Edit: finally, it looks like Wuerl is about ready to go down. It’s unfortunate that Church Militant uses the cringey #metoo rhetoric associated with feminist grievance mongering, though. It’s one of the dangers of this, that cleaning the progressive baddies from the Church becomes another progressive campaign to further destroy the Church. It’s often seemed to us that these bad actors want, either as part of a bigger conspiracy or knot, reforms to be introduced to make the Church more subject to the state, and the decadent democratic insistutions of the West. As anyone knows who’s been following the coverups in the Franklin Abuse Scandal, or the coverup of sex trafficking in children by prominent members of the establishment in UK, that would be a very bad idea. Imagine Tony Podesta and his brother having a say in the Church’s oversight of sexual abuse?
[Church Militant] As the nation awaits the release of the bombshell Pennsylvania grand jury report, some are wondering whether Washington, D.C.'s Cdl. Donald Wuerl will be the next cleric to fall after Cdl. Theodore McCarrick.
Cdl. Donald Wuerl (L) and Cdl. Theodore McCarrick (R)
Wuerl was bishop of Pittsburgh for nearly two decades, from 1988–2006 — one of the six dioceses investigated in the grand jury report. As many as 300 predator priests from all six dioceses are named, but Pittsburgh stands out for supplying the largest share: nearly one third of the total number.
According to reports, at least 90 priests in Pittsburgh alone are implicated in the findings. And — a fact largely unknown to the public — Wuerl was named in multiple lawsuits during his tenure there, accused of conspiring to cover up sex abuse.
Not sure why CM is so against Wuerl--except they (think they) work for Burke (who has never revealed one sodomite cardinal, bishop, priest in any diocese/ seminary--not sure of any children he ever protected either). Wuerl is over 75 and who will replace him except Tobin who already has his Cardinal hat (or worse). Ratzinger got rid of McCarrick and sent Wuerl to Washington (not denying he's a sodomite nor Ratzinger either), but there's other cardinals a lot younger who are actively promoting the sodomite agenda that need to resign way before Wuerl: namely Cupich, Tobin, Farrell, Dolan, Edwin O'Brien.
P.S. Wonder why no-one has asked Bishop Olson (could ask Wuerl also) if there are any accusations against Farrell/payouts and if that's why he's in Rome. Seemed odd how Olson called for the laicization of McCarrick, but maybe to deflect questions about Farrell. However, could be that Olson is a Burke (like Vann) boy too--close down Fisher More (real tradition) and attack the SSPX as being in schism while promoting false tradition that accepts VC2 heresies & new mass.
Wuerl had tentacles elsewhere than Pittsburgh. I was stationed in the Navy (72-72) in Charleston and became involved with the Diocese of Charleston as a parishioner when in port. I supported the local Catholic High School which was located downtown which is Bishop England.--I would talk with the Greek Orthodox principal at Bishop England who since retired and is now deceased. In some form, the Diocese of Pittsburgh took over the administration of the high school. Money came from the Rockefeller Foundation and a new and advanced school was built on James Island. As part of the deal with the Foundation, the principal retired and Wuerl named the new principal.---The Diocese of Charleston is now under the administration of the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Charleston was written of by Malachi Martin in his books as a source of scandal and debauchery. Joseph Cardinal Bernardin had his start at Bishop England.---From everything that I can gather, the Vatican sent in Wuerl to reform Charleston. Once that was done, it was turned over to Atlanta for administration. ----I was told the same about St. Louis since that is where I am from. The principal told me that an apostolic administrator had been sent into St. Louis secretly by the Vatican to bring Archbishop John May under control. Then Archbishop Justin Rigali was then sent in by the Vatican to take over. Once he straightened things out, he moved to Philadelphia, got the red hat, and was replaced by then Archbishop Raymond Burke.
Jewish convert Bella Dodd admitted to bringing in 1000 infiltrators into the Seminary. Not that all went through but some did.
Consecutive waves of infiltrators have been going on a long, long time every generation or two.
Thus McCarrick´s infiltrator wave now in their 80s and 90s was proceeded by Bernandin Infiltrator Wave who was proceeded by Cushing Infiltrator Wave who was proceeded by the Spellman Infiltrator Wave who was proceeded by the Samuel Stritch of Chicago Infiltrator Wave and down the line to Judas.
Bella Dodd liked to play both sides though. Her story about having to go the Waldour Astoria Hotel to pick up instructions is nonsense. That isn´t how they operate.
