Monday, March 23, 2020

Half of Seminarians and All Priests at Wigratzbad Have Corona

OPFENBACH, Germany, March 20, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Almost all priests and roughly half of the seminarians currently at a German seminary of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), a traditionalist community of priests and seminarians, have been infected by the coronavirus.
On the evening of March 13, the seminary had first announced that a priest, who stayed at the seminary as a guest, had contracted the virus. At the time, the community, which is dedicated to the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass, had stated that all Masses in Wigratzbad would take place without the seminarians joining.
“With the powerful help of faith, hope and charity, we do not let ourselves be discouraged. In a few days, the first healed ones will be able to take over from the newly sick, to maintain the spiritual and material life of the house,” the seminary community wrote.



Yves Girard said...

This is a clarion call to all Trads that God's patience with them is running out. There can be no doubt that God is mightily displeased with them for following so blindly in the footsteps of the schismatic Lefebvre.
There is still time for them to be received into the Catholic Church where they will find truth and the path of genuine reform.

Anonymous said...

^^The FSSP is in communion with Rome. It is their seminary where the outbreak has occurred. They are not SSPX.

Anonymous said...

Our Blessed Lord may be angry over
"Nostra Aetate.

Anonymous said...

Bp.De Castro Meyar were the only public trad-Catholic Bishops with jurisdiction from
Aug 1968-Aug 1991.
These 3 Bishops kept the traditional Rite of Holy Orders,
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass,
+ trad-Sacramental rubrics alive,thank the Lord for them!
Without them we wouldn't have a Catholic Church today.

Constantine said...

Everyone hyped up over a simple flu outbreak. Bad things happen to good people more often, so that God can test them and give them all the more Graces.

Anonymous said...

Yves, Yves, you surely have a devil in you.

dxv515 said...

Probably Divine Punishment for teaching all the 1P5'ers that the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar contains coronavirus....

susan said...

"Yves" is feybrielle is legion.

He needs to hoard more toilet paper cause he's always full of ....well, you know.

Tancred said...


Anonymous said...

I’m presently, high AF!
......ask me how

Anonymous said...

This would reinforce the theory that this
bug attacks people
who already has AIDS. 🐛

Reagan's Bush said...

Most pedophiles are jews.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dumass:
You don’t get aids from a kid.
These are H O M O S

Anonymous said...

Could be a controlled opposition bot account...