Sunday, November 26, 2017

Local Catholics Infuriated by Blasphemous Crucified Cow in Belgium

Edit: this was sent to us by a reader from Dries Goethals in their local protest against blasphemy in the Belgian village of Borgloon, the "work" of the installation artist Tom Kerck. The "work" is called "The Holy Cow".


Anonymous said...

Good for them!

byron said...

“Oh, you, who are my friends, and my faithful children, look and see if there be any sorrow like mine. Everywhere My enemies despise and insult both my Eternal Father and My Church, the cherished Spouse of My Heart. Will no one rise up to console Me by defending the glory of My Father, and the honor of My Spouse, which has been so cruelly attacked? I can no longer remain in the midst of a people that will continue to be so heedless and so ungrateful. Look at the torrents of tears that stream from My eyes! Can I find no one to wipe away these tears by making reparation to My Father, and imploring forgiveness for the guilty?”
— Words of Our Lord to Sr. Mary of St. Peter

Sr. Mary of St. Peter (French: Marie de Saint Pierre) (1816–1848), was a Discalced Carmelite nun who lived in Tours, France. From 1844 to 1847, our Lord spoke to her about spreading throughout the world, the devotion to His Most Holy Face. He also revealed to her, in particular, that the Father was greatly offended by sin, especially by the widespread violation of the first three of the Ten Commandments: the Holy Name of God blasphemed, and the Holy Day of the Lord profaned. Through this work of reparation to the Holy Face, God’s justice would be disarmed. He promised to imprint His divine likeness on the souls of those who honor His most holy countenance, and He further promised that all who would defend His cause in the Work of Reparation by words, by prayers, or in writing, will be defended by Him before His Father.

Anonymous said...

One thing I dont understand here: Why nobody didnt enter inside the church and break/demolish that piece of Satan-art, take it outside and burn it? Where I am coming from (old Catholic land) the parish priest and the ordinary too would receive some eggs and tomatoes and boos every time until they make a huge apology and satisfaction and reparation and conseceation of the church. They should learn now if they didnt receive a proper education from their mothers.


JBQ said...

One is presuming that the modern Church believes in the Ten Commandments.

Anonymous said...

I signed the LSN petition and strongly encourage all Catholics and others to do the same.


Re making reparation: Our Lord Himself gave these prayers to Sister Mary of St. Peter:

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Adorable Face of Thy Beloved Son, for the honor and glory of Thy Holy Name and for the salvation of all men.

N.B. Our Lord also told her that one can offer up His Holy Face for any intention.

Prayer to Defeat Communists and All Revolutionary Men

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and all the instruments of His Holy Passion, that Thou mayest put division in the camp of Thine enemies, for as Thy Beloved Son hath said: "A kingdom divided against itself shall fall."

The Golden Arrow (specifically in reparation for blasphemy):

May the Most Holy, Most Sacred, Most Adorable, Most Mysterious and Unutterable Name of God be praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified, in Heaven, on earth, and in the hells, by all God's creatures, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. AMEN.

N.B. This is the correct translation of the Golden Arrow. Other translations have "and under the earth" instead of "and in the hells". The late John Vennari once wrote about the difference between the two.

Please pass these prayers on to everyone you know.


Anonymous said...

It's NOT good to desecrate a Catholic church. On the contrary, it's abominable, diabolical, disgusting, sacrilegious...need I go on?


Mack Green said...

Another fake story from the Emporium of hubris, dissemblance and confected ideological self-referentiality.

TLM said...

Yes, Margaret, I signed as well....for whatever it's worth. And thank you for posting the prayer to defeat Communism and the Golden Arrow prayer, very important. And.......rather that just signing the petition, if I were living in the region, I would just gather some young strong faithful men, go to the Church and cut that abomination down myself!! Maybe easier said than done, but I would find a way, no MATTER the consequences. Then I would post a huge sign that says: "How dare you defile a consecrated Catholic Church with this abomination straight out of the mouth of HELL."

Anonymous said...

Mucho ado about nothing. Why weren't all of you angry catholics signing petitions and taking action to fill the churches over there, which have largely been abandoned, with less than 5% of the populatuon going to church regularly? Where was your outcry as the majority of the catholic churches there were slowly being deconsecrated and closed down? Oh, that's right... rather than worshipping Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, you were probably more interested in stopping by the Church of McDonald's and worshipping your Big Mac, Fries, and Coke. Take the plank out of your own eyes, and save the church.

Anonymous said...