Now that the Final Infiltrator Wave has reached its peak at the very TOP this crescendo will begin to be dismantled by the Holy Ghost. McCarrick is just the beginning.
In 1922, Pius XI changed Canon Law to cover the increasing incidence of priests found guilty of solicitation of children in the confessional (Crimen solicitationis). Every bishop and superior of a religious institute was bound by this document to observe the Pontifical Secret on the matter, to conduct secret Canonical trials, impose the required penalty but were forbidden under pain of excommunication to report the matter to the civil authorities. For nearly seventeen centuries before Pius XI change of Canon Law, priests convicted in an ecclesiastical court of crimes against children were immediately stripped of the clerical state and handed over to the secular authorities for a civil trial and any punishment prescribed.
Every Pope since 1922 has maintained the binding force of the Pontifical Secret and every bishop, including Wuerl, Burke, Gomez, Lefebvre, Pacelli etc has been bound by it. If the civil law requires mandatory reporting they took their chances if they didn't comply. Finn learnt the hard way. Benedict XVI changed Canon Law that now requires bishops to comply with the reporting requirements of secular governments.
Calm down, and learn from Church history. The duplicity and moral relativism of the hierarchy are far more shocking when their sources are the Church's own Law.
So, was the infiltrator Communism or the devil? Bella Dodd was crippled at 17 or so by a tragic accident while getting off a trolley. She was wounded both physically and psychologically. It was a trial which caused her to turn against God.---The seduction of children and pre teens is demonic and not necessarily Communist. The driving force behind the Bolsheviks was anything but homosexual. Read the militaristic jargon associated with the execution of the czar.---Judas betrayed Christ and never repented. The Bolsheviks are essentially in the line of false Jews who believe that Judas was right to look for a Messiah who would bring a utopia to Earth. All that the Christ would say was that "My kingdom is not of this world".---The parable of the workers in the vineyard appears to be capitalist in nature. The later workers received the same pay as the first. Nevertheless, the owner of the vineyard had the resources to pay the workers for doing the work. The workers did not take over the vineyard and "share the wealth".---Someone has to do the labor. Communism gives the false hope that no one has to work and yet will be paid a living existence for doing nothing. That is the link between homosexuality and Communism. It is a caretaker mentality.---It is true that many of the greatest Communist spies such as Kim Philby were homosexual and wished to destroy the civilization that persecuted them which was similar to the Russian Jewish leadership which formed Bolshevism. I just do not think that Communism is a homosexual proclivity. Judas was not homosexual and certainly Joseph Stalin was not. Stalin was pure sadist. You can build a case for his actions but I think that you would be wrong and find that the missing piece is Satanic and not homosexual.
Closing in on Wuerl...good. Next Cardinals Farrell and Tobin should be in the line of fire for sacking. But most of all, Pope Francis for his many heresies, and his and his most radical agenda, especially the below, pasted from "Rorate Caeli" a minute ago:
"BREAKING: Practicing Homosexual Appointed to High Vatican Position
"RORATE has learned from a couple of sources that a recent appointment of Pope Francis to a high Vatican position is known widely by the hierarchy and informed laity of his European country as a promiscuous practicing homosexual.
His lifestyle led originally to his exile from his diocese of origin"
Any open guesses as to who it may be....layman or cleric?? (probably a cleric) Damian Malliapalli
You're right. Communism is another word for judaizing. It is Jewish, thoroughly. Your point about children being preyed on by demons is prescient. Read about the author Hilary Mantel and her almost certain possession when she was a child.
Read the history of Pius XI's 1922 "Crimen Solicitationis", how and why it was put into Canon Law. Then back track a few years to Pius X and follow the history of child abuse in the Church since then. "Crimen Solititationis" was made law because from the time Pius X lowered the age of first confession, the predators got to work in the Box. Let the reader know the results of your study. BTW, the delusional conspiracy theory boys are way off task on this one especially the Malachi Martin pot-head.
That is the kind of reaction, not response, that goes nowhere except into the existing miasma of hopelessness, despair and defeat that characterize the posts of so many of the commenters on this site. So then, Tancred, to set a more optimistic standard for a change, where would you go personally to find the solutions to your ecclesiastical questions? Who would be your ideal Pope, your ideal ecclesiastical rule, discipline, Liturgical Rite, culture and body of teaching? What does the Catholic Church need to set it firmly on the path to genuine renewal and reform?
