Friday, July 2, 2021

It's really stupid to wear masks


  1. COVID-19 infects people largely through airborne particles. It's not only smart to wear a mask in public indoor places, but it is also a moral duty to avoid infecting others.

  2. Once again, Gaybrielle pulls out another public service bromide with a secular humanist appeal, from his tired box of clichés.

  3. Thank you Tancred.

  4. Countless are the numbers of putative men who trust others to tell them the truth - they put their trust in Princes which God warns us not to do.

    Trusting the CDC, or any govt agency, to act in your interest is a Hey-Let's Invade-Russia-This-Winter level of stupidity.

    The CDC is the mouthpiece of Big Pharma but to libs, it is their Daddy and they want to be well behaved children, anxious to be patted on their backs by their Daddy while they sneer at their brothers and sister I'm being good and you are being bad.

    They love the State, right up until the point it puts their snout in to a cage with a rat.

  5. GOD warned us in 2011-2015 that such vaccines are coming and that they will be deadly. Maria Divine Mercy prophecies in the "Book of Truth" are clearly speaking about this deception: way ahead this time!

  6. There is compelling evidence that masks have no effect on transmission during the "pandemic".
    I dont bother trying to convince anyone with the data. It's a religion now for some folks.

  7. Sorry, but what your loser, stupid son read on Barnhardt does not qualify as "compelling evidence".

  8. Masks are hazmat

  9. Anonymous - Thanks very much for proving my point. I'll violate my own rule by point to one of the more recent studies of Danish mask wearer published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Easily found among other studies.

  10. Follow the science. The most prevalent form of transmission and subsequent rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus, especially the Delta strain, is via airborne particles.
    Wear a mask when indoors at public venues.
    Anti-maskers like anti-vaxxers are promoters of the Culture of Death.

  11. It's almost like Sience expects people to believe they don't have immune systems so they can control things and assist in the destruction of personal wealth resulting in the constant and unnecessary lockdowns and paranoid delusional safety measures.

    Aberrosexuals are in charge.

  12. "...... the destruction of personal wealth resulting in the constant and unnecessary lockdowns and paranoid delusional safety measures."

    Blind, perverse invincible ignorance, paranoia and crass stupidity all rolled into one for the disciple's convenience by the newly vaxxed Tucker himself. Well done, Captain America.

  13. What about the 'commonwealth' Tancred?
