Friday, October 20, 2017

Morning Papal Mass Before Many Empty Chairs

Pope Francis at Mass yesterday in Santa Marta where there are more empty spaces
(Rome) Whenever Pope Francis celebrates Holy Mass in Santa Marta, pictures of it are published. So also yesterday, when he once again blamed the Catholic priests for something that does not exist. In the house chapel of the Vatican guest house, since the beginning of his pontificate, the Holy Mass has been celebrated at seven o'clock in the morning.
It is noticeable in the pictures that relatively few to very few believers are present. This observation is more and more frequent. The participation in a Holy Mass celebrated by the Pope is an extraordinary privilege. Catholics would be in queues of thousands if they had the opportunity to participate.
In the spring of 2015 various media, referring to the Vatican, reported that there were "too many requests" to participate in the morning celebrations. Franca Giansoldati wrote on 23 April 2015 in Il Messaggero:
"The Pope's Mass in Santa Marta is overbooked. There are not even enough chairs."
Neither the early morning hours nor the security controls would deter them.
"Of course, the Pope wants to let everyone in. He often goes against the gendarmes and the other employees, who try to contain and order the massive current. But even Pope Francis must bow to the good will, to the rules, because all the many people who write to him every day and ask for a place (also standing room) to listen to his sermon and participate in the liturgical celebration, would not even fit into St. Peter's. The current has grown slowly, continuously, unstoppably. The inquiries come from everywhere, from small, remote villages of Northern Italy as well as from inaccessible areas of the Amazon jungle. In short, it is a planetary phenomenon."
Is it because of the high safety standards? A screened off pope, however, does not really fit the role of the office. This is quite independent of the Pope, who is the ruler, but less so to a pontificate, which openly preaches "openness". Is it possible to manage the "current" in the organizational inability of the competent authorities in the Vatican? Or is it due to the invitation policy of the papal inner circle to leave only selected people close to the pope by means of exclusive access criteria?
We do not know and ask.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Photo: Vatican Radio (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred


Anonymous said...

Is it because people are being screened out, or demand has crashed?
I watched a small clip of a canonization ceremony Francis held last Sunday in the sunny piazza of Saint Peter's, and was stunned by how relatively few people were in attendance. The press said 35,000. It looked like 10,000 less than that.
I remember pictures of a canonization Mass (1954) of Pope Pius X conducted by the great Pope Pius XII. It is said that no pope brought more people to his ceremonies at St.Peter's than Pius XII. This perhaps is true. There were in excess of 500,000 pilgrims at the proclaimation of the Dogma of the Assumption by Pope Pius XII in 1950, and the same numbers at both the canonizations of St. Pope Pius X and St. Maria Goretti- both conducted with full papal regalia by Pope Pius XII.
It is said that there were two Popes in recent memory who really knew how to "pope" when it came to ceremony....Pius XII and believe it or not, John XXIII. John XXIII, unlike many recent popes, had a direct hand in his coronation ceremonies, and when told by his papal Master of Ceremonies and other attendants that he was making the coronation too long and too ornate, John XXIII famously said that he didn't care..."the more pomp, the better." His coronation was way longer that the simple ceremony Pius XII used in 1939. Paul VI cut his even shorter, and of course, Popes after him had none at all, unfortunately. It is said John Paul I canceled any coronation for himself not out of humility, but rather than he was embarrassed at being at the center. So he ruined it for any succeeding Popes to bring it back.
I personally believe that Francis is not as popular as the media claims. He definitely is not in Rome and the Vatican, and from what I have read, in vast parts of Europe as well.
Damian Malliapalli

TLM said...

Yeah, well, when a 'Pope' constantly proclaims anti Catholicism, empty chairs is what you get.

Thom Nickels said...

And it looks like a relatively dull Novus Ordo Mass as well.

JBQ said...

Look very closely at the two rows of priests. They are actually "dummies" with sticks in their rectums to hold them in their seats.

Anonymous said...

Interesting information, Damian. I wish the next will have a proper coronation.

John E said...

How many were at Calvary?

susan said... bergoglio is Jesus to you faybriel?

feybriel's math; 2+2=5. Better watch your messages...berggy might wanna make you a cardinal with a rainbow beenie.

Anonymous said...

