Thursday, August 6, 2020

Holy Soyjek the Grammarian and Thug Gordon Seething

The Grift is Real

Edit: after a concerned Catholic called our Holy Steve and Thug out for their Covid mongering, they get really smug about Grammar, and Thug even tries to claim that he gets along with everyone, especially impenitent sodomites like Milo Yianopoulos, despite having deep and principled disagreements with them of course, and Opus Dei shills like Michael Voris.  Thanks to Canon212 for pointing it out.

Obviously, Thug’s post is pure falsehood.  Thug frequently threatens to beat people who disagree with him up. He gets along with Neocaths, but what about committed Catholics who call him out on being a slandering fruitcake who wants to fight people on line he disagrees with in real life?

Want-to-be Syphillitic Bitch and “Literary” Convert Hilary “HPV” White wanted to jump on the grammar Commissar wagon too and tried to ridicule Fred’s blog audience size, despite not having much of an audience herself. 

Do they have any arguments, or do they just preen their feathers on line, brag about their internet fame, grift for shekels and drink?

Strictly speaking, Soyjek doesn’t usually sperg about grammar, but he did take a petulant swipe at Bishop Gracida.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What are you talking about? Hilary has a large audience! She roams the Italian countryside with her many cats.....but she does have hygiene issues....

  3. Want-to-be Syphillitic ..... What? I don't like the woman but where did you get this from?

    1. It seems as good an explanation as any for her admitted sexual diseases, over-the-top mean-spiritedness, flecked with haughtiness and overwrought sarcasm. I

      With Skojek it’s fueled by booze and vanity. I don’t think Hilary drinks.

  4. Better watch it, Tancred. TG will get "him and his friends" and go up against "you and your friends" and "bring it on".
    Except....his friends are still in California and he ran away to the birth State of Elvis Presley. If the online Homeschool gig doesn't pan out maybe he can get a job as a tour guide at Elvis's birthplace in Tupelo.

    1. He plays guitar, you know and knows some pretty dope riffs that praise him!

  5. Ms. Syphilis missed her calling. She should’ve been a grade school librarian in Victoria but she can’t whisper. Then again, I could see her teaching finger-painting in a reform school.

  6. Are pedos or potheads allowed to run online homeschool programmes?
    It is probably okay but seems weird. Full disclosure is probably in order.

  7. @6:36

    Put up or SHUT UP!

  8. Skate or die will be turned into
    "Pray the Rosary,Skate,or Die" on one of his so called "Blessed Virgin Mary"
    Yes,I was "punker dude",3 yrs before it went mainstream having just turned 13.
    At 24.I realized it was time to grow up + stop living for music + rave scenes.
    He's pushing 40,it's time to let go of the skateboard pics with the Gen Z type ballcap and haircut.
    Fr.Lasance wrote one of the most informative beautiful spiritual Holy Missals and he didn't try to reach
    "the kids" by placating to their
    worldly fashions and trends.
    If he skateboards in private for a hobby and exercise it's understandable but this Peter Pan syndrome caught on internet pics is embarrassing.
    God bless -Andrew-

  9. Andrew:

    That was very good

  10. Thank you, Andrew.
    Eminently sensible.

  11. Gordon is excellent. I often wonder why he is so much more solid and universal than this site.

  12. Anyone know why Gordon was really fired?

    And if he’s a licensed attorney, why is he hocking homeschool resources from a double wide in Mississippi?

  13. Officially, it was for something he said on social media about after he got fired. You see, like G-d, Thug Gordon operates outside of time and space and suffers for others.

  14. Don't know why the abbreviation for Dark Lives Matter gets wiped in my online comments

  15. Does Gordon read Eponymous Flower?
    I think Soyjack does. A

    1. Thug is so retarded he has no idea what Eponymous Flower means.

  16. I think you need to be a member of the bar to be disbarred
