Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Bamberg Archbishop Says He Won’t Ordain Aberrosexuals

The Bamberg archbishop could imagine a dispensation for proven men in celibacy

Bonn (kath.net) The Bamberg Archbishop Ludwig Schick has made it clear in an interview with the KNA that he would not consecrate anyone who is aberrosexual. A priest who has responsibility in the Church must promote marriage and family. Schick made it clear that he had nothing against aberrosexuals. But he would not allow them to serve in the priesthood. Schick also spoke on German-church's favorite topic of celibacy and made it clear that in the context of priestly education one had to think about how celibacy could be better lived. He also wants celibacy to be part of the Church for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. Schick could imagine, however, that there would be a dispensation for celibacy for proven men [Viri Probati is a Trojan horse if ever there was one.]. This would already be in place if, for example, a Protestant pastor became a Catholic priest.

Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com


Gary Lockhart said...

It is sad that this is even news considering the fact that the traditional teaching of the Church is that sodomites - or any other intrinsically disordered sexual deviant for that matter - is not to be admitted to the seminary let alone ordained. This should be the rule not the exception.

packin' sarcasm among other things said...

Such a beautiful, historic, Catholic city. May St. Heinrich and St. Cunegunda intercede for its restoration.