Edit: they can’t even live up to basic canons, and they’re going to attempt to ban something that’s already allowed? Looks like a test case. This should be worth watching because French traditionalists are a lot more proactive and influential than those in the USA who’d just roll over and take it like they do here.
I’m sure the Ordinary would have nothing to say if Buddhists came to perform one of their liturgies. In any event, a Buddhist ceremony sounds like it’d be an improvement over the NO. No wonder so many Catholics abandon their religion for foreign substitutes.
PARIS — Traditionalist Catholics in eastern France have protested against Archbishop Roland Minnerath of Dijon for expelling a clerical religious congregation that celebrates exclusively in the pre-Vatican II or Immemorial Mass of All Ages. [Emphasis ours]
Several supporters of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) gathered in front of the archbishop's office on June 26 holding up signs calling for "dialogue" and "respect for ritual diversity."
Archbishop Minnerath announced on May 17 that he would no longer allow two FSSP priests to continue to reside and offer Mass in the Old Rite — which Benedict XVI renamed the "extraordinary form" — at the Basilica of Saint-Bernard de Fontaine-lès-Dijon.
The Archbishop is acting the way he should, as a chief pastor responsible for all his people.
The FSSP are acting as though their institute is an end in itself not a servant of the whole Church.
Until he starts promoting tradition and actual Catholicism.
Until he starts promoting tradition and actual Catholicism.
Until he starts promoting tradition and actual Catholicism.
Pope Francis will shortly issue a new Motu Proprio. It will sort these characters out well and truly, offer them the opportunity to join the Catholic Church or go back to Econe where there heart and loyalties are.
Too much $$$.
He’s more likely to incorporate the SSPX into some future mode, much to the chagrin of the gay ole opposition. Look for Voris to become a sede when this happens.
Jake, your last name is an unfortunate misnomer.
Anon 2:12 PM is under the misconception that he/she/it should be taken seriously.
Allsheit would be more accurate.
"Allsheit would be more accurate." Yes, I could not agree more heartily. That pretty much nails Anon 2:12 PM.
Well done Anon 5:13 PM.
July 15, 2021
The FSSP is going along with the French bishops and accepting their irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II to create a parallel Church, politically approved by the Left.
Similiarly they had accepted Summorusm Pontificum issued by Pope Benedict, maintaining the irrational interpretation of the Council.
So when Pope Francis makes an announcement on the Latin Mass, maintaining the fake interpretation of Vatican Council II with a false premise,the FSSP will go along.
Their Superior General approves the concelebration of Mass with the diocesan priests and the interpretation of Vatican Council Ii with the fake premise, inference and non traditional conclusion.
I know that Fr. Joseph Kramer, the Rector of the FSSP church in Rome at the time of Summorum Pontificum would not affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and would support the liberals.It was the same with the other FSSP priests here. They would offer the Latin Mass with the new eccclesiology based upon Vatican Council II, interpreted with the fake premise.
If you go for the Latin Mass at the FSSP church in Rome know that they are interpreting Vatican Council II with the false premise and are changing the understanding of the Syllabus of Errors, the Athanasius Creed and 16th century EENS.So when the meaning of the Nicene and Apostles Creeds are changed, along with that of the Catechisms,it is a mortal sin of faith. The FSSP agree with what I am saying here. There has been no denial.It is the same with Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke and Fr. John Zuhlsdorf when they offer the Latin Mass in Rome.
They agree with me. They agree that they are using a fake premise to re-interpret the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance just like in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston relative to Fr. Leonard Feeney.
They agree that they interpret unknown cases of being saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16) as being known non Catholics saved outside the Church in the present times(2021). They are politically correct with the Left. They follow Cardinal Ratzinger and Fr. Luiz Ladaria sj in two documents of the International Theological Commission, Vatican.
They agree that they are in heresy and schism with the past Magisterium but politically correct on Vatican Council II, like the popes since Paul VI.
They say that they interpret the Council like Alberto Melloni of the Bologna School,financed by the leftist Government in Italy.-Lionel Andrades
(from the blog eucharistandmission)
The pontifical and secular universities are interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise and so are getting funds from liberal Italian organisations.
The Franciscan universities and educational institutuions in Italy are all interpreting Vatican Council II with the fake premise to create a rupture with extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and the traditional ecclesiocentrism of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Bonaventure and the Franciscans over the centuries, in order to receive funding from the Leftist government in Italy.
Also German theologians approved by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger are still offering courses on line at the Pontifical John Lateran University Rome and the Pontificum Regina Apostolorum University, Rome, in which they interpret Vatican Council II with the fake premise and so get funding from the government and non organisations in Italy and Germany.
The Legion of Christ universities in Rome get government and non government grants and scholarships from the Vatican, since they interpret Vatican Council II and other Magisterial documents with a fake premise, to create an artificial rupture with Tradition.They make the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX, the Athanasius Creed and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) obsolete.Without this deception they would not be approved by Leftist organisations.Faculty and students who are not part of this deception cannot remain at the university.
Since I do not interpret Vatican Council II and EENS with the fake premise I cannot study theology or philosophy at the Regina Apostolorum University, Rome,nor at the Angelicum.Neither can I be a seminarian at the Pontificio Internationale Maria Mater Ecclesia seminary, Rome,of the Legion of Christ.
It is the same policy at other pontifical universities and seminaries in other parts of Europe under the European Economic Commission.
