Tuesday, July 6, 2021

They're gonna come a knockin'

Please don't come.  I'd hate to see someone hit with a piece of lead between the eyes.


  1. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hRg6KxiOr3Q

  2. They came, knocked, found a clutch of imbeciles playing with themselves so they left, in a hurrry.

  3. There were HIPAA laws, unless these fascists did away with that quaint concept of privacy. I think this is putting college students at risk, sending them door to door where they are not wanted. Are they sending them into high rises in urban areas? Or is this the persecution of the suburbs that is so close to Obama's heart. Either way, people should not answer personal health questions to anyone, "that is between me and my doctor", if you say anything. I think most people are not going to be home. No one "owes" an explanation of their health, vaccination status, or thoughts about getting a vaccine, to anyone. Chances are these people are documenting everything for future use.
    This is unbelievable, really. REPUBLICANS??

    1. So true Roe v Wade is based on the preeminence of the rule of privacy of the physician patient relationship. Coupled with HIPAA the federal state or local governments are all prohibited from violating that privilege of confidentiately.That federal judges are now ready to invade that privacy demonstrates what a collection of whores sit on the federal bench.

  4. A little histrionic, Stew. Tenpenny is a lot more level headed.

  5. Hey yall! I was just cleaning my shotgun in my overalls here. I think you'll have better luck right on up the road.

  6. Keep stoking the conspiracies, folks. The citizens of the civilized world are laughing themselves silly at the lunatic voting and vaxxing 'Deep State' narrative that is still running in the US.

    1. You mean toffs and poofs who laugh while Muslims chop up their daughters for souvlaki meat?

    2. I didn't think queers had daughters ...

  7. This in part is why my home has no accessible doors or windows.

  8. 4:59

    Do you live in a tower like Rupunzel ?

    1. Do you live in a gay bar?

      Gets all his phone calls at the office where he regularly blogs on EF between Rum Fizzies.

      “Oy, Gaybrielle, it’s Trixie on the blowah. What shall I tell err?”

  9. No wonder real estate in Batshit, Wisconsin, is so depressed.
    Paranoia is in the town water.

    1. Wisconsin has a lot of Communists, which you’d know if you weren’t a full-on retard.

    2. Wisconsin has a lot of Communists, which you’d know if you weren’t a full-on retard.

  10. Tucker and the Spice Girls are rattled.

  11. "I didn't think queers had daughters" ...Then what about you?

  12. Gaybrielle trying to spread low tier propaganda for MSM.

  13. notice how feybriel in the second comment is ONCE AGAIN obsessed with 'playing with oneself' (and with all things ass). And in aaaalllll his other Schizo comments this thread is just an irrational, demonic vulgarian who wants as many people as possible dead or maimed for life....the serpent hiss is audible thru his idiotic 'comments'.

    10 bucks riding on the fact that the psycho isn't 'vaxxed' himself.

  14. Susan:

    Of course. The jab is for the breeders, doncha know?
