Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The Great Pio Nono Did Nothing Wrong

Edit: he did the right thing in removing a baptized Catholic from a Jewish household, where he could be raised in the faith and given a good education. There's a lot of controversy in some Catholic circles over this issue, and we can only say that they must be hiding their Catholic principles for fear of the Jews.

It was Pius' duty to take care of his people, especially a lost sheep whom he raised. And of course, there is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church.


Barona said...

Indeed, they fear the Jews and their incredible power. It is tragic to see so many Catholics defend antichrist the so-called State of Israel. It is pathetic to see the United States of America in a death strangle hold by international Zionism.

Paul Hellyer said...

In my experience the Jews are good family people. They have contributed a lot to society and to civilization. Remember Our Lord was a Jew.
They are OK.

Elias said...

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Peter and the Apostles and the majority of Christians were Jews up until the second century. God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as well as the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Nostra Aetate set the record straight and since affirmed by John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis.

Anonymous said...

They are ok....really? Says who? St Paul told us that they don't please God and are the enemies of all men. These people are destroying Christian society. They are behind the promotion of sodomy, abortion, pornography, the flooding of Europe with mohammedans...I could go on and on. But since the most humble Francis has set the record straight on the Jews, who am I to judge ? We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves. Truer words were never spoken. You are lying to yourself about the Jews and they will have it no other way.

Anonymous said...

Our Lord said "unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins. " The Jews have rejected the Logos. They are not ok. Their "holy" books are full of blasphemies against Our Blessed Lord and His mother. They need to be evangelized by the Holy Catholic Church. Full. Stop.

Anonymous said...

So disheartening to see fellow Catholics mesmerized by the "special dna" of the Jews. I cannot imagine what else would motivate you to trample the Blood of Christ under your feet. You are telling these people that their most holy genetics will save them from being damned. Remember..."think not to say to yourselves, we have Abraham as our father...."

Anonymous said...

The greatest lie continued to be told is that today's "Jews" are just like Our Lord and the Apostles... What we have today are people from the Khazars, Ashkinazi, and Sephardic... NOT descendants of the Twelve Tribes.

Elias said...

Congratulations. You have provided a stunning example of pre-scripted ideology is unthinkingly trotted out as good sense and even true religion.
You have become what you hate the most and that should worry you as you approach Jesus the Jew on your accounting day.

Tancred said...

Here comes more squaring of the circle from the pathological blog stalker.

Unknown said...

I think Pio Nono was wrong. You don't rip a child from family.

Seattle kim

Elias said...

And there goes another opportunity for you to show a bit of moral backbone by curbing the virulent anti-Semitism of the ignorant knuckle-draggers who demonstrate clearly just exactly how pathetically alienated they are from Christ and his Church.

susan said...

aaaaand a new psycho-moniker for feybriel.

...why don't you crawl back under your rock with your flashlight and copies of the Talmud, "Amoris gaytitia", and the Jan. edition of "Boys, Boys, BOYS!"


Tancred said...

Anti-Semitism is just a catchall slur for people who have no ingenuity, integrity or self-respect. Words like counterrevolitionary, reactionary, etc...sticks and stones, are often used in desperation by despotic creatures of the regime who feel their evil powers depleting.

Constantine said...

These people who we refer to as "Jews" are not the same people as those living in the time of Christ, whom Scriptues referred to originally as The "Israelites". They have no more priesthood; they do no more sacrifices at the ancient altars. They await a Messiah which is not the Christ.They have the Talmudic commentary books that refer to Christ and Mary and their followers in the worst possible way, and in injurious ways.They work against a "Catholic State" which Catholics are commanded to uphold , and in general these Referred to as "Jews" generally work for abortion rights and gay rights and a secular state in non"Jewish" cultures where they cannot impose their values. Ultimately, they are not hated personally, but as secularist and
Leftist social activists for secularization and neutralization of Catholic social values in order to fit in. They should not rightfully or properly be called "Jews", but rather, "Talmudists who uphold different and deadly anti-Christian commentaries on Scripture.They do not uphold the same Faith of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and Moses who all looked forward to and waited for Christ, and not a false Messiah.

susan said...

m.a.g.n.i.f.i.c.e.n.t. comment. Spot-on.

The only thing I would add is that is imperative to evangelize them; read the bios of Alphonse and Theodore Ratisbonne.....they got it. The VII idiocy (doubled-down on by all the post concilior popes and the anti-pope, false-prophet forerunner of the antichrist bergoglio) of leaving them in their darkness apart from and without Christ is an abominable mortal sin against both the First and Second Great Commandments.

Anonymous said...

