Monday, November 16, 2020

Prayers Urgently Needed

 Dear Readers:

Tancred, the principal moderator of this blog, is in hospital with Covid-19.  He has been there a week and although the symptoms were initially mild, they have increased in severity.  To indicate how severe they are, he permitted an effeminate hospital chaplain to give him the last rites in the Nervous disOrdo rite.

He would appreciate it if you would have Masses offered for his intention.   I am recommending Aid to the Church in Need and The Cardinal Kung Foundation.  If you have other recommendations, please post them, but most importantly, PRAY.


Anonymous said...

I just requested 3 masses

susan said...

Will do....God bless and heal him.

JBQ said...

Really sad. God bless him.

James said...

How old is he? Prayers.

Bob Ellis said...

Well that scuttles David Martin's declarations that COVID-19 is a hoax and Tancred's repeated assertions that it's only 'the flu.'
I pray that he has a speedy recovery from 'the flu' and/or a virus that doesn't exist.

Vox Cantoris said...

The man has attacked me for weeks in emails. He has slandered me and harassed me without justification.

Tancred, I forgive you.

God bless.

Fox Cantoris

Vox Cantoris said...


Fr. John T. Zuhlsdorf said...

I will remember him at Mass tomorrow!

TF said...

Bob Ellis, it does no such thing. The flu can be quite severe, but it does not require the "resetting" of the entire world in response. Neither does the Blessed and Eternal Covid (sarcasm).

Praying for your recovery, Tancred.

Susan said...

I suspect someone infected him to shut him up.

Never trust known liars said...

Hospitals have patients every year with acute bronchitis (to name just one). Who is to say it is something called Covid 19 if it even exists? Oh that’s right. The notorious liars and cheats. They say so.

It is enough to say he is in hospital and needs prayers. You needn’t bleat out Baaaaaa Covid Baaaaaa Covid Baaaaa!

Rolf said...

Tancred wishes to be transparent as possible.

Anonymous said...

You poison the priest's last rite blessing with your shameful commentary about it. I pray for Tancred.

Gladstone said...

We are praying for you, Tancred. God By You.

Lionel Jackson said...

Anonymous 7:36

That's not be the way I took it. I see Tancred showing tremendous faith in the sacraments and he permitted his self to be humbled as well as amointed. He didn't turn the priest away because of his impression of him or his disdain for the New Right.

Anonymous said...

Certainly I will pray for Tancred. He has just about the best Catholic website there is, and has always been a very fair and excellent moderator of this site. I just called a cloistered Order of nuns in my Archdiocese of Philadelphia, called familiarly as "The Pink Sisters", but actually their official name are "The Sister-Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration" and asked for prayers for Tancred. They have a convent (they don't call their houses "monasteries", in the center of Philadelphia. Anyone else who lives in or near Philly should visit this wonderful convent, at 2212 Green St., Piladelphia, Pa. They and their prayers have helped me and my family many times.

Prayers and Best Wishes for a swift recovery Tancred,

Damian M. Malliapalli

Anonymous said...

Hey Vox/Dave,

The man has attacked you like you attack every one. You are such a hypocrite; all you do is slander and harass people especially the clergy and yet again, you are a victim, get a life. You're vitriol towards the clergy is shameful and you have the audacity to complain about your feelings, get a life. You're pathetic.

Gabriel said...

Prayers and Masses coming

Anonymous said...

Vox @6:43pm

How magnanimous of you! Thank you for coming on here to update us on what a Saint that you are.
Now, go back in your Canadian lair and stay there.

Vox Cantoris said...

Exactly why I removed this blog from my feed.

Good luck to Tancred, notwithstanding.

James said...

C'mon, Tanc.
Enough of this being sick nonsense.
Your comments are one of the highlights of my life.

Get well soon!! I insist.

wilderness of pain said...

I will contact the cloistered Dominicans Sisters in Southfield, Michigan fro prayers.
what first name and last initial should I give the sisters? or none.
You are covered in prayer.

wilderness of pain said...

I was hospitalized w Covid six weeks ago. Then home isolation for ten days. Now I feel the best I have felt in fifteen years.

Shaun Mueller said...

Tancred Q. Blogger

Anonymous said...

Hey Vox, cry me a river. You're a twerp. Go seek a psychiatrist for your obsessive-compulsive disorder.

PW said...

Susan said...
"I suspect someone infected him to shut him up."
Wonder if it will work on Yeeehaawwws?

Anonymous said...


susan said...

P(OS)W....different Susan (capital S), but nice to know we live rent-free in your head.

Pretty sure rumprangers are at wildly increased risk of contracting the Wuhan you better be extra careful around your favorite glory holes.

Anonymous said...

Think positive and relax and rest. All will be well.Your an important blogger. God still needs you. -Lionel

Anonymous said...

