Sunday, November 7, 2021

Saint John’s Abbey Offers Fake Apology

Edit: this is the latest narrative spawned by Marxist news media about the Church’s alleged crimes in the past. 

After the hoopla has died down, and the Church’s reputation has suffered, American Indians will continue to have low life expectancy rates and generally poor outcomes no matter what. Reducing the Church’s presence in their lives will only make things worse for them. It won’t matter how many families are destroyed by the gambling addictions inspired by the presence of their casinos, either.

After the fake apology, Saint John’s will continue supporting the globalist religion, promoting consciousness about racism, and other Jewish Masonic lies.

In case anyone takes objection to whether or not the Modernist Monastery is or isn’t Catholic, one only needs to look at their history of preying on students and even young monks, or worse, promoting liturgical abuse and Marxism for more than a century.  Of course, the Benedictines of Collegeville today don’t believe what the Benedictines who founded the place believe. Imagine funding and promoting an organization on your campus that promotes sodomy! Sounds like they’re grooming the students. 

WHITE EARTH NATION, Minn. — American Indian children from White Earth Nation and other reservations were sent to boarding schools across the country, starting in the late 1800s. The federal government used the schools to separate Native children from their families, culture and language, part of an effort to assimilate American Indians into white society.

There were at least 16 Indian boarding schools in Minnesota, most operated by religious orders. Many children were deeply traumatized by physical and sexual abuse, punished for speaking their language and stripped of their culture.

“There was a lot lost at that time — loss of culture, loss of identity,” said Joe LaGarde, a White Earth tribal elder. “And that’s all a part of how you take a person’s land. You take away their identity. Once they lose that, it’s a lot easier to deal with them.”



  1. How would you get a group of people from the Stone Age to the Nuclear Age? There is no easy answer but the priests and nuns sacrificed their easy home life to move to an uncivilized, barbaric frontier out of altruism and most died there in poverty.

  2. Good comment, Peter. Thank you.

  3. My third grade teacher was a religious sister who taught in an Indian school in the late 1930s and early 1940s. I was in her class 1960-1961. She talked about them with great kindness and charity and good memories. She was I believe somewhat too strict, but deeply cared for all her students. I just do not believe all this stuff.
