Friday, April 26, 2019

Steve Skojec is Bored With Traditionalism

Edit: Steve is deep in thought. Yes, he’s pensive, promethian and pondering whether he can continue the onerous task of being the world’s #1 Traditional Catholic media source. His titanic labors are beginning to bore him. What new tasks will he take unto himself?

Maybe being a being America’s #1 Traditional Catholic e-celeb isn’t all it’s cracked
up to be?

Steve says he feels he’s in a bit of a straightjacket right now.

That’s the problem with making a blog about your visceral reactions about the things that go on with something like the Catholic Church.  The Wanderer, for its shortcomings and the human frailties in its editors and staff, has been around for 150 years. I doubt 1P5 will make it past the Summer.  Hilary White’s gone too. [Correction: she has opened [returned to her old blog] a new blog called which looks a lot more introspective. Some people’s personal reflections on Catholicism might be of interest.]
All the best to them!

Here’s a sample of the outlet Steve wants to write for at Medium.

H/t: Canon212



Litacanaman said...

Pray for him

Tancred said...

He’s a second generation Shea model. Less clunky, more loquacious, his artificial intelligence is more attuned to today’s Church, and he has spent a lot more time in conservative Catholic circles, processing their info and disseminating, although, like Shea, his Frankfurt School programming is full-on to address any concerns about anti-Semitism.

Hilary Jane Margaret White said...

Orwell's Picnic was the personal/house/garden blog that I've been running since 2005. I've merely returned to it.

Blotto said...

I must admit the main reason I look at Trad Catholic websites is for articles like this one sniping at fellow Trads. Let the inferno raging in the Church or the relevant parts of Galatians 5:20 take a backseat;I want further and prolonged episodes of "He Said...She Said..."


Tancred said...

How’s it a case of hearsay? Steve just said he’s bored and needs to move on. He’s one of the most cannibalistic “trad” bloggers out there, and I rarely talk about him, but his confirmed fly-by-night status is certainly newsworthy.

Blotto said...

I mentioned Galatians 5:20 for it's references to 'enmity, strife and dissensions'. I read what Steve Skojec wrote and while he's more than capable of defending himself, I don't think it's to be taken at all seriously though even if it was in earnest, I can't see how it should be a cause for gloating, other than maybe with certain Bennyvacantists who seem to have the knives out for him. 1P5 does sterling work and doesn't seem to be on the point of folding any time soon. Please save your (righteous) anger for those who are part of the problem in the Church, not those who are part of the solution.

Tancred said...

1P5 is parasitic and Steve is a deeply flawed but self-appointed gatekeeper.

I’ve known him for a long time and he is a fly-by-night. You’ll see.

Tancred said...

And I’m kind of missing the jocularity of his comments.

Dymphna said...

Tancred, how is 1P5 parasitic?

Anonymous said...

I've seen some of Skojec's unprovoked, personal attacks on others in private Facebook groups. Sometimes he makes Pope Francis look like a saint, to be honest. I wish he would shut up and take down the blog.

As for HW, I've yet to come across a more self-absorbed, arrogant know-it-all in my 20 years in Traddom. Chip on her shoulder to be sure, and where else to air it than Traditionalism.

These people should put down their keyboards and pick up their beads, far as I'm concerned. They're the reason so few Catholics embrace the Traditional Faith.

Tancred said...

I don’t think he’s serious. He’s just filling a niche market and has identified some horses he can ride till they get tired of his BS or he gets bored and rolls on like an Arizona tumbleweed.

Moreover, I don’t think anyone, especially the laity who arrogate upon themselves a quasi-Magisterial fuzzy authority like the Benevacantists, are above reproach. I hope they do get criticized, because most of them have earned a good beating.

Tancred said...

Do they really matter that much?

People used to accuse Evelyn Waugh of that, but his accusers usually didn’t know about the good things he did, which didn’t become widely known till long after he was dead.

He called Father Feeney a lunatic. While Father dubbed him, not without justification, a “literary convert.” I’m sure the SBC was kinder to him than he deserved. Waugh was a very imperfect man, and he had the humility to admit it, despite everything.

Tancred said...

We go up or we go down.

Kathleen1031 said...