Where was your outcry when these churches were being abandoned by the catholics that live in that region? Where was your outcry as these churches were being deconsecrated (this one hasn't been yet)? Why weren't you signing petitions when the church actually needed you? Let me lay this out for you: catholic pride is more important to you than your faith in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. YOU have defiled the consecrated church yourself by abandoning it. Every time you ate out, threw your food away, bought a "little something" for yourself instead of helping a fellow in need... every time you failed to spread the WORD OF GOD, you committed blasphemy far worse than this artist.

Anonymous said...

It's real news for fake Christians, aka "Catholics." The real story here: "Artist Displays Holy Cow in an Abandoned Catholic Church; Catholic Churches in Region Largely Abandoned as Catholics No Longer Attend Mass." Ask yourselves why the churches are being abandoned in the region before throwing your stones at the artist.

Anonymous said...

Mass is still held in that Church,its not deconsecrated.

Kathleen1031 said...

Well what are people who live, say, in the USA, supposed to do about faithless Catholics in Europe who abandon churches, stop attending, etc? We've got our own problems, believe me. I do not understand your line of reasoning, but putting a dead crucified cow on a cross in a church, is a far, far greater blasphemy than "failing to spread the Word of God". You mean well, I'm sure, but your reasoning is off.
This act of sheer hatred for God and total disrespect for Christians, is simply not to be tolerated. We have for too long allowed these people to push us around and commit real blasphemy, which this art surely is, and then, to cap everything off, when REAL Christians turn up in droves to dismantle said blasphemy, we get high and mighty fellow Catholics, who criticize the RIGHT and APPROPRIATE removal of this outrage! This is moral confusion friends, and it is time for Christians to take some matters into our own hands, and be courageous. We don't want to do anything but, defend Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Sometimes you have to "take one for the team" and risk an arrest. It won't be the worst thing that happens to you, and you will have defended Christ, and shown these people that we aren't just willing victims standing around for them to get famous by abusing us or Our Lord.

Kathleen1031 said...

I agree. We badly need an infusion of manliness and zeal. What we've got is apathy, acedia, and effeminacy, and it's getting us absolutely nowhere fast. Time to man up, and make some noise. You want some lio? We need to bring it.

Kathleen1031 said...

The "artist" is just another charlatan who wants to get famous and make money by crapping publicly on something sacred to Christians. The End. This is not an artist in the sense of art as it has always been understood. I'm not an artist, but I bet I could dream up some vulgar and insulting art that would cause Muslims and Jews head's to spin, it takes no imagination to do so, just a child's level of creativity and a molecule of knowledge about what they hold dear. Easy peasy lemon squeezy, and voila, I'm an artist! Except it's not art, it's junk, it's ugly, makes no point, and offends people, but to people who see a way to make money from no talent whatsoever except being sacrilegious, what do they care.

Kathleen1031 said...

I've got your number now Pallie, you're not a Catholic, you're an outsider, here to mock and disrespect decent people, who not only have to put up with Satanic assaults like this idiotic cow thing, but then, out of the cracks in the walls, or from under rocks, come creatures like yourself, who are here to just throw a little salt in the wound, so FUN!
Go away Satan, begone, St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into Hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls, Amen.

Clyde said...

Another rabid supine fan of the Madison clerical scammer on the dime of the poor and dealer in trinkets, dodgy rubrics, exotica, guilt trips and bad Latin. What a ponce!

Prayerful said...

Churches are empty because of the Robber Council followed by the next to worthless Bugnini committee liturgy, yet Mass was once offered there, and so some local Catholic youths need to smash that rubbish. Take it out and burn it.

TLM said...

Hmm...'Anonymous', who is it exactly you are referring to that is committing 'blasphemy far greater than this artist'? Not speaking up in defending Christ INSIDE His Church? Not spreading the WORD OF GOD? Not sacrificing ourselves to feed the poor? And how is it that you seem to KNOW that any of us are guilty of that? And how is it that you KNOW what any one of us in particular has done and not done to stand for Christ PUBLICLY? Not saying that some are not guilty of what you have 'laid out', they certainly are, and there are those that STILL TO THIS DAY are guilty of not truly living their faith, but you are so bold as to JUDGE those you don't even KNOW and how they practice their faith and what they do or don't do to stand for Christ! Glad you have such a 'handle' on everyone.

Anonymous said...

Pls, consider the using of less phraseological english, if you want me to understand your message. :)


TLM said...