Tancred....maybe you are right that Wuerl is a protege of Cushing, but he worked for and was closely associated with CardinalJohn Wright, who was from Boston, I think, then Pittsburg and then Rome. It is said, by some, that he was a homosexual, but this I do not know for sure.
Thank you for this explosive info! This is a real scandal, maybe even worse than Wuerl (but not worse than McCarrick). My question is, how can this fat slug Francis get away with this s---? Are all the Roman Curia blind to it, or just a bunch of braindead zombies? If the Catholic Church has become "the cult of the Pope", then count me out. No one is standing up to this evil? I have no respect for Burke anymore. Have not hesrd form him in the news for weeks what he is doing. No Archbishop Schneider. Are all they interested in doing is bopping around the world saying the TLM? And Benedict XVI says nothing? If faithful Catholics had any sense, they'd all group together, pool money, funds, whatever until they could buy a huge piece of land (like the size of the city of Florence), and build a copy of it and call it like....new Rome with a new Vatican and a new Pope. Even though it would be fake, it would be hopefully only a temporary thing....until the entire Roman Curia, and the Pope was a Catholic again. As disgusted as I am about this shit, and Pope Francis, I still that that he's eventually gonna drop dead, and when he does, the man who the Cardinals pick will be totally the opposite....another Pius X type. Not a full blown traditionalist, but one who loves it. He'll still acknowledge Vatican II, but he'll be the last of his kind. But he'll be so opposite to Bergoglio that the world will be left gasping...and people like Wuerl,McCarrick,Schoenborn,Danneels, Kasper,Marx,Tucho Fernandez and Jose Tolentino Mendonca will be running for cover. The TLM will be brought totally back, LGBT will be stompped into the ground, and all the gay priests,bishops, etc. will one by one laicized. Maybe far-fetched, but the next Pope will be 100% the opposite of Francis. Damian Malliapalli
Wrong! The next Pope will be worse than the devil we know (Francis). Until the church buries all of the contamination of Vatican II, this is the church of darkness and only a heavenly exorcism will do. The false church needs to be buried before the true church is resurrected. The current satanist on the throne of Peter has denied God Himself, making himself like a god.
Anonymous suggests that Ratzinger is/was a sodomite. What evidence can he present for such an scurrilous suggestion, or do we just go along with calumny because our hearts are filled with suspicion and hate justifying flinging mud wherever at whomever?
"Everyone" in Boston during Cushing's tenure knew he was a homo and Wright was right there along with him. Could this be the reason Cushing went after Fr. Feeney? To cover his own butt, so to speak?
To put this as clinically as possible, Cushing’s treatment of the Saint Benedict Center reminded me a lot of the way other prelates have reacted when confronted, or even greeted in the most inoffensive way, by fervent Catholics, bristling with undisguised malice.
Geoghan said Cushing sexually abused him before he was murdered by his cell mate in prison.
Strangely, the murder of Geoghan saved the Church millions of dollars. The State of Massachusetts has a strange legal system thread which does not accept legal finality until all avenues of appeal are done. The guilt of Geoghan was never finalized and therefore there was no grounds for suing the Archdiocese for responsibility. ----The same held true for Hernandez who was the tight end for the New England Patriots. He died before his case was final. The families of the victims had no grounds for suit.
The usual suspects on this site just love to dine out on a menu of second hand rumors, allegations, wink, wink, nudge, nudge elbow jabs and, I suspect, more than a little salacious vicarious psychosexual inverted satisfaction via Voris sprays against the alleged hierarchical 'sodomites' and 'kiddie fiddlers.'
The very fact that people who are on a permanent crusade against the Deviants put any trust in the word of the self-confessed sodomite, Michael Voris. He says he's undergone a conversion. That may be so but he has simply dredged up the muck of his own inverted rage and self-loathing and projected on to others what he hates and despises about himself. So much for a reliable moral compass.
I’ve seen aberrosexual bullies like you before. You don’t control the discussion or what goes on here.
You’re even worse than Leon. At least Leon is sincere and believes he’s helping people. You on the other hand are a cancerous, gaseous sack of bat’s bile.
Your sodomy defending days are over, "John". Refrain from reading the blogs. Pray your Breviary and you will find truth, repentance and peace. God help you.
