Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Milo, Sirico, Voris... Who's Next, James Martin?

Edit: Thug Brothers, as Canon212 calls them, sure do feature a lot of false opposition.

See if you can note Sirico's Freudian slip?

If you listen further, you can hear Sirico arguing for a big-tent Catholic Church right around 36:00 where he quotes Father Ronald Knox's effeminate book, "Enthusiasm".



  1. Yeah. It’s right here


  2. Let's no forget who Fr Siricio is and the Protestant Manchester Liberalism he is paid to promote



  3. Is anyone shocked he's a disciple of Noxious Ronald Knox?

  4. What's the issue with Ronald Knox?

    1. He was a modernist and an effeminate. Even Waugh couldn’t stand him in the end.

  5. Sirico is bad news. I think his brother is in
    Hollywierd. Why is Gordon promoting fairies?


    1. Controlled opposition.


    Monsignor Ronald Knox is the son of an Anglican bishop and the brother of an Anglican minister. He severed his own connections with Anglicanism so as to acquire the central assurances and valid orders of Rome. His change of religious allegiance was managed without any apparent ruffling of his relatives, and he entered the Church, pipe in hand. That pipe he has not since put down, not even in photographs. Nor has he put aside any of his former canniness and nimble ability to amuse


  7. Fr Sirico is near-worshipped by "Fr. Z" who attends every annual Acton meeting....

  8. Acton was a modernist heretic, as well.

  9. I think Acton opposes Vatican One
    The Institute takes pleasure in misrepresenting the Distributist position. That’s way Gordon only knows it in a caricature form.
    E. Michael Jones was critical of Distributism in his book but he never made straw man arguments or and of that other 💩 Gordon does.

  10. Fr Z is a brown nosing groupie. He loves to be seen in the company of freebie junkies, fellow inverts and scammers.

  11. post-NFP CatholicMay 26, 2020 at 7:19 PM

    Timothy Gordon is the poster child for why we don’t want laity teaching laity regardless of what people think Vatican ll says.

  12. Has Fr. Z ever really had a real priest job?

  13. Someone ran a blog a few years ago entitled 'What does the priest (Z) actually do?'
    The short answer was not much that had to do with the Gospel and a great deal to do with scamming a few priest dependent camp followers whom he actually despises. He's probably borderline psychopath.

  14. 7:19

    He teaches Religion class at a High School in California.
    Pretty sure that his students ignore most of what he says.
    Especially, since he tries to be one of them with his "I'm so with it" vocabulary, unkempt appearance, and "I'm high, man" skateboarder persona.

    Modern day Aquinas he isn't.

  15. 8:41:

    A few years ago, Father Z invited himself to our small traditional parish.
    (At the time we had a Pastor who was enamored with his every syllable.)
    I intentionally missed the Sunday Mass that he prayed and chose to attend another.

    Apparently, our parish was not grand enough for him. The church was not full. The parishoners were not obsequious enough to him. He made a snotty reference about the church on his blog.

    The Pastor never made reference to him after that.

    9:28 gives a good assessment of his personality type. I would agree.

  16. Gordon teaches at Garces and runs Motherboards. I can’t be that lucrative for him because he was
    looking forward to getting his Covid check. He tries to impress with his vocabulary but it often results
    In malapropisms. How many times can a fella use the word instantiate in a podcast anyway?

    Fr. Z is an agent of influence. He was officially incardinated in a suburcarian see of Rome. The one headed up by Arinze. His role was to nourish those attached to traditional forms of worship while steering them clear of the Society. He tried to keep this position when Francis was elected. Remember his Reading Francis through Benedict motto? The strategy fizzled out and he got incardinated in Madison under the now TLM friendly Morlino. He keeps his head down now and heavily polices 👮‍♀️ and restricts his blog comments while continuing to offer platitudes, feed birds 🐦, and take pictures of food 🥘. I don’t think he publishes stats for the site any longer.

  17. Morlino has passed away two years ago.

    Considering Z's more sympathetic position to the SSPX, I would want to give him the benefit of the doubt. He is a student of one of my favorite priests, the legendary Monsignor Schuler, and received the kind of treatment that traditionalists usually get at his first parish assignment with a learned Italian priest who religiously reads America magazine and gets a daily swim. Z was disincardinated from the parish, but he didn't give up, and tried to get a job working for the now defunct Catholic On-line as a web master.

    I've also found it curious how hard he copes for the Minneapolis St. Paul Archdiocese that nearly ended his career as a priest. At one point, one of us had found out that the late Father Leo Tibesar had been conducting marriage services for sodomites. When it became public information, which they advertised on their website for such "services", they removed it but continued the practice privately. Z sloughed off the whole thing as if it were no big deal and said something to the effect of, "it's not often that you hear of such obedience. This is a good sign, indeed." It was evident that he, along with the Archdiocese, wanted the problem to go away in the public eye as soon as possible.

    Z is not a people person, may even be autistic, but he does reverently say Mass and has been a touchstone for Traditional Catholicism for years. There are also all kinds of questionable Masonic connections, I'm sure you've all noticed before.

  18. No Clown 🤡 MassesMay 27, 2020 at 11:46 AM

    I think Zuhlsdorf mentioned that he’s on the Asperger spectrum. Glad to hear he’s softened on the Society In
    the past, if someone expressed gratitude, he would write Piffle in red in their comment.

    During the video above , Sirico downplayed the evil of freemasonry 🧭

  19. Sirico has a lot of the hallmarks of a Mason.

  20. Pray for Zuhlsdorf's moral temporal spiritual well being + have a Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered for him.

  21. What's the problem with Knox's book "Enthusiasm"? Very many years ago on a traditional Catholic discussion group, I think it was ctn-greg, it was recommended for being informative about the roots of the Charismatic Movement and it's heterodoxy in our day.


  22. The problem with Newman and Knox as is the problem with many Traditional and conservative Catholics is that they believe public opinions matters.

  23. What do you think of this?

