Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Thug Didn’t Pass Bar in California?

Edit: maybe a little more studying and less skateboarding and Thug could pass the Bar? Maybe Holy Soyjek needs better legal counsel?



In case normies and boomers don't know about the kind of crap Thug pulls, besides being a scuzzy, greasy grifter.




  2. It made no sense that he was teaching high school religion and selling surfboards.

  3. I don’t know. I’ve been spared the shame
    of having any attorneys in the family, but can you call yourself a lawyer with just a degree?

  4. Gordon is really good! Agreed? As I leave my yoga class, I’m wondering who here is suffering envy.

  5. You may be a troll but I have no trouble believing that Thug’s fans like Yoga. In fact, a lot of them probably take medical cannabis.

  6. Why would someone go thru law school and not take the bar exam? That’s like majoring in accounting 🥱 and not becoming a CPA

  7. Hans KniesvonbumpsendaisieAugust 12, 2020 at 9:03 PM

    I don't know, Ray Burke made it all he way to Cardinal but he bypassed Christianity along the track.

  8. Did he graduate from somewhere with a Law degree?
    Did he work for a Law firm for a short time after graduation?
    I have no doubt.
    Did he practice anywhere as an attorney or was it in some other capacity?
    That is the question, isn't it?

    He likes to leave the impression that he did practice as an attorney.
    But that is only the impression left. If you draw the conclusion that he is/was a practicing attorney, then that is your conclusion. But it may not be a correct conclusion.

    Could it be that he is being disingenuous?
    We have a BINGO!

  9. JMJ

    Why are so many concerned about Tim Gordon? He's gotta be left to God and humble obscurity. +

    1. Because it’s funny and entertaining to go after internet frauds who attack me and my friends.

  10. 5:29

    No one is "concerned" with this goofball.
    He is a joke. Speaks like a dork. Looks like one too.
    Uses over-the-top vocabulary to impress others. Then gets all "dude", "awesome", "dope" like a 13 year old.
    He is a great big bag of wind. Like his "stand and fight" routine, while he is running away across the country.
    He is an object of laughter caused by his behavior.

  11. Thug and Marshall slandered EMJ and then had YouTube Block his reply which had exculpatory evidence.
    Meanwhile, despite claiming he dissed BLM, none of his videos get pulled by YouTube. Makes you go hmm 🤔.
    I expect him to send his wife back to Mexico and run off with “Budgie Niles” once she gets over Voris liking guys.
    She’s a lawyer too, ya know.

  12. He seems to indicate that he spent all that tuition money on a law degree as his second choice and he never liked being in a law firm. It's not uncommon for law degree holders to fail to pass the Bar. He may have clerked or been an associate and been given a year to pass the Bar.

  13. Who anointed this maggot infested doofus a spokesman for traditional Catholicism??

  14. You flatter him with your attention.

  15. yeah, but unlike a lot of the inconsequentials here, Gordon et al are effectively defending and advancing the True Faith. Most of you rant n' rave impotently.

  16. 8:23

    And yet he is not doing what you are claiming.
    Take off the blinders. Just because someone says that they are a trad does not make them one.
    If he had such a desire for tradition why did he move to a State where there are very few Catholics (7% of the population) and 2 regular Latin Masses in the whole State?

  17. 8:35

    Because he has a Protestant Weltanschauung


  18. I have little knowledge of Timothy Gordon except his true name is Thug according to this blog. He must be a truly despicable character given this label. I have been reading the comments and the most I can see is that he slandered EMJ (but who is that) and attacked Tancred and friends... for what I don't know. One thing I do know: I have never read a Christian blog where another person gets called Thug. Maybe I need to get out more.

  19. @Dan E. Michael Jones

  20. Tancred:

  21. This is detraction.

  22. It might be de traction if he repudiated his old behavior or moved on, but he’s engaging in the same lies, slander, and homo peddling as ever and needs to be called out and exposed.

  23. Anon @ 8:23

    Wow! How cleverly you decipher the hidden meanings in a person's physical location. Tell us, genius, how Catholic are those in Wyoming, compared to say, Louisiana?

    The moron is strong in this one.......

  24. I for one am happy that EF has the balls to challenge frauds like Timothy J. Gordon.

  25. Pico Della MirandolaAugust 13, 2020 at 6:47 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. It’s calumny to accuse me of detracting!


  27. I'll call your detraction and raise you two denigrations. LOL

  28. Q: What was long and hard on the Thug Brothers?

    A: Third grade

  29. "...detraction is the sin of revealing another person's real faults to a third person without a valid reason, thereby lessening the reputation of that person." It can be a mortal sin. If you aren't in a position of authority over him responsible for his correction, or if there is not someone California asking you if you know whether or not he is an able attorney, then you don't have any business discussing his bar exam results. If you are mistaken about this, then it would appear you are perpetrating calumny.

    He is trying to be a good Catholic, as fare as I can tell. You shouldn't detract against the enemies of the Faith, much less our coreligionists.

    1. He’s an enemy of the faith, a liar and a grifter.