Maybe there's a miniscule network of aberrosexual, dissident, radical aged priests, ex-priests, ex-seminarians, aged angry liberal Catholic laymen that scroll this site from time to time. Maybe Boris, Clement, Gaybriel, John, are actually 4 people as I described above. I wouldn't like to think it's one person, dreaming up a new name every few days . But on the other hand, it may be...'cause the writing style is pretty much the same. If it is, Yikes!!! That's sick!! Damian Malliapalli
Not sure why CM is so against Wuerl--except they (think they) work for Burke (who has never revealed one sodomite cardinal, bishop, priest in any diocese/ seminary--not sure of any children he ever protected either). Wuerl is over 75 and who will replace him except Tobin who already has his Cardinal hat (or worse). Ratzinger got rid of McCarrick and sent Wuerl to Washington (not denying he's a sodomite nor Ratzinger either), but there's other cardinals a lot younger who are actively promoting the sodomite agenda that need to resign way before Wuerl: namely Cupich, Tobin, Farrell, Dolan, Edwin O'Brien.
P.S. Wonder why no-one has asked Bishop Olson (could ask Wuerl also) if there are any accusations against Farrell/payouts and if that's why he's in Rome. Seemed odd how Olson called for the laicization of McCarrick, but maybe to deflect questions about Farrell. However, could be that Olson is a Burke (like Vann) boy too--close down Fisher More (real tradition) and attack the SSPX as being in schism while promoting false tradition that accepts VC2 heresies & new mass.
The Lavender Don is one of the worst:
Or this:
Wuerl had tentacles elsewhere than Pittsburgh. I was stationed in the Navy (72-72) in Charleston and became involved with the Diocese of Charleston as a parishioner when in port. I supported the local Catholic High School which was located downtown which is Bishop England.--I would talk with the Greek Orthodox principal at Bishop England who since retired and is now deceased. In some form, the Diocese of Pittsburgh took over the administration of the high school. Money came from the Rockefeller Foundation and a new and advanced school was built on James Island. As part of the deal with the Foundation, the principal retired and Wuerl named the new principal.---The Diocese of Charleston is now under the administration of the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Charleston was written of by Malachi Martin in his books as a source of scandal and debauchery. Joseph Cardinal Bernardin had his start at Bishop England.---From everything that I can gather, the Vatican sent in Wuerl to reform Charleston. Once that was done, it was turned over to Atlanta for administration. ----I was told the same about St. Louis since that is where I am from. The principal told me that an apostolic administrator had been sent into St. Louis secretly by the Vatican to bring Archbishop John May under control. Then Archbishop Justin Rigali was then sent in by the Vatican to take over. Once he straightened things out, he moved to Philadelphia, got the red hat, and was replaced by then Archbishop Raymond Burke.
Wuerl is also a protege of Cushing.
Jewish convert Bella Dodd admitted to bringing in 1000 infiltrators into the Seminary. Not that all went through but some did.
Consecutive waves of infiltrators have been going on a long, long time every generation or two.
Thus McCarrick´s infiltrator wave now in their 80s and 90s was proceeded by Bernandin Infiltrator Wave who was proceeded by Cushing Infiltrator Wave who was proceeded by the Spellman Infiltrator Wave who was proceeded by the Samuel Stritch of Chicago Infiltrator Wave and down the line to Judas.
Bella Dodd liked to play both sides though. Her story about having to go the Waldour Astoria Hotel to pick up instructions is nonsense.
That isn´t how they operate.
Now that the Final Infiltrator Wave has reached its peak at the very TOP this crescendo will begin to be dismantled by the Holy Ghost. McCarrick is just the beginning.
In 1922, Pius XI changed Canon Law to cover the increasing incidence of priests found guilty of solicitation of children in the confessional (Crimen solicitationis). Every bishop and superior of a religious institute was bound by this document to observe the Pontifical Secret on the matter, to conduct secret Canonical trials, impose the required penalty but were forbidden under pain of excommunication to report the matter to the civil authorities. For nearly seventeen centuries before Pius XI change of Canon Law, priests convicted in an ecclesiastical court of crimes against children were immediately stripped of the clerical state and handed over to the secular authorities for a civil trial and any punishment prescribed.
Every Pope since 1922 has maintained the binding force of the Pontifical Secret and every bishop, including Wuerl, Burke, Gomez, Lefebvre, Pacelli etc has been bound by it. If the civil law requires mandatory reporting they took their chances if they didn't comply. Finn learnt the hard way.
