Monday, November 2, 2020

St. Michael: The Sure Remedy to Trump Socialist Anarchy

By David Martin 

While a Trump victory on Tuesday seems probable, it is very improbable that the radical-left would take it sitting down. Already business owners across America are boarding up in anticipation of election-night madness.  

It was even reported last week that a left-wing coalition in Minnesota is planning mass civil unrest if President Trump wins the election on Tuesday night. This is not to mention a new report about 250 anarchists in the NYC area that are organizing riots and clashes with Trump supporters.

We indeed could have a national nightmare on our hands riots could become commonplace overnight — but Christian America needs to remember that it has at its disposal a simple piece of ammunition that could make all the difference in this battle: the short prayer to St. Michael the Archangel for defeating Satan. Because in the final analysis, this leftist attack on America and Trump is being generated by Satan and his cohorts. Coalitions like Antifa and the Socialist deep-state are merely pawns that the devil is using to try to bring down America via revolution. 

People need to understand that this is no mere political contest but a spiritual war between the forces of good and evil — the final battle to save America — and that they have a real winner they can turn to. For as it was St. Michael who first hurled Lucifer and his minions into the abyss so this great Archangel stands ready to bind Satan and keep America safe if we will simply invoke him. 

If even a fraction of the population said the prayer to St. Michael right now it would likely inspire many more votes for Trump and open the way for a smooth transition into 2021, but the problem is that very few religious leaders are willing to say anything along these lines. The U.S. Bishops have push-button power to make the difference but it appears that fear and political correctness are binding them.

One Good Bishop Could Save America 

Would that the bishops came forward to mobilize the troops by exhorting them to say the traditional Prayer to St. Michael! If even one influential prelate issued a brief statement exhorting the Church Militant to arm itself with this prayer it no doubt would result in thousands if not millions of Catholics saying this powerful prayer across our country right now. 

This is not to mention the many non-Catholic patriots who might take to this prayer and spread it to their friends. It could be a marvelous evangelistic tool to convert non-Catholics, and who is to say that President Trump himself wouldn't tweet a few lines encouraging people everywhere to say the St. Michael Prayer. If he knew that St. Michael was the Patron of Police and saw an exemplary prelate like Archbishop ViganĂ² recommending this prayer, he might just take it away! 

In the Book of Daniel it says: "At that time shall Michael rise up, the great prince, who standeth for the children of thy people: and a time shall come such as never was from the time that nations began even until that time. And at that time shall thy people be saved, every one that shall be found written in the book." (Daniel 12:1) 

We indeed are in the days prophesied by Daniel, the days of the Apocalypse. This truly is the time for the children of God to call upon the great Archangel Michael that they and their country might be saved from the encroaching scourge of Socialism. 

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.






  1. I agree if President Trump wins havoc could erupt from the opposition all Catholics should increase their rosaries pray the St. Michael prayer and wear their brown scapulars for protection. DEC

  2. When the denialist Mr Martin jumps off that tall building after Trump is whipped, the emergency crew will see for themselves just how shock proof that fake Rolex really is.

  3. Too late.

    Whether Donald the Duck or Joe the Goose is the winner makes little difference, the battle has already been won.

    The late Fr John Hardon S.J. in an address to delegates attending the 1998 Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation Regional Conference in Chicago said: "As we come to the close of the twentieth century, we are seeing the gravest crisis in the history of Christianity. In my judgment, at the center of this crisis is the deep penetration of Marxism into our beloved country [USA]. I believe we can say even more. Our country is a Marxist nation. Dare I say still more? The United States of America is the most powerful Marxist country in the world…"

    Says it all to anyone with ears to hear and eyes to see.
    Repent and say the Rosary before its too late.


  5. From the other side of the Atlantic, I assume that this is a spoof?
