Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Judaism vs. Christianity


  1. Dr.Jones and his Novus Ordo delusions are very difficult to ascertain.
    He acts like it's 1925 and the destruction from 1965-1969 never took place.

    God bless -Andrew

    1. On what authority other than yourself do you base your opinion that the Holy Spirit abandoned the Church in after 1964?

    2. LoL I don't and never claimed to have authority.
      Have you been in a coma for the past 50 + years?
      Look around you buddy it's even becoming obvious to normies.

      God bless -Andrew

    3. You are wrong because God cannot lie.

    4. Not all millennials give up so easily.

    5. You’re still a blockhead.

    6. The Gates of Hell will not prevail means the death dealing tongues of heretics will not replace Catholic doctrine with heresy.
      God bless -A

  2. Michael Voris may well deserve the criticism levelled by Dr. Jones. However when someone is immersed in the mud, they can recognize fellow travelers covered with the same wet dirt. The Church has a homosexual culture which has taken over. To deny this fact denies reality.

    1. Where is the evidence that Dr. Jones denies this fact?

  3. "The Church has a homosexual culture which has taken over". Substitute US Navy for Church and JBQ is right in his element.

  4. I find it sadly amusing that there are people of opposite sides of the political spectrum who are disappointed that Dr. Jones does not agree that race equals destiny. It is as if he cannot win except that he is taking God’s position on this argument and who cares what anyone else thinks?

  5. 8:11am

    Open your eyes and look around the Catholic Church since 1964.
    The Holy Spirit did not abandoned the Church. The Holy Spirit was kicked out the Church.

    1. So you do not believe God is in charge. That is not just a little insane.

    2. Pre Vatican II the nuns taught us that everybody ,including bishops and popes, has a free will otherwise if we were only God's robots our obedience would be involuntary and of no merit. Every soul must choose at every moment to obey God and with that disobey ourselves this truth is at the heart of Christ's passion and death "My Father if it be possible let this chalice pass from me. Nevertheless not as I will but as thou wilt."

  6. Reread my first sentence.

  7. E Michael Jones PhD is beyond obnoxious but brilliant. As someone of an Irish background, I zeroed in on comments about Winston Churchill. Growing up, my grandfather who was from an IRA background and then emigrated was among those who hated Churchill. The Irish in WWI were close to an alliance with Germany. Actually, Joe Kennedy Sr as ambassador to England was allegedly involved in such.

  8. Anonymous 2.04 PM, you have put in a nutshell what Vatican II taught in Dignitatis Humanae Nostrae.

  9. Talking to yourself John?

    Most race realists and right wingers largely agree with Jones.

    1. Tancred, most race realists and right wingers do not have a clue what Dr. Jones is saying about race or Logos or Jewish revolutionary spirit. For many of them I am starting to believe they are perversely right about the importance of intelligence.

    2. @John, he makes himself perfectly understood as usual, he’s just wrong.

  10. @Tancred
    Your statement regarding most race realists and right wingers agreeing with Jones is largely correct, with some a couple of big caveats. One of which, is that he agrees with Tim Wise and Cornel West that "Whiteness is a social construct". Second, Jones sounds like a Civil War re-enactor when he talks about those old ethnic neighborhoods. Sadly, they are gone and not coming back.

    White people have quit going to church, in large part because God no longer works for White people. By that, Whites are not allowed to collectively work for the interest of their own collective interest.

    1. Don’t know if ethnic neighborhoods are coming back or not.


  11. Is Bishop Williamson well?

    He would never write something like this someone else must have filled in. Dr. White?


    Prayers for Bishop Williamson, something is not right.