Hey, take a look at the list of losers who finally came out in support of Bergoglio (aka Pope Francis) after the Fraternal Correction by outstanding first class, top flight orthodox and traditional or just plain down to earth faithful Catholic academics.
The 120+ list who came out in support of Francis will only make him look worse....not better. It's a list of bottom of the barrel theologians, retired radical bishops(2-3), and theologians of the pro-gay, pro-transsexuals, pro-women priests, pro-married priests, pro-homo marriage crowd.
It's already backfiring, and causing a huge scandal because of the backround and credentials and agenda of these people...mostly from German speaking countries.
Because of what they stand for, this will only make Francis look worse, not better!!! WHAT A POPE! hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
Damian Malliapalli

Anonymous said...

Makes a change from what's normally in there

Wulfrano Ruiz Sainz said...

Poop SOB sucks.

mtcbones said...

he was illegitimately elected and therefore is not pope the new rules pope st john paul 2 put into operation say that if an election was orchestrated the election is in valid and the candidate is not pope. the election was orchestrated by the sanct gallen group (and on another layer by george soros)

susan said...

not to mention substantial error in Benedict's 'resignation', and the fact that bergoglio's a multiple, manifest, persistent heretic.

But hey, other than that.....

J. Kosuiusko said...

There is no substantial error in Benedict's 'resignation' whatsoever and no one except those who are dependent on authority figures to think for them and to guarantee the continuation of a world of doctrinaire ideology. Its not just the toxic schismatics who are perpetuating this nonsense, it's the dissembling enablers and rumour mongers like Lifesites, Rorate Caeli, Sandro Magister, Nardi, 1Peter5 etc, etc. They are ideologues who are doing enormous damage to the unity of the Church.

Tancred said...


susan said...

Yeah...that's right J. Kosuiusko.....forget about that pesky Canon 188 and well reasoned analysis such as this.....
and this....

...and the St. Gallen homo-group's illegal, invalidating electioneering; and the multiple, manifest, persistent heresies bergoglio's pushing. You follow that pied piper, but take along some warm (mighty warm) weather clothes. You'll recognize that piper...he's the guy without one single stitch of clothing on, but tons of people ohhhing and awwwwing at how magnificently he's dressed.

J. Kosuiusko said...

Ed Peters, a traditionalist Canon Lawyer, who has forgotten more than you will ever learn about Canon Law, says that the conspiracy theorists about an illegal and invalid conclave that elected Jorge Begoglio as Pope Francis are not supported by the Code and have nothing but their own whines and unsubstantiated allegations to stand on. Even SSPX leaders don't contest the legitimacy of Francis' papacy.
Deal with it and get over it.

Tancred said...

Cough... Ed Peters has no integrity...when the butch lesbian denounced the priest at a funeral who refused her Communion, he sided with the sodomite enabler, Cupich, who incredibly, someone ordained and made into an Archbishop and entrusted millions of souls to his "care".

Sorry, he's not credible. No more credible than muttering a sassy cliche telling normal people who see through the degeneracy to "get over it".

Go play on a busy street.

J. Kosuiusko said...

What I have noticed on many traditionalist sites like this one, the heroes and standard bearers, those with cred and gravitas are disappearing at what must be an alarming rate of attrition to the Remnant of the faithful. It seems to me that the
'Faith and Reason' party are not at all running out of Faith (that should never be contested) but the ability to reason with any cogency or persuasiveness.
Who are the ones in your opinion, Tancred, who are the remaining orthodox leaders who will guide the Church along the way you believe is the right one?

susan said...

Ed Peters, of late, in an effort to defend all things bergoglian, would also seem to have forgotten more about Canon Law than HE ever knew. And 'Traditionalist' is simply another word for Catholic, while meant to be a pejorative by dissident progs.

It's libs like you, J. Kos, who are no doubt ebullient at the latest manure-drop from that Aegean stable that is bergoglio's pie-hole....

"Pope Francis said on October 11 that the Last Judgement is not to be feared, because “at the end of our history there is the merciful Jesus,” and therefore “everything will be saved. Everything.” (Gloria TV)

Teilhardian, manifest, Universalist H.E.R.E.S.Y. Let's see Ed Peters spin that can bet he'll try.

Canon 188 is extraordinarily straightforward. You wag your tongue a lot, but you never address the point....where is Nonveni wrong?...

Tancred said...

J. Kostco, if we get rid of more self-important mountebanks like you, I'm all for it.

J. Kosuiusko said...

Whatever of the gratuitous venting, name calling etc, who, among Catholic leaders, represent(s) the most promising path to the reestablishment of the Church's structure, rituals and practises that you want?
From the editorial policy on this site, there appears to be no one who ticks your boxes.

susan said...

T.....this clown is feybriel; same wording as a couple posts ago under 'Ben R' psycho....not worth the breath.

Tancred said...

He uses all these sockpuppets and they all say the same things.

