Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Mark Shea is in good company.

 Dick hates just as much as Shea but he has a little more between the ears.


  1. In another time, Dick Spencer and Jared Taylor would have been would have suggested that Catholic Ethnic neighborhoods (and unions) be flooded with Blacks. Spencer's time has come and gone.

  2. Dangerous Dickie's destabilization.
    Personally I was against the killing of the Iranian General and bombing Syria.
    However Joseph Biden is an old school Communist and sucks A**.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Methinks that Dickie is auditioning to be Milo's next husband.
    Typical "say anything to get attention, no matter how stupid".

  5. Sr. Mary HandlebarsAugust 27, 2020 at 3:41 AM

    Mark Shea has much in common with the alt Right not the least of which is his contempt for authentic Catholicism.

  6. Richard Spencer doesn't believe the Jew Kallergi's plan european Christian replacement is real. It's obviously being carried out. It's an obligatory step Talmudically. We don't require any other evidence.

    This is akin to the Protocols. It is happening even if by an amazing coincidence. He's right on one thing the MAGA Trump moment is over. It never really happened.

    The President of the United States hates white people full stop.

    1. He went on + on about every race except White people during his acceptance speech.
