Please, help me escape this avant garde pose. I’m about to dance now....
Edit: episcopal twiggy as reported by Damian Thompson on his Twitter. Is Damien still going to the New Mass?
I thought I’d seen everything, but then I underestimated the sheer degeneracy of the Austrian Bishops.
[Choosing — Him] The museum of the Benedictine Monastery of Admont, Austria, has presently displayed exhibits belonging to the new bishop of Innsbruck, Hermann Glettler who was consecrated in December 2017.
Among the exhibits is a 2004 photo of Glettler wearing a transparent "chasuble" made from plastic. The photo is also on the cover of this years's catalogue of the museum.
Glettler believes in female priests. His appointment was enthusiastically praised by the commercial media.
I’m sorry but what liturgical colour is that?
It's transparent as is his theology
He looks like the American Psycho serial killer about to murder someone. Just when you thought things couldn't get more bizarre.
That's actually the perfectly functioning 'vestment' they wear at one of Coco's parties......ifyanowhutImean.
Another Vatican 2 fag.
Satanist crucifix-clock in Innsbruck
The upside-down Crucifix that the Bishop of Innsbruck, Herman Glettler, ordered to be placed on a back wall of the Spitalkirche, the Hospital Church, in that Austrian city is a desecration. Glettler gave his full approval to this "art" project featuring works by his friend Manfred Erjautz. The Satanic meaning of displaying Jesus Christ in the back of the Church instead of the front, upside-down instead of right side up, and with his arms grotesquely detached from the body like those of a quartered criminal.
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