Pope Benedict too must also choose between serving God or Mammom, Jesus or the Jewish Left.

JANUARY 11, 2018
Pope Benedict must choose between God and Mammon : will not recant

JANUARY 11, 2018
Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos must ask Pope Benedict to recant and end the doctrinal crisis in the Church

Tancred said...

For the purposes of administration, Church authorities have always referred to them as Jews. I assume there must be some sort of prophetic as well as utilitarian reason for the Church having done this.

susan said...

Current-day Rabbinic/Talmudic judaism is as far away from the Jewish Faith that God began revealing to Abraham, followed thru the OT Patriarchs, fulfilled and revealed in Christ and whose thread continues in the Catholic Church, as feybriel is from even a modicum of understanding of orthodox Catholicism.

Tancred said...

Lol. Boomer

P. O'Brien said...

Jesus was a Jew racially, but obviously a Catholic, the first Catholic, and a Catholic bishop at that, since He couldn't pass on what he didn't have. St. Joseph was not a Catholic because he died while the Old Law was still in effect. Our Lady and the Apostles certainly were baptized and became Catholics. If our Lady had not been baptized, she could not have received Communion -- imagine her Son not allowing her this privilege. And Mary and the Apostles were confirmed on that first Pentecost, a sacrament which would have been invalid if they were not Catholics. And as well, if Peter and the Apostles were not Catholics, then they could not have passed on apostolic succession, and it's all over for us. It's as stark as this: if members of the early Church were not Catholics, then we should all be Jews.

Anonymous said...

Not only did he do nothing wrong he did something GREAT! This is why he is one of my favorite popes up there with with Saint Pius X and Leo XII of the modern era. I love this pope because I feel spiritually close to him. He was just not afraid to live his faith and when he died the devils tried to throw his body in the Tiber but Irish and German Seminarians fought them off. He's a saint, absolutely, like Archbishop LeFebvre and many more that the modernists won't beatify today. His day of beatification will come as soon as the Age of Mary starts (very soon btw).

Anonymous said...

Sorry, typo, Leo XIII, need an edit button.

Anonymous said...

Paul, same experience here, my Jewish friends are great family people and great people overall. Just to clarify though, our Lord did not follow the same religion that the Talmudists today do. That's not anti semitic, it's just true. Plus many today are descendents of european/turk peoples that converted to Judaism, they're not the same as the Holy Family 2,000 years ago in Bethelehem. The Talmud unfortunately is a viciously anti Catholic document.

Elias said...

Kaptitan Katholik and the one shot cognitively challenged hillbilly screamer bellow again just how proud they are to belong to the legion of history deniers, antiquarian revisionists and wannabee dispensers of the ideological version of Zyklon B.

Elias said...

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Peter and the Apostles and the majority of Christians were Jews up until the second century. God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as well as the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is the Lord of human history and not the inspirer of historical distortion and revisionism.
The solemn teaching of Vatican II on the three Abrahamitic faith traditions, affirmed by John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis are official Church doctrines. They are not optional so those who reject the Magisterium of Vatican II, its Popes and bishops may not claim with integrity to be members of the Church. They are sectarians.
Get used to it.

Tancred said...

You really need to come up with a new set of cliches.

Tancred said...

Vatican II isn't a superdogma negating previous teaching.

Elias said...

Vatican II includes, preserves and passes on the central teachings of the Catholic Faith. That's the magisterial teaching of the Church which you conveniently, as a cafeteria catholic, choose to regard as optional. It's not.
Get some decent remedial catechesis before the spiritual and mental sclerosis becomes terminal.

Elias said...

Then read the Gospels. There's enough in them to give you a real attack of the willies.

Elias said...

Then read the Gospels. There's enough in them to give you a real dose of the willies.

Basil F said...

Bunkum Fred. Jesus was born, lived and died a Jew. Ignatius of Antioch (110 AD) is the first documented writer to mention the word 'catholic' to describe the Churches in communion with one another.
Get a grip on the facts Fred. Fundamentalism is a hell of a graveyard.

susan said...

Yeah....that's right feybriel....Jesus was still waitin' for that promised Messiah when He was on the cross.


Basil said...

With the exception of your trademark Yeehaaww, you have nothing else to say, Hillbilly and you wouldn't even get to say that if not for the patronage from the master of the house. Evidently from what stands in the combox, even he thinks you're a dill.

Anonymous said...

THIS. Pray for their conversion, that's what we're supposed to do and since JPII and Jorge say we're not supposed to, redouble your efforts at converting them to the One TRUE Faith.

susan said...

psycho QED.

Anonymous said...

