.

  5. Excellent video! However the TV addicted brain washed crowd believes the anti-christian government narrative of Covid fear porn.

  6. "You probably didn’t get the message. The plandemic is BS and the jab is dangerous. God doesn’t give a snake to a child who ask for bread, but apparently the Knights of Malta do."
    This is precisely the kind of glib, scientifically baseless, ideologically driven assertions that are driving hundreds of thousands of Lemmings over the cliff.

    For a person who was on the point of death with COVID-19 to be in denial is not only shameless but morally reprehensible and socially irresponsible.
    Wake up to yourself Tancred.

    1. When have you ever done more than pretend to be scientific, Gaytard?

  7. People who ascribe to the government Covid narrative protect that narrative like it's their mother, and no amount of facts or logic can dislodge them from it. More than anything else, we can clearly see diabolical disorientation in all of this. Whole swaths of our fellow citizens, former friends, and beloved relatives have swallowed the entire thing, and are very like hypnotized zombies.

  8. "Whole swaths of our fellow citizens, former friends, and beloved relatives have swallowed the entire thing, and are very like hypnotized zombies."
    Yes, and the blind acceptance of the brainless anti-vaccination line is putting these thousands at risk, in hospital or in a cemetery.
    Grace works through nature. The anit-vaxx rabble do violence to both.

  9. Feybriel....

    and you're right Annon 9:58..."People who ascribe to the government Covid narrative protect that narrative like it's their mother (in Feybriel's case that would be a mangy, rabies-ridden jackal), and no amount of facts or logic can dislodge them from it."

  10. Wow, imagine. Who ever thought they would try to take power by way of the common cold and pneumonia!

  11. Wow, imagine. Who ever thought they would try to take power by way of the common cold and pneumonia!

  12. "...the common cold and pneumonia!.'
    Is this the best you can do, Tancred? It probably is...

    No wonder the USA is pitied by the civilized world.

  13. There’s a reason gay has become an antonym for competence.

  14. That's another reason why the USA is pitied for the enormous number of its citizens who are incapable of deductive thought.
    Quit the games, Tancred. You've had the booster on to of the first two. Spread the word.

    1. I’ve met plenty of your more doughty gays of the Lager Lout and people like the UK Catholic Bishops’ conference who are as completely incapable of deduction as are you, Flamebrielle.

      Also, it’s a classic demonstration of your own lack
      of deductive ability as well as overweening pride that you presume I’ve had the death clot. I’m sure you’ve had quite a few jabs. You are a very queer sort indeed

  15. Even the wingnuts at Fox have finally come to realize that the anti-vaxx campaign has been manufactured by ideologists to put up a smokescreen to mask the Jan 5 criminal insurrection among others. Even clowns like the barking Hannity, Carlson, Levine and the screamers Ingraham & Co have had the shots and boosters just like you and your follower.


  16. Ecclesiastically challenged gays are rattled.

  17. VaxFREE in the image and likeness of GodJanuary 4, 2022 at 5:54 AM

    Ahhh the Friends of Covid are holding their daily meeting of one I see. Sitting at his keyboard in his bloomers with his large hairy gut hanging out over the waistband. Does he wear a face diaper while typing? It might be required.