How is Tancred now? How come none of his close associates could get him a traditional priest for the last rites?
If it is that severe it means his immunity is not good. He seems to me to be a guy in his 40s, so he ought to have recovered within a week. But oh well. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Well, it hit that austrian dude who through the idols in the Tiger river pretty hard.

Constantine said...

@"Anonymous" The "Austrian dude" threw the idols in the Tiber, not Tiger". Rome is in Europe not Mesopotamia .
@"Tancred" prayers are with you. Feel better.

All Fish 🐠 Stinks said...

Are there 🐅 in Mesopotamia?

Anonymous said...

Too bad some are passing insults back and forth to each other on this post, which started out only as wishing Tancred prayers for a speedy recovery. That's fine on other topics that are posted on this site, but it seems kinda out of place to be doing that sort of thing on this particular posting.

Hope Tancred is improving and feeling better.

I live near Philly, and I read that in Pa. the Covid-19 began spreading again due to two kids returning from Summer holiday and congregating en masse without masks in local bars and pubs and hosting massive parties, and TWO, the BLM protestors in Philadelphia rampaging thru the streets like barbarians and animals burning down everything in sight.

Dmian M. Malliapalli

susan said...

knock it off Damian...responding to an ass saying awful things is not "trading insults back and forth", anymore than a Trumper swinging back at a guy beating him with a lead pipe is 'senseless violence on both sides'. Perhaps this thread isn't the place for sanctimonious virtue-signalling either. We know (cause you've told us like 10,000 times) that you're a model (ohhhh boyyy), and that maybe self defense and standing up to bullies for the Truth isn't quite up your alley, but seriously, stop the smug-Karenness.

I prayed for Tancred at Mass today, and have been regularly saying prayers for him. I think he'd like that fact that someone (maybe not the male model of course) is standing up to the idiot feybriel and calling him out. Let's just look at it as an Homage to the host.

susan said...

BTW David, is there any news on him?

Anonymous said...

Please stop making this about Vox.
Tancred is the one who is ill.

Trot on over to his blog and smooth his ruffled feathers.

Bob Ellis said...

The outbreak of Trad cannibalism is worse than I thought.

Anonymous said...


Well, aren't you the nanny-scold?
Maybe you could wish Tancred well while you are swooping through?

Anonymous said...

I'll send a Holy Mass stipend to Bishop Markus Ramolla.
God bless

Anonymous said...

He needs Extreme Unction from a Thuc line SSPX or SSPV Priest or Bishop.

Kevork Faggs said...

Nameless 4:50

Isn’t he Pivs 2.5?

Anonymous said...

"knock it off Damian...responding to an ass saying awful things is not "trading insults back and forth", anymore than a Trumper swinging back at a guy beating him with a lead pipe is 'senseless violence on both sides'. Perhaps this thread isn't the place for sanctimonious virtue-signalling either. We know (cause you've told us like 10,000 times) that you're a model (ohhhh boyyy), and that maybe self defense and standing up to bullies for the Truth isn't quite up your alley, but seriously, stop the smug-Karenness. "

Sorry if I got you mad, it's just that even in my industry, thanks to the Wuhan Covid-19 virus, we've had layoffs even in my field. I am not a male-model anymore thanks to Covid-19, I'm in the management of our agency. Lucky I got into that end, otherwise I would have to go back to teaching (probably virtually). Actually that's what I went to college for (to teach...have B.A. Educaiton, M.A. History/Art history), but wound up getting into modeling on a dare....sent my photos and resume into our agency in 2007 as a joke, but actually got a shock and got offered a job. Traveled the world for 10 yrs., took a leave 2017-18 to teach local HS 10-11th grade History and Political Sci, and then got back again in 2019 Covid came and I switched to the management end because all the shoots and projects were cancelled. But last week we had layoffs, and as a supervisor/manager I laid off 11 girls and 2 guys who were on my sales/promotion staff. (out of 30). Most of the people I layed off for quota/production issues, but 4 of the girls I let go because they either called out sick every other week, or spent a lot of time gossiping/chatting/backstabbing/bickering. So I let them go. Some of the stuff I read on this posting (which was supposed to be wishing Tancred well ), reminded me of the girlsin my office and their constant nasty I said it was inappropriate here. I always like to be pleasant on this post,and the few people over the time I've contributed here who have made cheap shots about my careen I chalk up to ignorance. If you worked in my office here in Philly (and NYC), I think your attitude would have gotten you laid off too.

Anonymous said...

This is a horrible disease which is extremely contagious and has already mutated into an even higher form of contagion which reached our East Coast from Europe last February.

Anonymous said...

I will pray for Tancred, can Hod bless him.

• said...

Where will Hillary White get his material?

Tancred said...

Thanks Iraenaus and everyone

Anonymous said...

How are you feeling, Tancred? I'll light a candle for you at church in the morning.

God bless!


Tancred said...

I hope Hillary never experiences this.

Anonymous said...

He was ordained by
Bp.Daniel Dolan consecrated by
Bp's Robert Dymek + Francis Slupski.