Why is Fagriel allowed to post on this site at all? Honestly what good does he do.

John Collins said...

He keeps idiots like you attentive to the difference between what is truly Catholic and what is just doctrinaire nostrums overlayed with antiquarian pietism.

Tancred said...

Gaybriel has nothing to say but intro to theology 101 bromides from Boston College Summer Session class of 1968.

Tancred said...

I'm thinking I owe as much respect to a rupture interpretation of Vatican II as the Soho bishops of Canada gave to Rome in the Fall of 1968, actually, it deserves even slightly less respect than an anonymous homosexual from the UK on this forum.

Tancred said...

That's a good question. I'm usually pretty good at deleting John's gay comments, but I can't be online all day as he is.

Tancred said...

You just have to copy and repaste, but this is a lovely comment.

Elias said...

You will not be getting ahead in the respect stakes on any accounts as long as you harbor, affirm and promote the ignorant poorly instructed, superstitious halfwits who constitute most of your supporters.
BTW, the homo bit is as dead wrong as your miserable geography but you've never let the truth get between you and a limp one liner.

Anonymous said...

Go and look up the genetic studies on Ashkenazi (northern European) Jews. There are small tracers of Mongolian (thank you, Genghis), and Khazar ancestors, but the vast majority were male Italian Jews who migrated north, and married northern European women who converted to Judaism. The genetic studies have been done, and so the debate is pretty well settled.

Tancred said...

Another deflection, gaybriel. Huge lowlife.

Anonymous said...

JANUARY 12, 2018
All these years Cardinal Castrillon Hoyes wanted the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) to accept Vatican Council II with Cushingite theology without asking Pope Benedict to recant for this mistake

Anonymous said...

DECEMBER 29, 2017
Jesus answered: Amen, amen I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.-John 3:5

susan said...

he sure does have a penchant for the whole 'yeehaw-hillbilly' vernacular...probably od'd on watching "Hee-Haw" as a kid. How much ya wanna bet he cross dresses as Dolly Parton while typing feverishly on his mom's basement keyboard all day?

Anonymous said...

As is written in Revelation: Talmudists are Synagogue of Satan. They say they are Jews, but they are not.

How about it, Feybriel?

Constantine said...

Just as there is "Jewish" blood among Talmudists,there is "Jewish" blood among Christians. Since the time of St.Paul [a "Jew"!!!!!]who referred to the Talmudists as "Jews", we Catholics have tended to continue using this term. The Church throughout its history has used Church Councils and magisterial documents to more and more precisely refine its language and doctrine,while always ensuring that meaning is better developed, but never lost. The Church has constantly used the word "Jew", for lack of a better name. But since World War II, enemies of the Church including those found on this thread, who choose to attack her history, akin to those such as the Nazis,ADL,and Marxists,a doctrinal clarification may need to be considered.Some enemies of the Church use the word "Jew" to justify the killing of sister Edith Stein in concentration camp, while others use it to admonish and impose false moral guilt trips on Holy Church. All these sides seek the Church's destruction. Some blame the Church for its complicity in protecting people [and hiding them at great risk!!], while the other side guilefully fault the Church for being morally worthless for complicity being racist. The term, in my opionion, should be clarified. But under this Vatican II regime of terror, clarity is what the enemies of the Church want least of all

Chad R said...

'How much ya wanna bet...' - Yeehaaw!

susan said...

feybriel's life documented!....(he's the one in the lavender shirt...naturally)

M. Zerwick said...

The Book of Revelation was written at the end of the 1st Cent AD. What Talmud are you referring to: the Jerusalem or the Babylonian Talmud? Both were written hundreds of years after Revelation.
Don't let education get in the way of professional ignorance and bigotry.
By the way, who is Feybriel?

Anonymous said...

The Talmud was around when St Paul walked the earth. Huh, wow, didn't know that.

Anonymous said...

Seattle Kim is usually right on the money with her pov, orthodoxy, and such, this she's wayyy off. Some imposter using your handle Seattle Kim?

Anonymous said...

They'll never have a priest hood btw and the false temple they will resurrect is just that false. They won't have a priesthood ever again because the records of who was who were burned in A.D. 70.
Nobody knows or will ever know who is a Levite.

JBQ said...

This was a "hot button" issue. In doing research, I stumbled on the topic of "cryto-Jews" and the Marranos found in the Bosque region. Columbus had a Jewish background. I had heard that before. I did not hear about Ignatius of Loyola. Jesuits were globalists from their very foundation.

JBQ said...

