Thursday, October 1, 2020

A German Cardinal Warns that a Modernist Schism is Coming


  1. Der Kardinal acts and talks just like a fellow traveller of Opus Dei.

  2. German clerics didn’t take the Oath Against Modernism? Who gave them this privilege? John Vennari used to say the Ratzinger was still bound by the oath even as pope. What would he have said if he knew this tidbit?

    This explains a lot of recent heretics from Germany. But, I‘m baffled that the Church would exempt from the oath people from the land that gave us Luther, Hegel, Engels, scores of crazy theologians, and was so favored by Joos that most prior to their most celebrated persecution spoke JudeoDeutsch and not Hebrew.

  3. 4:37

    And yet with all of the "nonsense" that Saint Pius X taught, he is a venerated Saint for the rest of eternity.
    And you?

  4. His Eminence never said Pio X taught nonsense.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. What did Pius X say that was so objectionable? I thought he was pretty good.

  7. You not only have to be naive but extremely so to believe that the pontiff is against the movement in Germany. He studied for a time in Germany and knows the mentality totally. I would say that you have "good cop, bad cop" in operation.---Pope Francis is the one who has watered down his own authority. The writings of the mentioned Malachi Martin wrote of such a future pope who would destroy the papacy. We know that the Argentinian has all but destroyed the traditional Church.---Without a doubt, Marx is part and parcel of the "lavender mafia". Francis could stop the nonsense immediately by sending in secretive administrators as was done by Pope John Paul in St. Louis with Archbishop John May. He has not done so and pleads that there is nothing that he can do.---The goal of all of this maneuvering is and has always been the creation of a one world socialist government and religion. The acceptance of the gay agenda is the key stone. Germany is in the forefront of the march toward this defining agenda. Woelkl is a sincere prelate but he is "not in the loop" and doomed to blissful ignoring.

  8. Dr.Jones is brilliant but he's 100% wrong concerning Vatican 2 + the 1950's/1960's Liturgucal + Dogmatic Revolution.
    God bless

  9. There is a schism already; what is he talking about? The NO is schismatic.
