Sunday, November 22, 2020

Not Out of the Dark and Scary Woods Yet


Edit: this is a note to thank everyone for all the spiritual sacrifices you’ve made for me, the Masses, intentions, good will and love.  I’ve been very humbled and grateful for these infirmities. I thought I was done for a minute, but God might have some other plans.  

As it stands, I’m feeling better and my body seems to be getting to upper hand over this deadly Covid pneumonia.

God bless you all!



susan said...

God bless and heal you Tancred. Keep fighting.

Anonymous said...

Heaven didn’t want you and Hell was ascared you’d take over.

Kathleen1031 said...

I'm so sorry you went through it. I have not understood why so many minimized this virus. I think it's a manufactured entity and it was designed for maximum hurt. Terrible. I'm so glad you are recovering, thank God.

wilderness of pain said...

So glad you are feeling better.

I had Covid in early Oct and was hospitalized fro 6 days and then 10 days of home isolation.
Glad you are recovered and still in the fight.

Constantine said...

Glad you are better. We miss you. Hope for your speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

Fakest publicity stunt for sympathy since the holohoax

Anonymous said...

@Tancred - Deo Gratias.
God bless

Hans Kniesvonbumpsendaiseie said...

"Fakest publicity stunt for sympathy since the holohoax"
What part of + ten million infected world wide, + a million dead world wide, including 240,000 in the US, don't you understand, Dickhead?
This is not a bad cold or an aggressive influenza going around, it is a viral pandemic. Ask Donald. He knows.

Tancred said...

Meh, people with underlying issues?

Tancred said...

Not bad. I’ve been hospitalized since Nov 10. I’m pretty sure it has a lot to do with various pulmonary issues I have.

Anonymous said...

Hans, I think he was referring to Tancred actually having it.

Craig V said...

What part of 99.97 percent survivability rate don't you understand?

Tancred said...

Sure, I’m in the habit of making up personal tragedies for the e-game.

James said...


Glad that you are whipping it.

Whatever this virus is and wherever it came from, it has no mercy on some people.

Welcome back.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are feeling better. Hoping for a swift recovery.

Damian M. Malliapalli

Tancred said...

Thanks guys!

I still think Covid is a manufactured crisis.

People like Gaybrielle exploit anecdotes and bad numbers to instill fear.

I can’t wait to go back to work.

gm said...

Glad you are feeling better. Prayers for your continued recovery. Take care and get well soon.

Tom said...

FWIW, Trump was also accused of faking Covid. Tancred is in good company.

Peter said...

I am hoping for a swift and full recovery Tancred.

Paul said...

Glad you are getting better. Our leaders are taking advantage of the virus to seize our liberties, but it's a very real virus nonetheless, especially for some.

Tancred said...

Agree with you.

Woody said...

Glad you are getting better, Tancred. Take care of yourself and do not try to come back to regular activity too soon. All the best.

Tancred said...

Hey Woody, thanks so much!

I couldn't go back to work if I tried. I'm tethered to a loud but comforting 02 machine.

Getting stronger, though.