Tuesday, January 9, 2018

San Antonio Archbishop Lashes Out at Faithful Nuns

We've been told that the Poor Clares [resident at Our Lady of the Atonement, an Anglican-use Catholic parish] is suffering petty retaliation from new San Antonio Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller  [because of the recent transfer of the parish to the Anglican-use Catholic Ordinariate].

 The story originally appeared in the parish blog Atonement Online, but has been taken down. We can only guess why. Whatever happened to that whole Vatican II thing about us being adults who could decide for ourselves what's right? What is the current set in charge of things these days so afraid of?



M. Prodigal said...

This bishop tried or rather did sideline the pastor just before the transfer. This booming parish with full school that is VERY orthodox has been affront to the modernist agenda. Luckily the parish got transferred out of diocesan control. But these are not the only holy sisters being persecuted these days (FSI).

Anonymous said...

Too bad they aren't a bunch of lesbians. He would have warmly embraced them, I'm sure of it.

JBQ said...

Too sad, too true.

Suzana Solis said...


Suzana Solis said...

Papa Pavao V., svojom Bulom od 1. veljace 1615.g., odobrio je Kongregaciju, a novom Bulom od 6. listopada 1616., odobreno je i besplatno poucavanje djevojcica. U glavnoj crkvi u Nancyu, 21. studenoga 1617.g., obavljeno je prvo sluzbeno redovnicko oblacenje u uniformu. Izmedju 13 obucenih redovnica bila je i Alix le Clerc sa svojim prvim druzicama: Gante Andree, Klaudija, Chauvenel, Izabela Louvroir. Nakon svecanosti oblacenja usle su u klauzuru. Slijedece godine, 2. prosinca 1618., sestre su polozile redovnicke zavjete, a 9. prosinca slijedio je kanonski izbor poglavarice za kucu u Nancyu. Jednoglasno je izabrana s. Alix le Clerc, koja je tom prigodom uzela ime: Majka Terezija od Isusa.

Veoma aktivna na svim podrucjima odgoja djevojcica, te napornim radom - osnivanjem novih samostana - kuca u kojima se nastojalo "ciniti svako moguce dobro" i iscrpljen, istrosena pokornickim zivotom Majka Alix se tesko razboljela pa je 9. sijecnja 1622.g. zavrsila svoj kratki, ali plodan zivot. Preminula je u Nancyu na glasu svetosti i tamo je sahranjena sa svim pocastima.
Papa Pio XII. proglasio je blazenom Majku Alix u svibnju 1947. godine.
Sestre "Nase Gospe" nastoje sto vjernije zivjeti izvornu karizmu pod okriljem Blazene Djevice Marije, po primjeru svoje prve majke, koja je zeljela da u odgoju djece "imaju dusu djevice, a srce majke!" Po njezinu zagovoru dogadjaju se i danas mnoga ozdravljenja.

"Uvijek cu ciniti ono sto je Bogu draze pa makar morala i umrijeti!"
"Redovnicki zivot je jedna vrsta neba gdje se smiju ciniti samo sveta djela!"
"Sve nase planove stavljam pod zastitu BDM i moje pouzdanje u Njezinu pomoc je bez granica!"
"Isusu se dolazi jedino po Mariji - djeliteljici svih milosti sto ih je Krist zasluzio!"
"Sve sam od Boga molila preko Marije i Njezina Sina - nista neka se ne zapocne bez Majke Marije!"

Elio said...

Keep an open mind. Maybe they are orthodox, loyal raging lesbians who have occasioned 'admiratio' (scandal) among the population.

Bogdan said...

Danuta the turnip girl is back.

jac said...

Obviously the achbp Garcia-Siller dislikes the anglicans converted to catholicism, all the more so when they are spoiled from his jurisdiction.
The poor Clares sisters are the victims of his hatred and his revenge, being too much trad catholic in his eyes.

Woody said...

I have not heard anything from my sources close to Atonement yet so can only speculate, but it appears that this move by the Archbishop was indeed retaliation against Atonement and the Ordinariate. If that is true, it is ironic in that the founding pastor of Atonement took retirement from the parish (although evidently still active in the Ordinariate at large) reputedly, among other reasons, so that relations with the Archbishop could be improved. Interestingly also, I had it from another, non-Latin church Catholic cleric, recently, that San Antonio is viewed as a trouble spot, I.e. unorthodox, thus confirming what many of us have thought for years. Atonement is a thorn in their side, even more so now that they are not subject to archdiocesan control. Much like West Germany was to the old DDR- the peasants and workers cannot be made to love the socialist paradise so long as they can see the better alternative.

JBQ said...

@Woody: Welcome to "Cheers" in Boston where everyone knows your name. "the peasants and workers cannot be made to love the socialist paradise so long as they can see the better alternative". That was why Mindszenty was removed from Hungary by Paul VI and why Francis is maneuvering likewise with the followers of Cardinal Zen in China.

Woody said...

@JBQ, I spent four years at school in a suburb of Boston, but it was before Cheers, sadly. All the best.

Anonymous said...

There is no reason to believe that the nuns at Atonement are guilty of any scandal. I used to attend Atonement and it just isn't that kind of place. Any suggestion that there are any significant scandals at Atonement likely comes from hacks paid by the Archbishop.