By David Martin
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It is not generally known that St. Faustina, known for her
role in establishing the devotion to Divine Mercy, penned an unusual entry
into her diary on December 17, 1936. Entry 823 is as follows.
"I have offered
this day for priests. I have suffered more today than ever before, both
interiorly and exteriorly. I did not know it was possible to suffer so much in
one day. I tried to make a Holy Hour, in the course of which my spirit had a
taste of the bitterness of the Garden of Gethsemane. I am fighting alone,
supported by His arm, against all the difficulties that face me like
unassailable walls. But I trust in the power of His name and I fear
Note that Faustina that day was making reparation for priests,
an offering that brought upon her the worst suffering she had ever endured. But
too, on that bitter day of December 17, 1936, was born Jorge Mario Bergoglio,
who would later reign as Pope Francis, the 266th pontiff of the Roman Catholic
Could it be
that Faustina that day was atoning for the many priests, bishops, and cardinals
of the future who would be misled by Francis? But too, could it be that her
mysterious torment signaled the arrival of a future anti-pope who would destroy
the Faith in the name of “mercy?”
The Faith Denied
complacent Catholics entertain the false security that popes can never err or inflict
harm on the Church, the fact remains that the papacy under Francis has become a
debacle of error that has inflicted great harm on the Church. Aside from his
having abetted anti-life forces, betrayed the underground Church in China, sacked
loyal priests, empowered homosexuals, rewarded abortionists, praised Luther,
blessed adultery, and denied the miracle of the loaves, Francis more than once
has professed heresy.
instance, on February 4, 2019, he signed a joint statement with the head of
Egypt’s al-Azhar Mosque, which states that "diversity of religions"
is "willed by God," thus contravening the Church’s infallible
teaching that God wills only the Roman Catholic Church, outside of which there
is no salvation.
This coincides with his ongoing efforts to dissuade Catholics
from their attempts to convert other religions. For instance, he asked Moroccan
Catholics on April 2 not to seek Catholic converts to the Faith, arguing that
the Church's mission does not consist in baptizing and converting people but in
generating "change."
Herein he denies the Church’s commission from Christ to bring
the knowledge of God to the world and "teach all nations" (Matt.
28:19), that all peoples might leave their particular idols and creeds and be
converted to the Catholic Church. Under the guise of brotherhood and mercy he withholds
the mercy of God from mankind.
St. Francis’ Prophecy
Before his death in 1226, St. Francis of Assisi called
together the friars of his Order and detailed this prophecy of what was to come
in the latter days concerning a future pope. The following is taken from Works
of the Seraphic Father St. Francis of Assisi, R. Washbourne Publishing
House, 1882, pp. 248-250, with imprimatur by His Excellency William Bernard,
Bishop of Birmingham. The source of this prophecy is the Writings of St.
Francis (1623) by Fr. Luke Wadding, preeminent historian and scholar on St.
Francis of Assisi.
"At the time of this tribulation, a man, not canonically
elected, will be raised to the Pontificate, who, by his cunning, will endeavor
to draw many into error.... Some preachers will keep silence about the truth,
and others will trample it under foot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be
held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days
Jesus Christ will send them not a true pastor, but a destroyer."
You are really stretching here.
I see reasonable questioning here.
Hmmm, definite food for thought.
"While complacent Catholics entertain the false security that popes can never err or inflict harm on the Church, the fact remains that the papacy under Francis has become a debacle of error that has inflicted great harm on the Church. Aside from his having abetted anti-life forces, betrayed the underground Church in China, sacked loyal priests, empowered homosexuals, rewarded abortionists, praised Luther, blessed adultery, and denied the miracle of the loaves, Francis more than once has professed heresy.
For instance, on February 4, 2019, he signed a joint statement with the head of Egypt’s al-Azhar Mosque, which states that "diversity of religions" is "willed by God," thus contravening the Church’s infallible teaching that God wills only the Roman Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation.
This coincides with his ongoing efforts to dissuade Catholics from their attempts to convert other religions. For instance, he asked Moroccan Catholics on April 2 not to seek Catholic converts to the Faith, arguing that the Church's mission does not consist in baptizing and converting people but in generating "change."
How can anyone have any doubts after reading these paragraphs? May Catholics think Francis and his people are heretics. Just looking at the stats alone over the last 6 years, Mass attendance, membership in religious Orders (the declines of which had leveled off a little under the last years of JPII and especially Benedict, and seminary enrollments were actually going up...even in some of Europe) had plunged again, and vocations (such as they were), have hit low levels like the early 1970's all over again. It's the death knell for many Orders, even the big ones. The Franciscans are almost below 10,000 members, and by the time Francis is thru, so will the Jesuits be (36,100 before Vatican II, about 14,000 now).
