Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas!


  1. Blessed Christmas, Tancred and Brethren of EF.

  2. "Beatus Auctor saeculi

    Servile corpus induit:

    Ut carne carnem liberans,

    Ne perderet quos condidit."

    Der selige Urheber der Zeiten
    hat sich mit einem knechtlichen Leib bekleidet,
    damit Er, im Fleisch das Fleisch befreiend,
    nicht verliere, die er erschaffen hat.
    (Aus dem Hymnus zur Weihnachtsvesper)

    Werte Freunden,

    wünsche Ihnen aus ganzem Herzen
    Gnadenreiche Weihnacht

    und ein

    Gesegnetes Jahr des Herren 2021.

    Mit Segensgruß verbliebt Ihr in

    Jesu et Maria

  3. Merry Christmastide Tancred.
    God bless -Andrew

  4. Great comment at about 01:20:00 into the video discussion "when you see officials cry tears of joy that women can kill their kids in abortion anything is possible" including compliance and belief by the porn addicted pot smokin Irish population in the wisdom of the globohomo Covid lock down Scamdemic. Unfortunately because the threat of Covid is so exaggerated, the same degenerate pervert bishops of Ireland and their one lung pope will still be alive to insult the dignity of the Blessed Trinity next Christmas.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Anonymous.So right my friend!God Bless you.Make sure that you will further the Truth of The The Traditional Faith.