Pontifical universities in Rome like the Jesuit Gregorian University,are being financed and supported by the Leftist government in Italy, and leftist organisations since the faculty interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise, inference and conclusion and so create a rupture with the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.
Even the Redemptorist Fathers at their university in Rome are not allowed to affirm EENS and the salvation doctrines of the founder of their religious community,if they want to continue to receive funding from government and non government sources.
They have to use the false premise, inference and non traditional conclusion to interpret Vatican Council II, EENS, the Creeds and Catechisms.They have to approve ‘the development of doctrine’ creatd with an irrationality.
In Austria the teaching faculties at the Catholic universities and colleges in Vienna, are still interpreting Vatican Council II with a fake premise even after being informed.This is necessary to collect the grants and scholarships from government and non government agencies.So they are politically correct with the Left and do away with Catholic Tradition and this is approved by Pope Benedict and Pope Francis.
The Russell Berry Foundation has been putting big money into the Angelicum University, Rome since the Dominican faculty interpret hypothetical cases, mentioned in Unitatitis Redintigratio, Decree on Ecumenism Vatican Council II,as being non hypothetical, objective examples of known salvation outside the Church in the present times. So the old ecumenism of return is made obsolete.
The American Dean of Theology at the Angelicum University would be unable to talk basic theology since she has to use the fake premise to interpret Vatican Council II and EENS.Her teaching job depends upon this. So the Dominican faculty at the Angelicum keep receiving grants, fellowships, stipends etc from pro-Left organisations.The New Ecumenism at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome, is pegged upon the false premise,inference and conclusion used in the interpretation of Unitatis Redintigratio, Vatican Council II.
The pontifical and secular universities are interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise and so are getting funds from liberal Italian organisations.(Blog Eucharist and Mission)
Visit my parish Matteo Salvini: I would like the ecclesiology of the Trindentine Mass at Mass in Italian, I would like a Traditiones Custode
I saw an advertising vehicle moving at Cornelia, Rome, which said that Matteo Salvini would speak at Boccea. I thought he should ask for the interpretation of the Second Vatican Council without the false premise. This is a political question.With Traditiones Custode Pope Francis has also made the Latin Mass political.
If a false premise is used then there is a break with the historical Catholic Church, a break with the traditional Catholic Church that Salvini supports.With the false premise there is a parallel Church along with the Church of Tradition and this is not a sign of unity.
So the Lega Nord needs to affirm the Second Vatican Council (rational) and this could even be a part of their manifesto. Affirms the Novus Ordo Mass with the traditional ecclesiology of the Messa Tredintina of former times in Italy.
For example, in the churches of Boccea, the left forces the priests to create a break with the historical Catholic Church and this is approved by Pope Francis.
Pope Francis' interpretation of the Second Vatican Council is political and not magisterial. He would have to interpret the Council with the rational premise, inference and conclusion, for the Second Vatican Council to be Magisterial. He must not deliberately continue to use the false premise to interpret the Council. This is a political problem for the left that the Lega has to face. With the Traditiones Custode ban, even the Mass has been made political.
He could visit my parish in Boccea, the church of Santa Maria di Nazareth and ask the priests to interpret the Second Vatican Council rationally and not falsely. Tell people that political candidates who support abortion and homosexual acts are in mortal sin and to vote for them is to cooperate in this mortal sin. This is the political non-separation of the Leftist State and the Church. The parish priests cannot ask that the Mayor of Rome be a Catholic, who rationally interprets the Second Vatican Council, this would be the separation between the leftist and the Church.
The Vicariate of Rome does not allow any parish priest to publicly support any candidate for the office of Mayor but allows him to irrationally interpret the Second Vatican Council and then indirectly support the Left. Therefore the priest cannot say that outside the Church there is no salvation because with the premise there is salvation. So with the use of the false premise, he cannot say that everyone must be Catholic to avoid Hell and therefore it is necessary that the government also be Catholic. This is unity with rationality and Tradition at the Holy Mass, which today is political. I do not want a Holy Mass in Italian with division.
Presently there is the non-separation between Church and State in Rome where the pontifical universities must interpret the Second Vatican Council with a false premise, create a break with Tradition and then be able to receive funds.
If they used the rational premise, inference and non-traditional conclusion to interpret the Council, they would be blacklisted. Since then they would be supporting exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church, as did the historical Church in Italy.
So the professors and students, to avoid being expelled, interpret the Second Vatican Council, the Creeds, the Catechisms, etc. with the irrational premise and create a break with Tradition.This is presently approved by the Leftist government in Italy.The Tridentine Mass is a problem for the Left.They want a lex orandi with Vatican Council II interpreted with the false premise which creates a false rupture with Tradition, now wrongly associated only with the Traditional Latin Mass.
With the false premise the Council is a break with the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX. New doctrines are created on Ecumenism, Evangelization, etc.
The New Theology created with the false premise says that outside the Church there is known salvation. There are known non-Catholics saved without faith and baptism.This is referred to in LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc. of the Second Vatican Council,interpreted with the false premise. So, when there are known people saved outside the Church in 1965-2021, Pope Benedict and others ask, how can we have traditional Mission?
Why also proclaim the Social Kingdom of Christ the King in all political legislation and the non-separation of Church and State?, they would ask. Thus the parish priests of Boccea, Rome, where Matteo Salvini visited and spoke to residents, do not proclaim that it is necessary that the government should also be Catholic.
He could visit my parish and talk to the priests and parishioners. Tell them to interpret the Council without the false common premise, approved by the government.((From the blog eucharistandmission Lionel's blog)
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