The weekly L'Espresso magazine reported on the extra income of one of Pope Francis' closest confidants, Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, former chairman of Caritas International, who under the current pontificate, considered himself a particularly intense poverty preacher of a "poor church for the poor." He additionally even put himself in position as a potential successor to Pope Francis.
The weekly magazine unveiled the "new scandal" yesterday coinciding with the Christmas address of the Pope to the Roman Curia, which again became a verbal attack against the central office of the universal Church.
According to L'Espresso, Cardinal Maradiaga receives $ 41,600 a month from the Catholic University of Tegucigalpa , of which he is the Grand Chancellor. In December, he even received $ 64,200 as a "Christmas present". In 2015 alone, the total amount that Maradiaga received for his "services" as Grand Chancellor amounted to "nearly $ 600,000." The Office of the "Grand Chancellor" is automatically linked to that of the Archbishop and has the purpose of ensuring the solidarity of the University with the Church. The office has primarily representative functions and also control oversight. Work or services are not associated with it. The payments to Cardinal Maradiaga are an "extra" to his ordinary income, which the cardinal as the highest official has availed to himself to a certain extent. You could also say self service.
The cardinal with the wire to George Soros

Maradiaga had already been accused in the summer of 2016, following DC Leaks revelations, in connection with the Pope's visit to the United States in 2015, to have concluded a deal with the left-wing activist and billionaire multi-billionaire George Soros. A payment of $ 650,000 from Soros for financing the Pope's visit is attested. Since then, the question has been raised as to which influence Soros and his network were able to exert on the Pope's visit. It was speculated that Pope Francis was silent in return for topics such as the mass murder of unborn children through abortion and "gay marriage", two "holy cows" of the political left.
Maradiaga also proved to be a particularly keen club-swingers against any criticism of the administration of Pope Francis. He was particularly underhanded against the Cardinals who presented Pope Francis in autumn 2016 with the Dubia (doubt) to the controversial post-synodal letter Amoris laetitia. Maradiaga's speech for Italian Switzerland's television was a shameful train wreck, for which the Honduran neither apologized nor did Pope Francis demand such from him. Maradiaga had said:
"First and foremost, I think they did not read Amoris laetitia, because unfortunately that is the case! I know the four and say: you are already retired. How come they say nothing to those who make weapons? Some are in countries that produce and sell weapons for the genocide that takes place in Syria - for example. Why? I do not want to be, let's say, too harsh: only God alone knows the conscience of men and the inner motives, but seen from the outside, this seems to me a new pharisaism. They were wrong, they better do something else. "
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: L'Espresso (screenshot) / InfoVaticana
Image: L'Espresso (screenshot) / InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred
God save us from Pope Francis.
Nice posting.
Typical communist. They're always talking about rich capitalists. In reality, they want a return to feudalism. You slave away for the lord of the manor while he lives like a king. These men care nothing for our Lord Jesus Christ or the eternal welfare of souls.
Rent boy rates have inflated!
Seattle kim
Cardinal Maradiaga responds to allegations of corruption
In socialism, all are equal with some being "more equal" than others.
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