Sunday, April 21, 2019

Pope Fails to Mention Perpetrators in Sri Lankan Attacks

Edit: he actually talks about everything except the real problem. It’s probabably what’s left of Christendom’s fault for being triumphalistic and rigid. 

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis denounced the “cruel violence” of the Easter Sunday slaughter of Christians and foreigners in Sri Lanka as he celebrated the most joyful moment on the Christian liturgical calendar by lamenting the bloodshed and political violence afflicting many parts of the world.

Francis skipped his homily during Easter Mass but delivered his traditional “Urbi et Orbi” (To the city and the world) speech highlighting conflicts in the Mideast, Africa and the Americas and demanding that political leaders put aside their differences and work for peace.

“May the one who gives us his peace end the roar of arms, both in areas of conflict and in our cities, and inspire the leaders of nations to work for an end to the arms race and the troubling spread of weaponry, especially in the economically more advanced countries,” Francis said from the loggia of St. Peter’s Basilica overlooking the flower-decked square below.



  1. If you take a look at the photos of this Easter in St. Peter's, at the start of the Mass till the end, then you can see that the "crowds" that "flocked" to Saint Peter's (as the media always describes it), was far,far fewer than what Pope Benedict XVI brought out for big feasts like Easter, or also JP II. The media quoted the estimate for today at 70,000.
    Since St. Peter's Square can hold 250,000+ (and Pius XII got 500,000 for the canonization of Pius X in 1954 and the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception in 1950), and JP II's funeral was huge too....Bergoglio got a handful in comparison.
    Even Paul VI (who was not a popular pope), got 150-200,000 each Easter.)

    I guess the Romans and Italians are sick of hearing Francis' perpetual screed, whine, moan about the "poor persecuted" migrants....99.9% of whom happen to be his favorite people....Muslims.

    Damian Malliapalli

  2. Why would he bother to mention Islamic Terrorists? He just said, that they and us are believing in the same God...

    This Apostate, this false prophet, this anti-pope suppose to be finally publicly name for what he really is!!!

  3. Allahu akbar means our god is greater than yours

    Perhaps this will help

  4. To be fair, "Allahu akbar" means : "God is Great". And you should respond "El-Messiagh Akbar". Meaning:"The Messiah is Great".Or you may say "El-Messiagh kaum". Which means "The Messiah is risen". Of course, you run risks, but it will tick them off very much. Because Islam does not believe that Christ the Messiah came or rose from the dead. Christ is for them only a prophet.

  5. The ONLY good thing Islam has ever done on this earth is regards to art and architecture. Some of their ancient mosques are among the most breathtaking and beautiful monuments in the world. Though Islam does not go in for representation of the human form, (and you won't see statues anywhere), they do go in for ornamentation, and verses form the Koran etched in beautiful script in mosaics along the walls of mosques. Those in Iran, Iraq, and Morocco are among the most outstanding (and Turkey).
    As a religion, it was born in bloodshed and conflict, and that has been one of their chief tools to spread their religion. Until the 8th century, the whole of the Middle East and much of North Africa all the way down to Sudan, was Orthodox(Greek) Christian. Now the Orthodox world is reduced to Greece, most of the Balkan states, and of course, the biggest country in the world, Russia.
    So if Islam had never been born (and many wish it hadn't), all those countries, plus Turkey, the entire Middle East, and all North Africa down as far as Sudan and Ethiopia would be Orthodox Christian....bigger than the Roman Catholic Church of today. But Orthodoxy is not much into missionary activity, so I don't know if it would have spread even further.

    Damian Malliapalli

    1. I beg your pardon but the Byzantine Empire was Catholic until 1054. The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church under Her visible Head, the Roman Pontiff, breathed with two lungs.

      In 1054, Cardinal Humberto and Michael Cerularius hurled excommunications at each other.
      That's how Orthodoxy began.


    2. 1054 Cardinal Humberto excommunicated the Patriarch, but unbeknowest to the Cardinal, the Pope that deputized Humberto had died, the excommunication was invalid

    3. It was Catholic until the Fall of Constantinople. The "Orthodox" sect was a creation of the Ottomans.

  6. Anyone remember the ludicrous "Document on Human Fraternity" signed by Pope Francis and Grand Imam el-Tayeb in Feb 2019? As that document flatly contradicted both Catholic and Islamic teaching, you couldn't expect much from it. No surprise that some adherents of The Religion Of Peace seem to be ignoring it. el-Tayeb and Pope Francis seem to have both denounced the Sri Lankan massacres which make them both look like total asses. But seeing that el_Tayeb himself has demanded the death penalty for unrepentant apostates it looks like another exercise in taqiyya.

  7. The people killed in those attacks were referred to as Easter worshipers by Hilary and Obama they can't bring themselves to even say the word Christian.