Anonymous said...

""Pope Francis said on October 11 that the Last Judgement is not to be feared, because “at the end of our history there is the merciful Jesus,” and therefore “everything will be saved. Everything.” (Gloria TV)"

Pope Francis is not only one sick SOB, but he really is (and I wasn't really willing to believe it till I saw this on Gloria TV) a true, out in the open 100% heretic to say this kind of crap.
Using Francis example, the Last Judgement isn't to be feared, even for the likes of the guy who just slaughtered (what was it, 58 innincent people?) in Las Vegas, all the Isis/Muslim terrorists and their copy-cat killers who have killed thousands, Osama bin Laden, the Turks who slaughtered a million innocent Armenian Christians in the early 1900's, all the millions Mao, Stalin, Lenin and of course, the worst of all, Hitler killed( six million Jews and 11 million others), all the sick bastards who prey on innocent women, or kill innocent people, all the sex perverts (hiding in the Vatican among other places around the world), the pedophiles, murderers, thieves, terrorists....they don't need to fear the Last Judgement or feel guilty or remorse for what they've done because, according to Francis "there is the merciful Jesus,” and therefore “everything will be saved. Everything" No punishment for anything, huh Francis? Nothing at all? This kinda thinking only encourages people to continue with whatever evil they do in their lives, because according to Francis, it doesn't matter....the merciful Jesus forgives everything, huh?
Call me stupid, but I'm willing to believe (and I'm putting my neck on the block on this one), that Francis MEANS (hopefully), that if someone repents of what they did, shows contrition, or in the case of Catholics, does the first two and also goes to confession and is absolved with the promise to amend their lives and turn away from sin.....then the merciful Jesus forgives and they are saved. I'm willing to believe Francis means this.
If he didn't say it/mean it.....but just meant everyone is saved regardless if they repent or not....then he's more warped than I thought. He's actually dangerous, He should be told to resign, quit and go back to Buenos Aires etc.
I just don't want to believe he would say something like that as a blanket forgiveness of everything I mentioned above without repentence etc. It's beyond heresy if he did.
Damian Malliapalli

Jacek said...

It seems that since Vat I, Christus Dominus and the behaviour of John Paul II, popes of any color can do practically what ever they like with their office or anyone else's. When you have the Keys of the Kingdom, no doors are permanently locked.

susan said...

Damian....dear, dear Damien. Wake up my young friend. seriously. I have a bracing, veracious, salutary red pill for you; read this.....

James Waters said...

The very incarnation of Satan himself.

JBQ said...

@J. Kosuiusko: There is an orthodox leader on whom Holy Scripture is based. We should be looking to the written word of God to ascertain the "rules of engagement" for society. The acceptance of "fornication, adultery, and sodomy" is just not in print. The good Lord deemed them to be wrong ways of acting. He called them sins. Francis calls them virtue.

JK said...

For the sake of justice and truth, you need to show written proof that Pope Francis regards 'fornication, adultery and sodomy' as virtues. If you don't you will have no claim to credibility. It's natural justice and a lot more...

Lex said...

What does that make you, Hell Boy>

James Waters said...

I was referring His Humbleness Pope Frank SJ.

James Waters said...

Well, okay then, hell boy it is then. I very much the Church has in its history seen a Pope as despicable and Frankie boy - and she has had many awful popes.

susan said...

Well, if this just doesn't make all kinds of sense:

There's a particularly nasty troll who disrupts at One Peter five mostly under the name of 'Gregory"...I noted MUCH of the very same syntax, colloquy, and attitude of our resident psycho feybriel (under 601+ different and ever-changing names, "Lex" being the latest). Turns out one of the moderators was able to track down who this clown is...."This guy is a "former" priest who's been chasing the spirit of Vatican 2 his whole life. Sad story. Pray for him."

It would seem that our initial reactions to this troll were dead-on....rainbow chasuble wearing, flaming heretic, probable molesting psycho.

T, if I were you (and I fully realize it's your blog), I'd block this jack's IP (every one he uses) from your good work. He's poison.

Anonymous said...

A Parish Priest at weekly Mass begins his Homily with the words ¨My dear empty pews¨

Anonymous said...

Traditionalists oppose Pope Francis on morals but give him a pass on salvation

Anonymous said...

Insulting comment! Unchristiaan remarks about Catholic priests at the Eucharist with the Holy Father.

Anonymous said...

We had 2 people plus an altar server the last 3 weeks in a row.
This is a Holy Sacrifice of the Mass mind you,not the Novus Ordo.
Western Civilization is imploding my friend.