And in afew weeks, he will have destroyed the ancient institution of the Roman Curia with his "reforms".
A sure sign of Satan. Another sign is that very few are speaking out against him. Bishop Georg Gaswein, Benedict XVI's long time secretary, just did in Austria. Good for him. So basically did Benedict XVI with his letter.
But there needs to be much more.....a rebellion in the Curia and the Church.
A sure sign of Satan is that it looks like its not coming.
But there could be a miracle yet.
Damian Malliapalli
It's been said that Pope Benedict's resignation is canonically invalid, and I haven't seen a refutation of that argument as it stands on the following site.
I understand and accept that it's complex and seems to require a canon lawyer, but the fact that, to my knowledge at least, no one has refuted it as it stands, makes me suspect that it might be sound.
Pope Benedict did ask at least once if there was anything lacking in his resignation, that would invalidate it, so he is aware of that possibility.
At the General Audience of February 27, 2013, the day before Benedict abdicated the throne, he said:
"Anyone who accepts the Petrine ministry no longer has any privacy. He belongs always and completely to everyone, to the whole Church... "The 'always' is also a "forever" – there can no longer be a return to the private sphere. My decision to resign the active exercise of the ministry does not revoke this."
From these words it appears that there has been no revocation of Benedict XVI’s office. According to Church law, a pope must give up "his office" for his resignation to be valid. (Canon 332) The text indicates that Benedict XVI chose to retain his office "forever," which means he is still pope, which means that Francis cannot be pope, since there cannot be two popes. If Francis is the pope, then Benedict's office is revoked, but Benedict insists it was not revoked.
I have a faint aversion to devotion to Sr. Faustina. More than faint. But I try not to be a party pooper about it.
I do think it entirely possible St. Francis was referring to Bergolio, who, in my opinion, is positively the Destroyer.
This man is single-handedly destroying the Catholic Church, Europe, Christendom, and now he is working on the United States. No other man in history has had the wide-reaching negative impact on the spiritual and temporal world as this one man.
And he may be just warming up.
17 XII 1936, Cracow; commeration of saint John of Mathy, founder of the Trinitarians, Thursday; Sister Maria Faustina (Kowalska) experiences the spiritual agony of the Lord Jesus in the Gethsemane Garden - she offers unbearable sufferings for the priests. He does not know that on the same day overseas in Buenos Aires, the False Prophet will be born. As a seminarian, he teaches his juvenile nephew to curse, who will curse in the church during the service, to the delight of his"teacher" in cassock. In his student times, Bergoglio was bouncer in a night club (has a memorial plaque been put in place yet?!), and as the first in the hierarchy he will turn out to be the bouncer in the Roman Catholic church.
In the first lesson in Matins of that day [Dec. 17, 1936] it was read the passage of Isaiah [33, 1-2]:
"Woe to thee that spoilest, shalt not thou thyself also be spoiled? and thou that despisest, shalt not thyself also be despised? when thou shalt have made an end of spoiling, thou shalt be spoiled: when being wearied thou shalt cease to despise, thou shalt be despised. O Lord, have mercy on us: for we have waited for thee: be thou our arm in the morning, and our salvation in the time of trouble."
Jorge Bergoglio means 'The farmer from the Mount of Olives': Judas Iscariot betrayed our Lord Jesus Christ in Gethsemane, and then like a rotten fruit hung on the Potter Field - the Argentinian tenant is delivering Our Mother the Holy Church to the Passion. In the year of the birth of the new Judas, discovered 6 years earlier, the dwarf Pluto (= false "9" planet) entered the "Gate of Heaven", or the sign of the Mother Church (constellation Cancer). Bergoglio together with his 8-person council constitute a false "9" - blasphemous imitation of the Holy Spirit (1 / Merkury-The Fire + 8 / Neptune-The Water = 9).
Thus at the end of the world the plunderer of the Roman Catholic church was born at a time when there would be a period of tribulations that had never existed, ever since the nations were formed up to the present. [Dn 12, 1b]
"I understand and accept that it's complex and seems to require a canon lawyer, but the fact that, to my knowledge at least, no one has refuted it as it stands, makes me suspect that it might be sound."
Any Canon Lawyer who does not call for the laity to be fully in charge of marriage with respect to nullities, is CORRUPTED BEYOND HOPE!!!