Exactly correct Kathleen 1031!! I would say we may have some 'troll' activity going on here. Ignore the 'trolls'...

Anonymous said...

Michael the Archangel is probably wondering why you are asking him to defend you instead of Jesus. Either way, even after your petitions fail and the artist takes down his display in this ABANDONED CHURCH after the contracted time period is up, the church will still be empty. The problem with catholics today is that you let your arrogance and pride in your denomination trump your faith in Jesus. You're doing exactly what Jesus said not to do: letting traditions become rote practice. Did it ever occur to you that God is dismantling the catholic church for a reason? This is an act of God, showing you all how you are worshipping idols rather than God himself through Jesus. You put a man in adorned robes above everyone else, and profess your denomination before professing Christ.

Unknown said...

To all those Protestants/anti-Catholics responding here: convert to the One, True Church of Christ or risk Hell-fire for eternity. Remember there are always Judases in the Church. Christ chose Judas Himself to be an apostle, knowing he would betray Him. This doesn’t make the Catholic Church any less true. The fact that Satan attacks it so much is proof itself it’s real. The great apostasy has been predicted even by Christ Homself. When He returns, will He find any faith left on earth?

Anonymous said...

And we have a Luke Vercollone using this acronym cum logo BeASt to attract youth to lead a holy life. Am I to laugh or to cry??

Anonymous said...

Your pride is showing. The "one true church" is the body of believers, not an organization that has made up rules that aren't found in the Word of God anywhere. Your faith in your religion will guide you into the hellfire that you warn others of.

Anonymous said...

It is scheduled to be.

Anonymous said...

Committees, councils... the catholic church is faultering because of these prideful things. Get back to basics. Church starts in your homes, not one day a week in a temple of pride. The churches are empty because the youth aren't going to sit through rote traditions where you just go through the motions... especially in a dead language that they can't understand! The youth are HUNGRY for His food and THIRSTY for His water, yet you teach traditions of man rather than His WAY. You say one thing and then do the other! You are STUCK on traditions, and you can't argue that. Did Jesus teach to be a superior religious zealot, or did he teach you to be a humble disciple, taking criticism to make you closer to Him? Alas, you are going to either ignore this or carry on about the superiority of catholics. I leave you with this: Phar·i·see
a member of an ancient Jewish sect, distinguished by strict observance of the traditional and written law, and commonly held to have pretensions to superior sanctity.
a self-righteous person; a hypocrite
What makes you any different now that the catholic church has fallen into the same behavior?

Anonymous said...

Natalie... "convert to the One, True Church of Christ or risk Hell-fire for eternity." This is EXACTLY why the catholic church is failing. Jesus preached love, how to come to HIM, and told us all to go and make disciplea of all nations. He did NOT preach hellfire and damnation. You dishonor Jesus by spreading hate wrapped in a blanket of religion. You can't hold a gun to someone to make them love you, but you CAN love others so that they might come to understand God's love, and once they do, they may follow Him.

Anonymous said...

TLM, I know this because as the catholic church shrinks, other churches are growing... people are leaving the catholic church because they see the truth: The Word of God is far superior than any of the rules and written laws that the catholic church has made up. Other branches of Christianity are preaching the teachings of Jesus, not hailing Mary or praying to Angels or dead humans for intervention. They follow and teach the Word. I am not judging the individual; you mistake the call for faith as an attack. I am mocking your RELIGION because it is completely against the teachings of Jesus. Open your Bible and read His Word. Can't you see with your own eyes how WRONG the catholic church is? Your pride in the ways of the Pharisee is astounding! That is the point of this artist- as catholic influence falls, pride and gluttony rise. Consumerism, self centeredness... I don't need to prove it to you because it is all around you. If you want to bring youth and new life back into the catholic church, get off the religious/tradition/laws bandwagon of the Pharisees. Understand that the only true church of Christ is the body of believers across ALL so called denominations. The pride of the catholic church will be it's own downfall. That's not a judgment... it's an observation.

It was an attempt by Satan to imitate the Blessed Mother to lend credibility to the Blessed Sacrament with the changes made in Vatican 2. This whole thing was the support the changes going on in Vatic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
It was an attempt by Satan to imitate the Blessed Mother to lend credibility to the Blessed Sacrament with the changes made in Vatican 2. This whole thing was the support the changes going on in Vatic said...

