Friday, August 28, 2020

Accused Priest Sues County for Receiving Report

 Edit: pathetic, really. 

DETROIT (AP) — A Detroit priest who said he was defamed by a police officer in an investigation of alleged sexual abuse has settled a lawsuit against her for $125,000.

The Rev. Eduard Perrone said he doesn't care about the money but wants to be reinstated at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, known as Assumption Grotto, a Catholic church he had led for 25 years until he was removed by the Detroit Archdiocese in 2019.

“It’s been a long, slow wait,” Perrone told the Detroit Free Press. “I’ve been ousted from my parish for 13 months, and I’m very anxious to get back.”



  1. I knew a priest who wouldn't close his solvent parish school. The cardinal told him he didn't want the school closed either but other priests in the diocese were jealous of his success.

    Accusations soon followed.
    He was exonerated.
    Rome re-instated him.
    New bishop says he can't allow him to say Mass. It would cause too much trouble.

    Perrone is probably a similar case.
    Held to tradition. Faggots and Jews are wolves.

  2. His name was cleared, but
    as much as people would like it to be different, the Bishop has the authority to give/not give him an assignment. He can linger in do-nothing land as long as the Bishop likes. You can take it to the Vatican but at Perrone's age, he will be dead before anything is decided.
    I would advise him to look outside of the Archdiocese. I am sure that other places would love to welcome him.

    1. His name isn’t cleared. He just sued a police officer doing her job, and the county decided it didn’t want to spend more money trying to fight the case and settled.

  3. Father Gordon J MacRae, now there's a RC priest still doing 26 years in the penitentiary when he refused to plead guilty and get 1 year. Read his story in his blog "These Stone Walls."

  4. Fr. MacRae is a modern day Joseph. He has led many to Christ and has saved many sould within those prison walls. God bless and reward him.

  5. If you read his blog, you’ll know why the fag bishops want him in jail.
    Father Gordon J MacRae Is quite orthodox.

    Ann Barnhardt though had the real skinny on Perrone (Voris’ pal)

  6. "Ann Barnhardt though had the real skinny on Perrone (Voris’ pal)"

    do tell....