Benedict XVI changed Canon Law that now requires bishops to comply with the reporting requirements of secular governments.
Calm down, and learn from Church history. The duplicity and moral relativism of the hierarchy are far more shocking when their sources are the Church's own Law.
So, was the infiltrator Communism or the devil? Bella Dodd was crippled at 17 or so by a tragic accident while getting off a trolley. She was wounded both physically and psychologically. It was a trial which caused her to turn against God.---The seduction of children and pre teens is demonic and not necessarily Communist. The driving force behind the Bolsheviks was anything but homosexual. Read the militaristic jargon associated with the execution of the czar.---Judas betrayed Christ and never repented. The Bolsheviks are essentially in the line of false Jews who believe that Judas was right to look for a Messiah who would bring a utopia to Earth. All that the Christ would say was that "My kingdom is not of this world".---The parable of the workers in the vineyard appears to be capitalist in nature. The later workers received the same pay as the first. Nevertheless, the owner of the vineyard had the resources to pay the workers for doing the work. The workers did not take over the vineyard and "share the wealth".---Someone has to do the labor. Communism gives the false hope that no one has to work and yet will be paid a living existence for doing nothing. That is the link between homosexuality and Communism. It is a caretaker mentality.---It is true that many of the greatest Communist spies such as Kim Philby were homosexual and wished to destroy the civilization that persecuted them which was similar to the Russian Jewish leadership which formed Bolshevism. I just do not think that Communism is a homosexual proclivity. Judas was not homosexual and certainly Joseph Stalin was not. Stalin was pure sadist. You can build a case for his actions but I think that you would be wrong and find that the missing piece is Satanic and not homosexual.
Closing in on Wuerl...good. Next Cardinals Farrell and Tobin should be in the line of fire for sacking. But most of all, Pope Francis for his many heresies, and his and his most radical agenda, especially the below, pasted from "Rorate Caeli" a minute ago:
"BREAKING: Practicing Homosexual Appointed to High Vatican Position
"RORATE has learned from a couple of sources that a recent appointment of Pope Francis to a high Vatican position is known widely by the hierarchy and informed laity of his European country as a promiscuous practicing homosexual.
His lifestyle led originally to his exile from his diocese of origin"
Any open guesses as to who it may be....layman or cleric?? (probably a cleric)
Damian Malliapalli
You're right. Communism is another word for judaizing. It is Jewish, thoroughly. Your point about children being preyed on by demons is prescient. Read about the author Hilary Mantel and her almost certain possession when she was a child.
The Rockefeller foundation...shocker. That figures.
What Church history are you talking about Professor Allen Ginsburg?
Read the history of Pius XI's 1922 "Crimen Solicitationis", how and why it was put into Canon Law. Then back track a few years to Pius X and follow the history of child abuse in the Church since then. "Crimen Solititationis" was made law because from the time Pius X lowered the age of first confession, the predators got to work in the Box. Let the reader know the results of your study.
BTW, the delusional conspiracy theory boys are way off task on this one especially the Malachi Martin pot-head.
Since when have ecclesiastics followed canon law?
That is the kind of reaction, not response, that goes nowhere except into the existing miasma of hopelessness, despair and defeat that characterize the posts of so many of the commenters on this site.
So then, Tancred, to set a more optimistic standard for a change, where would you go personally to find the solutions to your ecclesiastical questions? Who would be your ideal Pope, your ideal ecclesiastical rule, discipline, Liturgical Rite, culture and body of teaching? What does the Catholic Church need to set it firmly on the path to genuine renewal and reform?
Tancred....maybe you are right that Wuerl is a protege of Cushing, but he worked for and was closely associated with CardinalJohn Wright, who was from Boston, I think, then Pittsburg and then Rome. It is said, by some, that he was a homosexual, but this I do not know for sure.
Here is the answer to Rorate's teaser.
Anon. at 3:03 am
Thank you for this explosive info! This is a real scandal, maybe even worse than Wuerl (but not worse than McCarrick). My question is, how can this fat slug Francis get away with this s---? Are all the Roman Curia blind to it, or just a bunch of braindead zombies?
If the Catholic Church has become "the cult of the Pope", then count me out. No one is standing up to this evil?
I have no respect for Burke anymore. Have not hesrd form him in the news for weeks what he is doing. No Archbishop Schneider. Are all they interested in doing is bopping around the world saying the TLM?