You are a typical freemanson ploy of mixing truth with lies. You take from dogmas of the church, little (a dead language) just enough to fit your premise and plan of attack. You use the pits and throw away the fruit, of the sacraments of the church as your plan of attack. It is you who have the self righteousness of pride. A typical protestant posture who thinks they are the sole authority on the matter. You sir are the very thing you speak against. Your defense is general speculation unfounded by strong longstanding reason. In the name of being your own master having freedom, equality, fraternity ( ha) you forsake the principals of virtue without which you cannot get into heaven. Unlike you I will not go on and on and on because you have ears but cannot hear, eyes but cannot see.Your half truth is right the church is dead but not for the reasons you give but for the reasons you are.

susan said...


"Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!"

"Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.'"

"The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. 51 He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

" So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. 16 To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!” 17 His disciples remembered that it is written: “Zeal for your house will consume me.”"

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!" (x6!)

" You blind fools!"
"You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?"

“Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are invited, but few are chosen.”

"If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."

"But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever says to his brother, 'You good-for-nothing,' shall be guilty before the supreme court; and whoever says, 'You fool,' shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell."

"But I will warn you whom to fear: fear the One who, after He has killed, has authority to cast into hell; yes, I tell you, fear Him!"

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you travel around on sea and land to make one proselyte; and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves."

"Throw out the worthless slave into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

"These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."

"But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."

....for starters.

yep.....real bubblegum, teddybears and unicorn farts.


Anonymous said...

Susan, the funny thing is that catholics like to apply the scriptures that you quoted to others rather than themselves. Pharisee/Catholic... same thing.

Anonymous said...

If you ONLY spread the hellfire and damnation rather than teaching how Jesus loves us, you are no better than a radical muslim.

susan said...

and if you deny that Jesus preached "hellfire and damnation" and make Him out to be ONLY a teddybear and a punching bag you are no better than a rabid heretic.

Yes He loves us, and He also tells us in vivid, graphic, clear detail what the consequence of rejecting that love is. Grow up.

Anonymous said...

You can continue preaching and teaching hellfire and man made traditions if you really want to. That isn't my problem; it's the catholic church's problem. What is the most important commandment? That will never change, and should be the basis of your preaching, not about the fear of burning in hell. Do you wonder why the prideful catholic church is shrinking? It's because you are stuck on pride, traditions, and aren't focusing on the love if Jesus. "Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!" Jesus said this while referring to the hypocrites and the people the put on a face of being religious, but had zero relationship with Him. Sound familiar, catholic? What is important is not the hellfire, but the relationship you need to have with Jesus. He wants you to focus on HIM, not the consequences of NOT. "Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels." Again, this is the consequence. You're going to preach the consequence before introducing people to Jesus? Or focusing in that rather than His love? This scripture talks of obedient followers versus the pretenders and unbelievers. Walk the walk instead of talking the talk. Of course you must preach the Word, but you can't pick and choose. Focus on what Jesus wanted you to focus on, specifically what He said was most important.You also have to understand WHY Jesus said the things He said rather than pulling them out of context to fearmonger. "The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Did you miss the point here? You conveniently left out the scripture immediately before it: "Who then is the fearful and wise manager, whim the master puts in charge of his servanta to give them their food allowance at the proper time? It will be good for that servant whim the master finds doing so when he returns. I tell you the truth, he will put him in charge of all his possessions." Jesus then goes on to speak of the consequence. Look, if you want me to continue verse by verse, I can and would be happy to. The point here is that to bring more youth into the church, you need to focus on why GOD walked the earth, not of what will happen if you don't. Catholics need to stop acting as if God only intended that denomination to be with Him, or that somehow rote religious practices matter.In short, no, Jesus didn't preach or focus on damnation. He focused in love and forgiveness, but gave a healthy dose of what will happen to those that know about Him, and choose to ignore it. Jesus clearly didn't want to be remembered for damnation. Here's a consequence for you: "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to. Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are. " Feel free to keep reading Matthew 23. He's talking to catholics, the new age Pharisees. You bring people closer to hell in teaching damnation. You protest a statue in an abandoned church, but neglect the body of Christ and the altar He's given you.

susan said...

gawwwwww....verbose much?

your ramble is a straw dog. You made this comment (DIRECT quote)..."He (Jesus) did NOT preach hellfire and damnation". I gave you profuse evidence pointing to the BS of your statement. Period.

How 'bout you back off on the rabid I-want-to-argue-for-arguement's-sake attack dog crap for Advent?

Unknown said...

Amen, Susan. Your common sense (and faith!) is a breath of fresh air. Unfortunately, it is lost on the foolhardy.