Interesting to note on James the Greater. James was the brother of John. They were partners in a business with brothers Andrew and Simon. The mom of James and John was Salome and dad was Zebedee. Salome followed Jesus.--He was a "hothead". The "big three" were James and John and Peter for such events as the Transfiguration. He was also the first of the "squad" to be martyred.

Anonymous said...

Those first God killers and rejecters of Christ are the seed of rabbinic antichrist synagogue. It doesnt matter when they compiled their blasphemous books. They and their descendants deserve the name from Revelation.

Feybriel is a peculiar individual, shapeshifting blog lurker.

Constantine said...

The Talmud is always existing. It is a set of books of commentaries of Rabbies throughout the ages. The fact that the Talmud was not codified until much later, does not mean there is no Talmud. Hillel died around 10 AD. When Israelite Rabbis came to Jesus and asked if it was permitted to divorce, the followers of Hillel claimed that a wife who even burned a meal came be divorced. The followers of Shammai, another Rabbi, claimed it was only for serious reasons that divorce is permitted, such as adultery. This is the actual starting point of the Talmud. Although one must mention that there is an UNWRITTEN oral Tradition of Teachings that are passed down that is claimed to come only down and known only to the rabbinical elites. This oral tradition if accepted, would contradict some of Christ's Teachings.

Bill Danby said...

You're confusing the Mishnah with the Talmud.

Constantine said...

The Mishnan is all part of the greater Talmud. One book is a commentary and another book is a commentary on the commentaries.

Anonymous said...

JANUARY 13, 2018
One World Religion Grand Ecumenical Procession to be held on Jan 22 by the Vatican

Anonymous said...

Silly "Elias" declaring some sort of VatII infallibility. VatII was a pastoral council, nothing more, it defined no dogmas, clarified nothing and nobody is bound to accept anything new which it states such as "the muslims and jews adore one merciful God". PUre hogwash, Muslims and Jews don't believe Christ is Lord and thus we can absolutely say they don't believe in the new testament.

Bill Danby said...

You're correct about the Jewish doctrinal sequence of the Mishnah (200 AD) which is a commentary on the Torah which focuses on Purity and Separation laws then the two Talmuds (300 and 500 AD) that consists of rabbinic interpretation and commentary on the Mishnah but where do you go with from here?

Max said...

Anonymous would do well to become acquainted with Church's rejection of the term 'God-killer' as applied to the Jewish people. That kind of language was especially attractive to the lazy minded lizard brain Nazis and Czarist mobs who used it as a convenient rationale to wipe out millions of human beings.
It is evident from some of the comments on this site, that the rabid attack dog mentality continues to flourish among the latter day suburban Brown Shirts and Gott-mit-uns storm troopers.

Unknown said...

I am disgusted by some of the hate-filled comments by so-called Catholics. Shame on you!

Tancred said...

Everybody I don't like is a Nazi.

Anonymous said...

Max, I wasnt applying it to the whole nation, but to those who actually had part in killing of our Lord. From them spawned rabbinic judaism, godless sect which still awaits messiah (Antichrist).

Max Z said...

You'll need to prove your assertions otherwise people could understandably conclude that you are making up your script as you go along.
As for your retreat from a blanket condemnation of the entire Jewish people, how do you interpret Matthew 27: 25?
BTW, you haven't responded to the fact that the Catholic Church has solemnly condemned the language of 'God-killers'. There is no sitting on the fence on this one.

susan said...

max/feybriel/pot-stirer-for-no-other-reason-than-to-whip-up-an-argument.....there is not a thing wrong with what anon sid...he is right, you are wrong....again. and again. and again.

Take it up with St. Peter.
"Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs which God did through Him in your midst, as you yourselves know--this Jesus, delivered up according tho the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, YOU crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men."

They were convicted, "cut to the heart", repented, were baptized, and became....(are you ready for it feybriel?).....CATHOLIC. The ones who didn't enter the Church continued plotting against the Christians, jailing and killing them, including Saul; who, after he was converted and baptized (becoming CATHOLIC), called the Judaizers "the synagogue of satan" because they taught and spread wicked lies about Our Lord and out Lady, and ferociously persecuted the Church.

The first Christians/Catholics were converted Jews, and they continued the line of Judaism through the Catholic Faith, recognizing the promised Messiah had come in Jesus the Christ, and fulfilled the sacrificial requirement once and for all in Himself. The Jews who rejected their Messiah began a different religion altogether....after 70 AD, no more sacrifice. Rabbinic/Talmudic 'judaism' is a different animal altogether, and in reading the Talmud, it is very easy to see where muhamhead got MUCH of his bloodthirsty, blasphemous ideas. Baaaad fruit came out of the rejection of Christ, and it just keeps comin'.

