Monday, January 20, 2020

“Consecration” of Woman Bishop in Richmond Cancelled

RICHMOND, Va. ( - The consecration of a female Episcopal bishop is being moved out of a Catholic parish after backlash from the faithful, but Richmond Bp. Barry Knestout is lamenting the cancellation. 
Episcopalians were planning to hold the consecration of Susan Bunton Haynes on Feb. 1 at St. Bede Catholic Church in Williamsburg, Virginia. 
St. Bede Catholic Church in Williamsburg
Local Catholics, including some parishioners at St. Bede, were outraged when word of the event spread earlier this month. Many Catholics who learned about it online also voiced their opposition, with a petition garnering more than 3,000 signatures.


  1. It was related on the "Church Militant" website that the event was cancelled by the Episcopal Church and not by the Diocese of Richmond. Bishop Knestout was quoted as being very sad about the installation being cancelled.

  2. Yes, the cancellation decision was made by the Episcopal Church authorities.

  3. I'm confused. If protestant soldiers for Christ are not sinners like Henry Weston, why is it sacrilege for them to use a Catholic church for their consecrations (i.e. if protestants are good enough to get into heaven, how could a Catholic bishop deny them the use of a church for their consecrations without offending Jesus Christ?)?

    It is precisely because of the great respect, love and admiration that I have for you non-Catholic soldiers for Christ that I wanted to reach out to you and beg you to consider coming home to the Catholic Church. For one thing your ardent faith and willingness to defend the truths of Christ are sorely needed in the battle for the soul of the Catholic Church that is raging today. But more than that, you are such good and Christ-loving people. You deserve the riches of the Catholic faith much more than a sinner like me.

    Watch as Dr. King’s own niece Alveda explains why he was a Republican and why that matters.

  4. 9.25.15: Three new female Catholic bishops ordained in Delco
    In 2006, former Philadelphia archbishop Cardinal Justin Rigali called the women priests’ ordination “invalid” and maintained that scripture and sacred tradition “clearly indicate that Jesus called only men to follow him as Apostles.” Thursday Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput and his spokespersons, who have been involved with World Meeting of Families events in Philadelphia this week, couldn’t be reached for comment.

    “The pope (benedict) PUBLICLY shook hands with a woman priest for the first time”

    as Archbishop of Munich, Joseph Ratzinger sings alongside a Protestant woman minister at a common prayer service.

  5. Why were Episcopalians planning to hold and event in a Catholic Church (and more importantly, how did the pastor of St. Bede ever allow it to be scheduled in the first place)?

    1. Because the pastor hates the historic Catholic religion and those who love it?

  6. Speaking of bishops, has anyone seen this Frank Walker 1.21.20 Headline: "Disguised ABP Vigano Captured on Film at Stand There Protest in Munich"

    What a contrast w/+Lefebvre: "the (captured) (disgused) (silent) bishop" is just one of a crowd of lay people—(in fact in the press release for the event it is claimed only lay involvement*). The only reason anyone knows ABP is there is because of self-labelled "Catholic" (?cia/fbi infiltrated and controlled?) media groups who control and filter (fabricate) his voice. He speaks only in articles that they publish. His concerns are their concerns. Does this sound like the Russian/Greek/Ukraine/whatever lay (state) cotrolled “Orthodox” patriarchy vs the Roman Catholic hierarchy? [Is Vigano a prisoner?]
    Where do these people get the money to fly to Munich and Rome for their silent prayer protests? Why is opus devil controlled CFN** and Catholic Register*** publicizing their evemts? What is their aim—God’s favor/man’s favor? They call on God for nothing; they call on German Catholics to stop paying church tax to what these protestors call (and they themselves are all members) the Catholic Church.

    Where will these Germans get their sacraments if they stop paying the German church tax? These ‘protestors’ (every last cia/fbi funded one of them) all claim the VC2 sacraments are valid—so they are actually stating that Catholic sacraments are not necessary for salvation. Yet they claim to act in the name of the Catholic Church (and in the interests of the laity) and that Marx is the heretic/one trying to destroy. Who is their leader—no hierarchy is shown in their array—and yet the Catholic Church is hierarchical and it is apostolic.




  7. TFP claims to be against tribalism--and argues that's what Francis/Marx doing w/synodalism in order to break up the Church. Michael Matt states he is 'uniting the clans,’* but clans** and tribes*** are synonyms (i.e. Catholic Church has already been divided). Now the thieves are fighting over the spoils (tax paying sheep). Michael Matt doesn’t say on whose behalf (i.e. who is paying him) to unite lay people (just trust him, it’s Catholic)—but it has facilitated his coming out w/Opus Devils, specifically Taylor Marshall**** (Matt’s alma mater is Christendom so no doubt became opus lay catholic activist devil there). The Catholic Church is not a lay run institution. Jesus Christ’s house is one of prayer directed to God—not prayer directed to men as a publicity stunt to impress/earn praise nor as an act of war. These VC2 'conservative' clans are no more catholic than the 'liberal' tribes they are fighting for temporal power. Both are wolves in sheep's clothing and roam about seeking sheep only to devour them.

    *Michael Matt joins “the clans” in Munich

    Traditional Catholics uniting the clans

    1. I’ve never been a fan of the Remnant. Seems like professional mourners for the Catholic Church to me, and they never really identified the true baddies.

  8. The true baddies are the dullards at the Munich mutual massage party with whom Uncle Matt consorts. The twits can't help themselves.

  9. To Anonymous who chimed in on January 20 @5:56 PM, Dr. KANG was a communist and a fraud. Notice that Mike King (His actual real name was Michael-his father "Big Daddy King" decided to change their names to Martin Luther King because it sounded better. He never actually legally changed it). Dr. KANG like to have orgies with white prostitutes along with other Black Pastors (paid of course by the donations of blacks to the SCLC). Notice, Dr. KANG had no problem speaking of the evils of The Jim Crow South, White Rhodesia, or Apartheid South Africa. Yet, he never said a word about the treatment of the Palestinians by our "Fellow Whites" in Israel. I guess Dr. KANG knew who buttered his bagel.

    You must be a baby boomer Conservative or incredibly naïve to believe that Dr. KANG would be a "Conservative". Dr. KANG would be rent-seeking demanding more and more gibs for blacks.