I read 1P5 now and then. He seems an intelligent sort. I do not like to see the wild-haired pictures or the cigar pictures. It's disconcerting, and reminds me of how it went with Fr. John Corapi. If running a blog or doing anything Catholic-y is anybody's bread and butter, the pressure of keeping the clicks coming is going to pile up, it would seem, and would become an unbearable pressure. These are weird times and naturally the stress is mounting on all of us. I hope things goes well for him, as well as for all of us.
He has a family that needs him, and that he needs to support. I hope he keeps his balance. If that gets tough, he should walk away and do something, anything else. This type of stuff can mess up your religion.

Kathleen1031 said...

goes = go

Neofito said...

As he does not goes to the root ("the mother") of the actual heresy that is diseminated, he es part of the PROBLEM, because most of his articles its just a criticism of the SYMPTOMS that the "church" shows up.

For example:
as ANYONE can see, the V2 is THE cause of most of the problems today, BUT HE does not ATTACK it on the THEOLOGICAL ROOT.

In other words:
He just offer ASPIRINE to "calm down" the symptoms of the modernism. not to CUT OFF the cause of it.

Tom A. said...

Good riddance.

Frank said...

Another one that is angry because everyone doesn't stop in their tracks and ponder his deep insights.
He takes himself much too seriously.

Sorry, Steve, but I will not take the bait and beg you to keep blogging.

Anonymous said...

I'd like Steve to keep the 1P5 blog too. It's a good blog to get people interested in Tradition.


Anonymous said...

But of course many of the elite that paid millions of dollars for beachfront property are not too thrilled about this. Sex Pistols frontman Johnny Rotten was a key symbol of anti-establishment rebellion in the 1970s, but now he is freaking out because homeless people are making life very difficult for him and his wife in Venice Beach, and what he recently told Newsweek’s Paula Froelich is making headlines all over the nation…

He told her the homeless situation in his swanky LA neighborhood is so bad that thieves are tearing the bars from the windows of his multimillion-dollar home, lobbing bricks, setting up unsightly tent cities and littering the beach with syringes.

“A couple of weeks ago I had a problem,” the former punk prince opined. “They came over the gate and put their tent inside, right in front of the front door. It’s like . . . the audacity. And if you complain, what are you? Oh, one of the establishment elite? No, I’m a bloke that’s worked hard for his money and I expect to be able to use my own front door.”

It is more than just a little bit ironic that a man that used drugs, sex and rock and roll to shoot to global fame now sounds like a tired old crank that just wants to get the hippies off of his front lawn.

And he also says that the beach in front of his home is almost unusable because of all the needles and human poop in the sand…

Rotten added of the punks: “They’re aggressive, and because there’s an awful lot of them together they’re gang-y. And the heroin spikes . . . You can’t take anyone to the beach because there’s jabs just waiting for young kids to put their feet in — and poo all over the sand.”

Athelstane said...

Oh, splendid. Another traddy circular firing squad.

We can never get enough of that kind of action.

Tancred said...

That’s Steve’s expertise, isn’t it?

Anonymous said...

You expect him to live in s**t with violent lunatics at his front door on a daily basis?
$100 says you wouldnt want to live like that,what say you friend?

Anonymous said...

Constructive criticism does not distract from the serious matter at hand.
“I know My sheep and My sheep know Me.”
Christ has made it clear that we can know through our Catholic Faith and reason, a Good Shepherd from a shepherd who desires to lead us astray, for just as every element of Truth will serve to complement and thus enhance the fullness of Truth, so, too, will every element of Love, serve to complement and thus enhance the fullness of Love.

“Caritas In Veritate”; “Veritas In Caritate”, Through The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, Amen.
Why don’t you call Steve and ask him why he does not believe a Faithful Catholic is capable of knowing a Good Shepherd from one who is leading us astray?

Nancy D.

Anonymous said...

P.S., It is important to note that in the book “My Heart Will Triumph”, by Mirjana Soldo, she claims that our Blessed Mother Mary, Loves all religions equally, making it appear as if Our Blessed Mother Mary denies God’s Commandment on worshipping false idols, while denying The Unity Of The Holy Ghost and thus the fact that “ It is not possible to have Sacramental Communion without Ecclesial Communion”, due to The Unity Of The Holy Ghost. (Filioque)

Our Blessed Mother’s Call is for Peace Through Conversion To The Word Of God Made Flesh, Through her Immaculate Heart, not accommodating that which denies The Christ.