Nothing 'hateful' in that Henry Fomageot....just fact.

Bill Danby said...

This is a spectacular exhibition of deviant ideology wrapped in a thin layer of wacko Ubertrad warped bats bile drivel and masquerading as orthodox Catholic theology. There are libraries full of great big books that deal extensively with this kind of pathology. I think you feature in a few of them. Congratulations and have a nice Pogrom, Heidi.

susan said...

as usual, you have no coherent response to reason; just poo flinging. you might find this enjoyably should keep you amused for hours....

Bill D said...


Unknown said...

An oxymoron if here was ever one! Jews were persecuted . . .by Nazis.

Unknown said...

I meant: "an oxymoron if there. . ."

Tancred said...

Who do the Jews persecute?

Tancred said...

Not useful.

susan said...

What on earth does a pogrom have to do with saying that the Jews are in desperate need of conversion (as is everyone else who rejects Jesus; the Son of God, the 2nd Divine Person of the Blessed Trinity, through Whom and in Whom ALONE is salvation possible)?

you gonna tell me that's bat-bile theology Bill d'fay?


Tancred said...

He’s a seething ecclesiapoof.

Bill D said...

"Who do the Jews persecute?" is another example of your feeble ploys to deflect the issue away from the virulent, trenchant and utterly disordered hatred generated by the some people on this thread whose views are evidently supported by you, Tancred.
Answer Henri's challenge. Put up or shut up.

Bill D said...

The semi-literate hillbilly continues to shoot herself in the ideological foot with howlers such as naming the Apostle Paul as a convert to Catholicism when the term first crops up in the letter of Ignatius of Antioch to the Smyrnaeans around 110 AD and then in a very restricted sense. Paul's use of the expression, 'Synagogue of Satan,' is directed at a specific group of opponents and they were probably Judaeo-Christians he called 'the circumcision party' or 'the men from James.'
Your fuzzy, confused, malevolent, fundamentalist rants indicate that you have alienated yourself from the thinking of the Catholic Church.
Get some remedial catechesis.

susan said...

D'fey, you illiterate Dolly Parton wannabe....Ignatius put a name to WHAT WAS THERE. You totally out yourself in your heterodoxy and stupidity when you deny that Christ instituted the Catholic Church. That's cat 101, you ass of an ass, (and that's an insult to asses everwhere). Read Acts and try to comprehend what Paul said about the Jews who were prosecuting the Christians/ (C.A.T.H.O.L.I.C.S.).

Hey super-mensa...."duh, the Bible doesn't say anything about transustantiation, so it doesn't happen, hillbilly!...and it never says the word Trinity, so yer just makin' it up yeeehawww, bat-hole, crazy, stoop of a...of a....FUNDAMENTALIST! you're a hillbilly!"

Yeah....your "arguments' are always so persuasive. Why don't you throw 'rigid' in there too?....oh, that's right; cause you have no idea what that means.


susan said...

serously Tancred....seriously. Why do allow this cretin so much space?'s like inviting herpes into your pants. He's demonic.

Bill said...

The gutter mouth is evidently are well acquainted with the Clap and its relatives so it's no wonder that your deviant mind automatically trots out this kind of nonsense. It also comes as no surprise that you constantly run home to the Kommandant for protection when you can't put a rational argument together.
Your depth of your insecurity should be enough for you to get some help.

JBQ said...

@Bill: You need to get a translator who knows English grammar. As Ron Reagan would say, "there you go again" in attacking women.

JBQ said...

@Bill: You need to hire a translator who knows English grammar. As Ron Reagan would say, "there you go again" in attacking women. Your opinion is valid but your choice of words is suspect.

Peter W said...

Bill is capable of making distinctions. He is right here to make such a distinction between women and Harpies. Thye are not the same, Twerp.

susan said...

"Thye" might not be the same, but 'Peter W' and 'Bill D' are, and you are a T.O.T.A.L. psycho.

susan said... HONESTLY think feybriel's opinion is 'valid'? ya read what he writes? He's a snake.

y'know, maybe Damien had the right idea....let feybriel take over, and you guys sidle right up to him. I'm done....this has become more of a snake pit than I's just not worth the time or the effort.

Good luck and God bless.

JBQ said...

@susan: You misread. He has the right to his opinion but it stinks. He doesn't respect the right of others to express their opinion. A respectful dialog is in order. The truth then will win out. Even "snakes" have the right to their opinion.

Tancred said...

Calling someone “hateful” isn’t much of a challenge, and the Jews still haven’t apologized for murdering Saint Stephen.