Thursday, September 10, 2020

Fake Jesuit Squeals Like Stuck Pig

[Complicit Clergy] First up, the ever-whining Fr. James “I’ve never met a doctrine I disagree with that I won’t hide from the faithful” Martin, SJ. Unlike his usual M.O., the half-truth, he’s simply resorted to lying in this case. I’ve always considered him in the evil-genius category. He’s got the sly like the serpent (without the gentle as the dove thing) down, so I was a little shocked when he posted this to Facebook the other day with a link to the article I deal with below (emphasis mine):

From Chris White at NCR: Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, has endorsed a video that includes anti-immigrant remarks and homophobic slurs by a priest of Wisconsin in which the priest claims “you cannot be Catholic and be a Democrat.” (Full disclosure: the video praised by the bishop also attacks me in rather harsh and homophobic terms.)


Link to Complicit Clergy....

Meanwhile, this popular priest has his Bishop tone policing him. 



  1. I am amazed that homosexualist Martin hasn't been excommunicated.

  2. He is not all that more intelligent than anyone else.
    He is the clerical equivalent of the tired old bar queen who holds court nightly from the end stool, firing his biting witticisms on every subject and expects to stop everyone in their tracks with his Widle-ian observations.
    He is an aging queer who has found a Twitter audience. And no more than that.
    In a few years, he will be a dead queer with no audience.

    1. Betting you're right, Martin gone to his reward within 60 months.

  3. So relieved it’s just a gay bar fly who regularly appears on TV, has 215k twitter followers and publishes books that appear on NYTs best seller list representing the Church and even receiving plaudits from Bergoglio.

    That’s so consoling, anonymous.
