Saturday, October 2, 2021

Evil German Bishops Promoting Aberromarriage

 Edit: I don’t usually link to Saint John’s Abbey blog, Pray, Tell. Look at the barely concealed glee by this Anglican who writes for them. 

[Gay, Tell] At a meet­ing in Frankfurt, Ger­man church lead­ers voted 168 to 28, with five ab­sten­tions, to adopt a draft state­ment on sex­u­al­ity that in­cludes a res­o­lu­tion say­ing that “same-sex part­ner­ships who want to take the risk of an un­break­able com­mon life…should be able to see them­selves placed un­der the bless­ing of God.”

Currently the Church of England is engaged in a national discernment process called “Living in Love and Faith” from which a new teaching document on human sexuality is expected to be issued from the College of Bishops. An introduction is available here:


1 comment:

Peter said...

Sodomy is no form of love.