Thursday, January 21, 2021

Dreher Happy Pedo Joe is Back




Anonymous said...

A President who comes across like a human being.... Really... Who is for the killing of the most innocent... the child in his/her mothers womb! You better take a closer look at this man, and rethink your comment...

Unknown said...

He's like Bergoglio

Anonymous said...

Dreher has a psychological addiction to losing. He pretends to be on the right, but balks at any efforts by the real right to actually win (Since he and his ilk, like cucked pseudo-right chieftain David French, desperately want to be loved and accepted by the NYP-NYT crowd for their "moderation," "decorum," acceptance of "muh dumbocratic norms and procedures," and worship at the "sacred temple of democracy," etc).

He'd rather play hand-wringing Cassandra - huddled in a corner jonesing for Ambien while scared to death Covid might be floating in the air - keeping the "culture warrior" gig going while not actually winning any battles. And he'd prefer to see Biden rev up the abortion mills, drone strikes, racist CRT indoctrinations, and pre-pubescent sex changes so long as he doesn't send mean tweets and mouths some shibboleths about "unity," rather than see someone like big meanie Trump actually enact sound policies on those and other issues.