Saturday, May 5, 2018

Chancellor of Knights of Malta Loses Case — Being Asked to Step Down

ROME ( - As the Sovereign Military Order of Malta is welcoming its newly elected Grand Master, senior knights are calling for the Grand Chancellor to step down. Leaked documents obtained by Church Militant reveal widespread discontent towards Albrecht von Boeselager, after a German court judged him to be untruthful.
"We cannot have a Grand Chancellor whose truthfulness has been impugned by a court of law," said one senior knight. "He must resign. It is as simple as that."
An internal email dated April 30 sent to all members of the Order of Malta begins,



Anonymous said...

MAY 6, 2018
German Court would find the Knights of Malta and the Catholic bishops of Germany untruthful and telling a lie

Knights of Malta Demand That Chancellor Resign
A German court has found the Grand Chancellor of the Knights of Malta Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager of being untruthful 1 similarly the German Court would find the Knights of Malta and the Catholic bishops of Germany untruthful and telling a lie - it would be the same with the courts in Britain.2
They actually tell a lie to change the teachings of the Catholic Church with reference to extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and Vatican Council II.It's unethical.It's also academic deception at the Catholic Church's universities and schools in Germany.
The courts in Germany must be asked legally :-
1) Can we humans see people in Heaven in general?
2) Can we see people in Heaven saved without the baptism of water and Catholic faith?
The judge will say "No".
This is a common sense answer.
Then the judge in Hamburg has to be informed that the German bishops and the Knights of Malta say there are exceptions to the traditional exclusivist understanding of salvation and so affirm points 1 and 2 above.


Anonymous said...

The Kinghts of Malta and the German bishops like the
Latin Mass Society deny the Faith on salvation, in principle and in doctrine, in practice and pastorally.

JBQ said...

A leader who is "untruthful" where have I heard that one before?

jac said...

Von Boeselager was fired from the SMOM by the actual Knight's Grand Master Fra' Festing for this same motive.
The Pope himself shamefully fired Fra' Festing on-the-spot like a villain some weeks later and ordered Von Boeselager to be reintegrated immediately in the Order of Malta.
Now the Chancellor's and the Pope's untruthfulness is blatantly exposed.