Saturday, November 9, 2019

Imam Wonders Why Pope Doesn’t Preach Christ

Edit: found this from @The_Moccasin_ on Twitter. An Imam is shocked the Pope is telling people they shouldn’t preach Christianity.  Isn’t that his job?

Thanks to Dirk, this from Lifesite.  Bergoglio thinks Catholics who oppose his Synod are “racist”.

In the interview, the pope said, “There are circles and sectors that present themselves as ilustrados[enlightened] — they sequester the proclamation of the gospel through a distorted reasoning that divides the world between ‘civilization’ and ‘barbarism.'”
Pope Francis said, “The idea that the Lord has among his favorites many dark-complexioned people irritates them, it puts them in a bad mood. 
They consider a large part of the human family as a lower-class entity, incapable, according to their standards, of achieving decent levels in spiritual and intellectual life. On this basis, contempt can develop for people considered to be second-rate,” he said, adding that “all this also emerged during the Synod of Bishops for the Amazon.”



Al Bagdadi said...

Nothing happening here, folks

Michael Dowd said...

"Imam Wonders Why Pope Doesn’t Preach Christ"

Simple: "Pope" Francis doesn't believe in Christ. He says Christ was not God and did not resurrect from the dead.

JBQ said...

@Michael Dowd: If you look at the writings of Fulton J. Sheen (Archbishop), you will find that he predicted such.

JBQ said...

You have to understand just what the role of Marxism is in this pontificate. This is all about the creation of a new one world socialist religion. Islam is just one piece of the puzzle. Churches will be destroyed and turned into meeting halls. That is exactly what Karl Marx wanted and Joseph Stalin implemented.----Teilhard de Chardin is the architect in regard to the evolution of religion. Malachi Martin defined the blueprint. There are no longer absolute standards, only the standards of society.

Anonymous said...

Duh,Maybe because Bergoglio is a Marxist atheist?

Brnum said...

The Imam has more integrity than the USCCB. How can the multi-culti homosexualist apparat disagree with his observation?

Brnum said...

The Imam has more integrity than the USCCB. How can the multi-culti homosexualist apparat disagree with his observation?

Barnum said...

The Imam has more integrity than the USCCB. How can the multi-culti homosexualist apparat disagree with his observation?

Barnum said...

The Imam has more integrity than the USCCB. How can the multi-culti homosexualist apparat disagree with his observation?