  8. I keep a bottle of champagne in the refrigerator for when Pope Francis dies.

    1. That's awful! You should pray for him!



  9. HAHAHAHA! "I keep a bottle of champagne in the refrigerator for when Pope Francis dies."

    Good idea James. Too bad there's no sign of him resigning or whatever (I don't go in for wishing him dead, even though he's the worst possibly ever).

    But some of my friends and myself plan a special celebration for whenever he's gone (whatever way he goes...just so he's gone)

    Damian Malliapalli

    For Margaret:
    "The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church under Her visible Head, the Roman Pontiff, breathed with two lungs.".....yeah, right. And I'm gonna beat out Beto O'Rourke, Sanders, Biden, Harris, Klobucher,and Warren to be the next President of the USA!!!
    I'm only 31, but never was taught that in school. My parents and grandparents probably were though....out of the good ol' Baltimore Catechism. I got Vatican II crap in gradeschool and highshool ....finished 10 years of Catholic education knowing nothing about the Church. Just the kind of bs Francis is pushing now.
    Anyway, having seen the Greek Orthodox world twice now on photo shoots for my job, I can tell you that they know their Faith, and have more of a Faith than we do since Vatican II. The Deposit of Catholic Truth of the Ages is priceless...just like the traditions and teachings of the Greek/Byzantine Church....but what he got the last 50 years is garbage.
    So if I were Greek Orthodox/Byzantine Christian, I would not want to trade my Faith in, in favor of union with-- "The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church under Her visible Head, the Roman Pontiff........"

    Damian Malliapalli

    1. Damian,

      What I posted:

      "The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church under Her visible Head, the Roman Pontiff, breathed with two lungs."

      was in regard to the Church both today but especially before 1054.

      I'm Ukrainian Greek Catholic and am old enough be your mother. I have Russian Orthodox cousins. We have much in common but cannot pray together. That hurts me more than you can imagine. The last sentence of your post doesn't help either. No matter how bad things get the Catholic Church is still the one true Church that Christ Himself founded.


    2. Also, you and millions of RCs have been robbed of your heritage over the past 50+ years and have every right to be bitter.

      However, holding on to that bitterness will hurt you not the modernists. I know because I've gone through it myself.

      My suggestions (for what they're worth): Pray for Pope Francis. I know it's hard praying for someone who has hurt you but I'm speaking from personal experience (not with him but another person consecrated to God). To paraphrase Churchill, it took 2 years of prayer, blood, sweat and tears to forgive him.

      Now I look at that and thank God that He spared me from losing my faith at that time.

      One day the crisis in the Church will end - not today or tomorrow, but it *will* end.

      Second, bone up on the traditional teaching of the Church. We're both in the Philadelphia area. If Tancred permits, I'll post the information of a fellow in Philadelphia who sells used Catholic books. I've dealt with him for 15+ years and he's a nice guy. He advertises in traditional Catholic publications so I'd post his ad information.

      That's about it for now.

      In the Risen Christ,


  10. I'll pray for PF just only if he goes back to Baires.

  11. Thank you Margaret. I appreciate your insightful posts. Sorry if I sounded sarcastic. And I do resent not being given the beautiful Faith of my parents and grandparents. I do have a lot of good Catholic books....including the Catechism of the Council of Trent. I should read them more, and teach myself more like I've tried to do.
    The Church will change indeed....maybe not soon, but if we get a Pope less like the one we have now, and more like previous (even just a litte bit), that will be a step in the right dirction.

    I've seen the Ukranian Catholic Cathedral in Philly. Beautiful. JP II visited it. I know that from reading about the church :)

    Damian Malliapalli

    1. Damian,

      In June we will have the enthronement of our new Metropolitan at the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral in Philadelphia.

      Also,this October will be 40 years since PJPII visited our cathedral. :-)


  12. The contempt people feel for Pope Francis is not just about sitting back and accepting what we have. Firstly, Catholic Social Action/Catholic Social Justice , especially in regards to profamily and pro-life activity is discouraged under Francis. People do not go to heaven just by sitting and waiting. "When was it Lord when you were hurting, lonely or dying did we help you or neglected you? " Including teaching and spreading the Faith to others. Pope Francis prevents and discourages your positive actions.He not only laughs in your face, but encouraged by example, to have others who believe they are following the Faith, to laugh at your actions and words, and Teaching that your actions do not represent Authentic Catholic Teaching or Action.
    Secondly, by not resisting Francis in public, we are loding a grand opportunity to contribute to Catholic development of an important doctrine in regards to the limits, previously not questioned, of Papal and episcopal subservience to statements purported to be Teaching, but may not be. And to what extent Papal and Episcopal Ordinary Teachings are to be more previsely viewed, and citiqued.
    Indeed, the result of this Crisis will make our Catholic Teaching more crystal clear than ever before.