Therefore, only those Canonists who agree with that marriage/nullity power in the hands of the laity has any right to an opinion on such as described in the above quote. I bet there are dang few with the guts to agree with this, particularly in public, under Jorge's miserable oppressive leadership.
There is no desire among the clergy to pursue truth to any serious extent.
JP2 who promoted Faustina (whose writings were banned prior to VC2) was an "interfaith giant" just like Francis -- so why are you promoting as true the 'writings' of a sister whose writings were condemned before vc2 and whom jp2 rehabilitated to promote the heresy that God is all merciful and not judgmental? [This blog seems more and more to be just another opus devil VC2 disinformation machine.]
"In the last four decades, Catholics and Protestants worldwide have been seriously rethinking their attitudes toward other religions. And the Second Vatican Council is now seen as a watershed event in this new openness toward Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, Indigenous Peoples and others. Indeed, the Church has come to recognize and respect the presence of grace, truth, and holiness in other religions."[they list all JP2's offenses against Jesus Christ]
Here is JP2 at VC2 (he was elected pope because he was a commie modernist apostate just like Francis and why francis made him a saint w/J23): "It’s not the role of the Church to flourish (!triumphalism!) its authority in the face of unbelievers. We and all our fellowmen are engaged in a search. Let us avoid all moralizing and all suggestion that the Church has a monopoly of Truth. One of the major defects of this draft is that in it the Church appears to be an authoritarian institution."
"He (JP2) made special contributions to the Decree on Religious Freedom and The Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (and not for the better but for the Francis worse). Wojtyla was also the spokesman for the Polish hierarchy. Pope Paul VI was so impressed with his abilities that he appointed him archbishop of Krakow in 1964 and elevated him to cardinal in 1967."
If I had a dime for every opus devil blog that began did so-and-so predict this pope or that state of the church, i'd be a millionaire and yet still you nincompoops keep rollin' along w/Francis on the way to hell.
@anon 5:13
Linking to Fred Dimond kind of destroys your credibility.
David, where do you come up with said information?
Thank you, Astrid. I was unaware of Br. Alexis Bugnolo's pdf printable and linkable explication on the Benedict is Pope (BiP) because of the juridical invalidity of his attempted renunciation of Feb 11, 2013. I found it at the website you proferred.
Thank you and may you find the unexpected blessings that God has for you in this Easter Season.
anon@8:47 pm but tancred/epon flower (along w/all opus devils and CM/Voris) are now in Fred Dimond's camp. Be consistent opus devils: if the benedict center is kosher, why not fred dimond? Not sure if you've noticed but Fred Dimond used to criticize Voris/Vortex as demonic but now site is full of CM (and lifesite news) clips. That opus devil/Soros/Koch/ Habsburg/Busch money is like bread from hell -- any disinformation campaign to kill true catholicism can be funded -- even those 'schismatic' feenyites.
No thanks.
I'm glad it was helpful. Thank you for your kind words! A blessed Eastertide to you and yours!
I'm sure everybody knows by now, but at first 20, and now over 60 clergy and theologians of very high esteem in the Catholic Church, and also the very respected Superior General of the SSPX, Bishop Bernard Fellay and the whole SSPX have signed a letter suggesting/ordering Bishops to investigate Pope Francis as a heretic.
Also the letter has an attachment for everyone to sign in support of this initiative. I hope it grows. As usuall, the Vatican comment when faced with a disaster or unconfortable truth as this was, "no comment". They have no comment, and no defense.
Pope Francis is a heretic who must be forced out. Pray that this snowballs into an avalance that destroys the Bergoglio papacy and Vatican and all his appointments.
I hope the Cardinals, who are beginning to know what's up, begin to voice strong protests against Francis, and his coming "reforms" of the Curia in June.
I hope this "reform" goes down in flames.
Damian Malliapalli
I would rather see Francis deposed for declaration of invalidity,
than for heresy. For heresy is to admit a fallen Pope. For invalidity is
to show the plots against the Church and remove the papacy of such stain.
Would like listen in on McCormick's phone conversations these days.......
Antonio Socci has written a new and compelling analysis of the Bergoglian Revolution, just released in English yesterday (May 24, 2019): The Secret of Benedict XVI: Is He Still the Pope?
Highly recommend this to all followers of The Eponymous Flower!
Giuseppe Pellegrino
Anonymous.. who in the world ever told you that the pope cannot err? That is not accurate at all. Now the Holy Spirit will guide him through a carefully considered dogma. If he wanted to delete one of the four Marian dogmas, you would witness the Holy Spirit intervene and not allow him to do it. It has only happened, maybe a half a dozen times since the resurrection.
Yah! It's even way beyond a stretch.
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