And Benedict XVI says nothing?
If faithful Catholics had any sense, they'd all group together, pool money, funds, whatever until they could buy a huge piece of land (like the size of the city of Florence), and build a copy of it and call it like....new Rome with a new Vatican and a new Pope. Even though it would be fake, it would be hopefully only a temporary thing....until the entire Roman Curia, and the Pope was a Catholic again.
As disgusted as I am about this shit, and Pope Francis, I still that that he's eventually gonna drop dead, and when he does, the man who the Cardinals pick will be totally the opposite....another Pius X type. Not a full blown traditionalist, but one who loves it. He'll still acknowledge Vatican II, but he'll be the last of his kind. But he'll be so opposite to Bergoglio that the world will be left gasping...and people like Wuerl,McCarrick,Schoenborn,Danneels, Kasper,Marx,Tucho Fernandez and Jose Tolentino Mendonca will be running for cover. The TLM will be brought totally back, LGBT will be stompped into the ground, and all the gay priests,bishops, etc. will one by one laicized.
Maybe far-fetched, but the next Pope will be 100% the opposite of Francis.
Damian Malliapalli
Wrong! The next Pope will be worse than the devil we know (Francis). Until the church buries all of the contamination of Vatican II, this is the church of darkness and only a heavenly exorcism will do. The false church needs to be buried before the true church is resurrected. The current satanist on the throne of Peter has denied God Himself, making himself like a god.
Anonymous suggests that Ratzinger is/was a sodomite. What evidence can he present for such an scurrilous suggestion, or do we just go along with calumny because our hearts are filled with suspicion and hate justifying flinging mud wherever at whomever?
It’s hardly a knee-jerk response. Why don’t they respect Canon 212? Or why don’t Bishops enforce Canon 915?
Wright was Cushing’s boy, and Cushing protected and promoted Paul Stanley among others.
"Everyone" in Boston during Cushing's tenure knew he was a homo and Wright was right there along with him. Could this be the reason Cushing went after Fr. Feeney? To cover his own butt, so to speak?
To put this as clinically as possible, Cushing’s treatment of the Saint Benedict Center reminded me a lot of the way other prelates have reacted when confronted, or even greeted in the most inoffensive way, by fervent Catholics, bristling with undisguised malice.
Geoghan said Cushing sexually abused him before he was murdered by his cell mate in prison.
I agree. Sorry I didn’t say anything to them.
Strangely, the murder of Geoghan saved the Church millions of dollars. The State of Massachusetts has a strange legal system thread which does not accept legal finality until all avenues of appeal are done. The guilt of Geoghan was never finalized and therefore there was no grounds for suing the Archdiocese for responsibility. ----The same held true for Hernandez who was the tight end for the New England Patriots. He died before his case was final. The families of the victims had no grounds for suit.
The usual suspects on this site just love to dine out on a menu of second hand rumors, allegations, wink, wink, nudge, nudge elbow jabs and, I suspect, more than a little salacious vicarious psychosexual inverted satisfaction via Voris sprays against the alleged hierarchical 'sodomites' and 'kiddie fiddlers.'
The very fact that people who are on a permanent crusade against the Deviants put any trust in the word of the self-confessed sodomite, Michael Voris. He says he's undergone a conversion. That may be so but he has simply dredged up the muck of his own inverted rage and self-loathing and projected on to others what he hates and despises about himself. So much for a reliable moral compass.
Good grief!
I’ve seen aberrosexual bullies like you before. You don’t control the discussion or what goes on here.
You’re even worse than Leon. At least Leon is sincere and believes he’s helping people. You on the other hand are a cancerous, gaseous sack of bat’s bile.
This will be your last post here.
Your sodomy defending days are over, "John". Refrain from reading the blogs. Pray your Breviary and you will find truth, repentance and peace. God help you.
Maybe there's a miniscule network of aberrosexual, dissident, radical aged priests, ex-priests, ex-seminarians, aged angry liberal Catholic laymen that scroll this site from time to time. Maybe Boris, Clement, Gaybriel, John, are actually 4 people as I described above.
I wouldn't like to think it's one person, dreaming up a new name every few days .
But on the other hand, it may be...'cause the writing style is pretty much the same. If it is, Yikes!!! That's sick!!
Damian Malliapalli
“Father” Paul Shanley, the founder of NAMBnLA
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